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Josh, Jeremy & Darren


BSB Addict
Nov 1, 2010
Reaction score
What started out as a trio ends with Jeremy leaving the scene. As I am not a big Jeremy fan, that was good news.

Josh is hot, and I hope to see him again soon.
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I have to agree Robert. Jeremy wasn't breaking any hearts when he left the room.
oh well! they come, cum and go. sometimes they don't ever cum. how rude! 'i'm not gay!' it's a blow job. straight guys have been helping each out for years. seems a straight man would proclaim, 'i am straight', not protest, 'i'm not gay'.
it was nice to see josh return.
after the i am broke, i am straight, i am a boy requirements were dealt by clay, darren went right to work on two dicks, then one dick. the other dick walked out. some guys make working out a way of life.
i like the way the money thing was present, like a loud whisper. i know it is about the money.
Good bye to Jeremy he was not a favorite of mine either, but it was dam rude to clay and all that was there I hope Clay sticks to his guns and fires him, and yes I sure hope Josh returns also
i hope Management takes notice, that Jeremys walking off the set says loud and clear that he doesn't want anything to do with gay sex. get rid of him. i hope we don't ever have to see him again. i am adding Darren to my list of favorites. he seems to be a very nice guy and very co-operative. He certainly does a good job of sucking cock! i also liked Josh alot. he was into getting his cock sucked and looked as if he really enjoyed it. it was a turn-on to see him watch Darren shoot his load and then hear him say " nice". i would enjoy seeing more of Darren and Josh. maybe having Josh fuck Darren.
Or was Jeremy leaving a setup... all scripted.

Never sure what to believe in a movie.
I tend to believe it wasn't a setup. The most surprising thing for me wasn't that he walked out on a scene in progress, it was that he was even hired in the first place. After all, he brought very very little to the table.
The leftovers remain

Jeremy a Broke Straight Boys model? Be fair, he didn't resemble any of the models Kianna:001_wub:Yank ©™ recently posted.
That made me consider the real possibility it could be scripted. Most mishaps are edited out; Clay could have filmed a few additional minutes.

Some forum members walked out, if the models are leaving too... you and I remain Tampa!

a leftover
I don't believe at all his leaving was scripted. The last thing you would want in the middle of a hot scene is for someone to leave. It would lead to, shall I say, bad press, which is mostly what we are writing about now. I believe that Clay and/or management will not be using him again. In all his years with Broke Straight Boys, David only had one model leave the set (if my memory is correct). That was Robert, of Alden and Robert Fame. But he would come back later and do three scenes.
While there were other scenes David shot wheer models were "packing Up" to leave David and or the other models were able to settle them down and they did stay on.

Live Long and Prosper,

Or was Jeremy leaving a setup... all scripted.

Never sure what to believe in a movie.
It was a strange scene, Robert. But I tend to think that it was scripted, as when Jeremy stopped, grabbed his clothes, and left the room with the sound of a door closing, it didn't seem to startle Clay or the other two models. One would think that if an actor quit in the middle of his scene, someone would yell "cut", before plan B went into effect. It all happened so matter of factly.

This was only an average scene in my opinion, with Josh the best looking of the three, and he did deliver a nice cum shot onto Darren, but I doubt if I'd ever go back to view this one again.
I am very disappointed. I have not enjoyed any of the videos since 4-1 except for Bobby and Rocco. The guys just don't have the look that I like, except for Bobby and Rocco. The "scripts" are not all that good either.
I doubt that it was scripted, but the way to tell is if Jeremy is ever back. If the management allows him back on the set then it was scripted. I wasn't surprised because he really looked unhappy in his solo. Otherwise Darren is a good cocksucker. He has proved it in other scenes too, but he can't put up an act of not being willing to do it any more in the future. Actually another BSB2 scene that was a waste of time and tape.
I liked the scene. Glad to see jeremy go. He was such a downer. Loved the rest of the scene with Josh and Darren. Maybe next time Darren could suck him to completion and eat the cum. Now that would be a good scene.
We Can't Afford the Lawyer... LOL

Unfortunately I don't think the Supreme Court would consider loss of an orgasm to be cruel and unusual punishment. haha :ohmy: :001_rolleyes:

Though if we could convince Scorpio to be our attorney we might stand a slim chance. :001_tt1:
It was a strange scene, Robert. But I tend to think that it was scripted, as when Jeremy stopped, grabbed his clothes, and left the room with the sound of a door closing, it didn't seem to startle Clay or the other two models. One would think that if an actor quit in the middle of his scene, someone would yell "cut", before plan B went into effect. It all happened so matter of factly.
I agree 100%.

Why are so many of the Broke Straight Boys 2.0 videos not fun? This was another one. Isn't sex supposed to be fun? I've always found it to be.

There's being straight and then there's being painfully straight. Unfortunately, I'm feeling these guys' pain.
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Then let's be fair... if none of us can tell if it was scripted or not... that is a compliment for Clay.

And yes it is funny in an odd way (more relief for me) to see Jeremy go. Maybe I missed the joke in hiring Jeremy... Let's give emergency aid to the Broke Straight Boys model scouter's first, and ask questions later was my first response.

Have a model leave the set, could be a welcome and funny way to say goodbye. Jeremy could have waved...

Josh, Darren and I took it like: "goodbye third wheel on the wagon!"

Have to watch this video again...
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Threesome becomes twosome

Hey! Just home from work. The walk-out was disappointing, but when it's all about what someone WON'T do, maybe there's the reason they're broke.
Still, Jeremy seemed to be REALLY enjoying it moments earlier... maybe the straight porn they were watching wasn't up to Jeremy's high standards??
That lull in the action maybe gave his big head some time to think. Has he ever been with a broke straight girl? Maybe Darren was just doing too good a job...:blush:
It was a strange scene, Robert. But I tend to think that it was scripted, as when Jeremy stopped, grabbed his clothes, and left the room with the sound of a door closing, it didn't seem to startle Clay or the other two models. One would think that if an actor quit in the middle of his scene, someone would yell "cut", before plan B went into effect. It all happened so matter of factly.

This was only an average scene in my opinion, with Josh the best looking of the three, and he did deliver a nice cum shot onto Darren, but I doubt if I'd ever go back to view this one again.

You know, Mike. I'm not entirely convinced of the scripting thing. I tend to think that, even in amateur porn, if someone were scripting this stuff, they'd do a better job of it. Why would you intentionally write a script that would put people off?

We're all here because we like the prospect of seeing supposedly straight boys having gay sex, but as I've said in another post, the whole idea behind the scenes is for the members to 'get off.' If you're gonna script this stuff, wouldn't you write it in such a way to make sure that happens?

If this stuff actually IS being scripted, then someone needs to hire a better script writer. And if it's not, someone needs to learn the fine art of editing.
Johnny, it's hard turning out three scripts a week, all hinging on the same plot device. I had to do it for TV commercials. How many different ways can you say something is On Sale? I have sympathy for the script writer, and actually like most of the new scripts. At least Broke Straight Boys is back to taking chances with a script. It's been a long time since that had happened.

As for the editing, you've got something there. I don't understand why Clay isn't shooting a B-roll of close-ups. Sometime you can also use video shot during rehearsal. I don't think he does. Why not? You stay with the main audio track but you can use this footage for cut-aways and to rescue your scene when you have to stop it because you've got amateurs who have to act while they're stroking another guy's dick.
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