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Jos Alvarez And Chase Daniels Oral

this right here. See you made that comment thinking you’d get a laugh from other members. When you make negative comments about another person in order to get a laugh at someone else’s expense, it doesn’t make you a comedian or cool. It makes you a fucking bully and a douche. And as far as anybody being able to find you and contact you, that’s a hard fucking pass. I think it’s pathetic that you’ve made negative comments about people’s age on here, because you must be a god damn dinosaur using Mortimer Snerd as an attempt to get a laugh, because nobody knows who the fuck that is. I think Broke Straight Boys should start silencing you. Even models on Chaturbate can kick people out of their broadcast for saying mean shit. They even can choose viewers to be moderators to silence bullies like you.
I had decided to take a break from the forum, but now I’m back mother fucker. And If you wanna have a show down for the entire membership of this forum, bring it on. I’ve conveniently posted my picture as my avatar so you can see just who the fuck is in corner #1. I am not a coward. And if you look hard enough you can find my Twitter. I am not afraid of you. I have a particular set of skills and I will Liam Neeson your ass in front of everybody. Most people will tell you I can find out almost anything. That’s not a physical threat, but I will expose you for who you really are.
Now, I’m gonna enjoy the rest of my day being KIND to people. If Mark wants to ban me from the forum for speaking up to you, then so be it. You deserved every bit of it. Hopefully this post will be up long enough for some to see and enjoy.
It’s pathetic to see grown ass men making negative comments about another human being’s personal appearance.
It’s probably why I am single....I want someone loving and kind in my life. I don’t want an old grumpy man that bitches and complains about every god damn thing.
Welcome back, Oldfart. That’s who this is. It’s in his profile.
This was certainly better than the Gage Owens/Lucas oral. I really like Chase, this boy has a really lovely personality and his smile really is beautiful. Chase I know is going to quickly join my army of favourites. I think this was a Good pairing, both boys seemed natural and at ease with one another. Really nice to see a different environment for the scene, the woods were a good choice and I loved the fertive way Jos Alvarez kept looking round to make sure no one would catch these two guys sucking each other off. Really reminds me of my youth in the local woods near where I lived when I was young. As usual Jos Alvarez gave a really good oral performance and as a debut scene with another model I really thought Chase stepped up to the mark, especially swallowing Jos Alvarez cum. All in all a good scene, really enjoyed it and I really am looking forward to seeing more of Chase (in case you hadn't notice I am well under his spell!!!!).
Ok, I talked to Oldfart and he said it isn’t him. So, My apologies.

This scene was pretty good to me. It did have that jeans around the ankle element that I love so that combined with the woods element made it hot for me. The only thing missing for me was a lean back against a tree or the person receiving sitting on a rock or something. The standing is always awkward to me, that’s all.
this right here. See you made that comment thinking you’d get a laugh from other members. When you make negative comments about another person in order to get a laugh at someone else’s expense, it doesn’t make you a comedian or cool. It makes you a fucking bully and a douche. And as far as anybody being able to find you and contact you, that’s a hard fucking pass. I think it’s pathetic that you’ve made negative comments about people’s age on here, because you must be a god damn dinosaur using Mortimer Snerd as an attempt to get a laugh, because nobody knows who the fuck that is. I think Broke Straight Boys should start silencing you. Even models on Chaturbate can kick people out of their broadcast for saying mean shit. They even can choose viewers to be moderators to silence bullies like you.
I had decided to take a break from the forum, but now I’m back mother fucker. And If you wanna have a show down for the entire membership of this forum, bring it on. I’ve conveniently posted my picture as my avatar so you can see just who the fuck is in corner #1. I am not a coward. And if you look hard enough you can find my Twitter. I am not afraid of you. I have a particular set of skills and I will Liam Neeson your ass in front of everybody. Most people will tell you I can find out almost anything. That’s not a physical threat, but I will expose you for who you really are.
Now, I’m gonna enjoy the rest of my day being KIND to people. If Mark wants to ban me from the forum for speaking up to you, then so be it. You deserved every bit of it. Hopefully this post will be up long enough for some to see and enjoy.
It’s pathetic to see grown ass men making negative comments about another human being’s personal appearance.
It’s probably why I am single....I want someone loving and kind in my life. I don’t want an old grumpy man that bitches and complains about every god damn thing.

