Kodi is so handsome and adorable that I think I could watch him read a book and still be taken with him. And as far as sex appeal can you imagine how stunning he would look shirtless just eating a vanilla ice cream cone? He would probably draw a crowd! lol Of all ages, genders and marital statuses. Even straight married men with kids would stare!

Nobody would want to leave the ice cream parlor until he was finished! LOL
While I haven't had the time to watch the entire "
Kodi Bologna" scene yet, I did watch the first few minutes, and when Clay asked
Kodi to remove his shirt, I knew that I would go back to watch the entire scene.
I am totally in agreement with Tampa, that I would watch
Kodi shirtless doing almost anything, including reading a book or eating a vanilla ice cream cone.
Kodi is strikingly handsome, in the old fashion "Tiger Beat" way. I sure hope that he has an exclusive contract with
Broke Straight Boys When the models "whore themselves out", as our dear David used to call it, I quickly lose interest in watching them here, as the entire illusion of watching "reality porn" quickly disappears for me.
I intend to watch the rest of
Kodi cooking his bologna later tonight, as I find a shirtless
Kodi way hotter than many of the models on
Broke Straight Boys-2, engaged in a full sex scene.
Kodi's face and body epitomize the ideal
Broke Straight Boys to me.