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Kodi, Tim, Mitch - Wild? Not!!!

a small addendum: when speaking of two of the three I was not talking of Master Cody who may not have his acting creds but has one gorgeous body.
Reading this thread just confirms the efficacy of this forum. Some liked the scene; some didn't. For those who did, they said why; for those who didn't, they said why. And all in a mannerly, polite and civil way. And that's a good thing!

Mikeyank, I agree with you. I really like Kodi and haven't given up on him yet. I just hope he will make some changes for the better.
Kodi may not be able to "tone it down" but those lips sure make up for it.

I completely agree with you frankie...those lips are amazing! i just wished he would have gotten a little cum on them! I had hope for this scene even though the only model i recognized was Kodi. Gave this one a two but if there was anal or even just kissing it would have gotten a definite higher ranking from me! Hoping saturdays update is a little exciting!
I did not read this forum first .... I wanted to make up my own mind without any influence from the gang.
Before I watched it I did know 2 things.
1. I knew who was in it and I really don't care for any of the three.
2. Kodi was going to ham it up for the camera.
Now I know something else ....
I never have to watch this scene again!!!
Now this will come as a shock to many, I actually like this scene. No, it wasn't wild and therefore did not live up to the hype (I've yet to see a scene that did) But there was a charming naivete about it. It was as if they thought they were being wild. This scene must have been before the Kodi/Mitch scene judging by the dialogue. Maybe Clay told them it wasn't wild enough and that explains the hystrionics of the next scene. I really enjoy Kodi at this level. I like when he looks at "me" with those come on eyes. I like a little noise and heavy breathing. First scene sexier than the bologna scene for Kodi. I still maintained he learned his camera play on some other set. I like Tim and his workman way of getting into it. And I think Mitch is the cutest little guy. He reminds me of an eager teen, all ready and willing to try anything. Now, I think if Clay put Mitch on a bed with just about anybody and told him something like, " Do everything you can to make him want to fuck your brains out." And told the other guy privately to hold out as long as you can. You would see a little bed tiger eating up his prey. I just don't understand why point A never leads to point B in these scenes. I don't think I would be that great a videographer, but Damn! I know I could inspire these guys to give complete perfomances that would smoke.
Boring....... how are all these new shows getting rated above the oldies but SUPER GOODIES!?!?!? I don't see it, maybe it's just me......is the ballot box being fixed!?!?!?! Inquiring minds want to know....:)
Yeah tis was pretty bad, all three had more than enough time to juice things up rather than just kneel there.