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Kevin & diesal


Well-known Member
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
Did no one make a thread one this? If I am making a dup. but I thought the scene was hot. No kissing but who cares I thought of if two buddies where going to jack off together this would be how it would go down. For a bj scene it was what it was :)

AND dam kevin's bj skills have improved and for a little while diesal seemed to have a routine of doing it when normally its all about getting it over with.
I think I kept waiting, imagining that surely someone would start a thread. I've been a bit surprised by that myself! Don't know why I didn't just go ahead and start one....

It will undoubtedly come as no surprise to anyone that Diesal is my favorite guy to ever grace the futon. However, I really liked having Diesal paired again with a really masculine, total straightie. I think David really went back to the roots of the site here. Both guys give off the straight vibe like few other models have of late.

I agree with BiGurl that Kevin has really come along with his sucking skills, and it seemed less of a chore for Diesal I had high hopes while watching this scene that maybe they'd be able to jerk each other off, but that has almost never happened with Diesal, (once that I can recall) so I wasn't completely disappointed when they just took themselves in hand. It was a great jack off scene from there, both of the boys giving just enough side eye to the other's progress to keep me thinking they were liking what they were seeing in each other, which is the delicious part of a jerk off, to me....
I also thought it was a really good scene. I'm surprised it got rather low ratings. I'm such a fan of Diesal that his scenes would really have to suck (in a bad way, lol) for me not to like them. I also like Kevin. He has really come a long way. I must say that I cringed a bit when I heard that he was relying on Broke Straight Boys modeling for his only income. David has always told the repeat models to plan for the future. Because the modeling gravy train won't last forever. I'm pretty sure that Diesal works at a regular job while not doing porn.

I really liked the camera angles in this one that allowed us to see some of Diesal's facial expressions as he shot his load. I was hoping that Kevin might be able to get Diesal off with just the handjob. But not all models are able to get off that way.

I thought it was a very good vid.
Who can't love Diesal I don't know what he's like in person but his smile is so warming. Kevin was great in the scene but I found myself very distracted with all the sores on Kevins legs and hands. I found myself worried about Diesal's health. Personally, I think if a model is showing open sores, they should work another time and NOT take any chances. So now you know I'm a worrier.
......... I found myself very distracted with all the sores on Kevins legs and hands. I found myself worried about Diesal's health. Personally, I think if a model is showing open sores, they should work another time and NOT take any chances. So now you know I'm a worrier.
I too was put off by those sores. And not being the huge fan of either model, that many of you are, I found the whole scene disappointing, and somewhat boring, as both models have all ready gone a lot further in the past, there was no new ground covered. If I really loved both of these guys, I might have enjoyed seeing them together, but to me it was a case of, "been there, done that"....ho hum.
I took one look at the pics and for 2 guys who have both done more, I decided to give this one a miss.

I can see why you and Mike feel that way. In the sense that not much new ground was covered. My only response to that is that they are still very handsome guys in their own right. If you were seeing them for the first time I think that as a new member you would be impressed. The only thing I'll say to back up Diesal here is that he doesn't usually regress or stagnate in his performances. Unlike some other models who've been around for a while.

The formula for Broke Straight Boys though is j/o, oral and anal scenes. Unless you are going to get into kink and haul out the whips and chains, or have watersport contests....LOL...there's only so many different permutations of those 3 sexual acts that you can have one model do. Especially while trying to keep up the interest and excitement.

Personally I would have liked to see the scene get a very high 3 or a low 4. Maybe it still will.
Although I am generally reserved with critisisme I agree with Mikeyank that the shoot was rather disappointing.No doubt these guys are attractive but the shoot did not turn me on at all.There was no chemistry whatsoever and they gave the impression of wanting to get it over with as soon as popssible.This is absolutely
unworthy for experienced models.Diesal for one should do better after so many years with Broke Straight Boys and Kevin Martin as he is credited
in DVD's he appeared in for other studios is not running trial eighter.If it was their intention to show less experienced models how it should not be done they succeeded but this should not be
the objective.Very sorry for the many fans but as joninliverton also puts it this one is to be given a miss.
I didn't think it was as bad as, apparently, a lot of others did, but it just really wasn't exciting. Kevin's not really a favorite of mine and Diesal's had better match-ups. I thought Kevin gave a great blow job, but after that it was really boring.