Damn you said it!

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this right here. See you made that comment thinking you’d get a laugh from other members. When you make negative comments about another person in order to get a laugh at someone else’s expense, it doesn’t make you a comedian or cool. It makes you a fucking bully and a douche. And as far as anybody being able to find you and contact you, that’s a hard fucking pass. I think it’s pathetic that you’ve made negative comments about people’s age on here, because you must be a god damn dinosaur using Mortimer Snerd as an attempt to get a laugh, because nobody knows who the fuck that is. I think Broke Straight Boys should start silencing you. Even models on Chaturbate can kick people out of their broadcast for saying mean shit. They even can choose viewers to be moderators to silence bullies like you.
I had decided to take a break from the forum, but now I’m back mother fucker. And If you wanna have a show down for the entire membership of this forum, bring it on. I’ve conveniently posted my picture as my avatar so you can see just who the fuck is in corner #1. I am not a coward. And if you look hard enough you can find my Twitter. I am not afraid of you. I have a particular set of skills and I will Liam Neeson your ass in front of everybody. Most people will tell you I can find out almost anything. That’s not a physical threat, but I will expose you for who you really are.
Now, I’m gonna enjoy the rest of my day being KIND to people. If Mark wants to ban me from the forum for speaking up to you, then so be it. You deserved every bit of it. Hopefully this post will be up long enough for some to see and enjoy.
It’s pathetic to see grown ass men making negative comments about another human being’s personal appearance.
It’s probably why I am single....I want someone loving and kind in my life. I don’t want an old grumpy man that bitches and complains about every god damn thing.

Cool after scene. I’ve always wondered if the neighbors ever question what goes on in that house. I’m sure they see the guys walking through these woods all the time. I’ve seen models who’ve shared videos of them walking through these trails just to get fresh air and enjoy the outdoors, so I’m sure the neighbors must think, “who the fuck are these random young guys walking through these woods?”
Welcome back, Oldfart. That’s who this is. It’s in his profile.

Oh Jay you're hilarious talking about how wonderful you are and for the second time you've threatened me on the forum. You should be very proud of yourself.

Again you're putting words in my mouth. I did not write that to get laughs. I honestly saw a resemblance, normally I find big ears really sexy but not this time. This is a porn site after all, it's all about the looks. I'm here to jerk off over hot models.

How do you want to expose me? Do you want to see pics of me? I'll happily send you some. Do you want to know my address or phone number do you want to know certain details of my life? Ask me anything you want and I will answer you. BTW who here isn't hiding behind a screen name? I'm sure Mike Yank isn't his real name I have to admit that my real name is Leonard, not Lenny but I assume most people can figure that out and I am well known by the name Lenny Buttz. I don't have twitter or any of those app thingys I'm not that up to date on technology. I assure you, you can't expose me anymore than I have exposed myself so your threats mean nothing to me.
The only point I’m trying to make is that it is rude and cruel to make disparaging remarks about the model’s looks. I am not the “forum police”, but I know when something is wrong to say. And this is the second time that lennybutz has insulted a model’s appearance and I think he should cool it and not say hurtful things about the boys on this forum.
The only point I’m trying to make is that it is rude and cruel to make disparaging remarks about the model’s looks. I am not the “forum police”, but I know when something is wrong to say. And this is the second time that lennybutz has insulted a model’s appearance and I think he should cool it and not say hurtful things about the boys on this forum.
third time. He made the crow’s feet reference about Blaze too. Everybody else will get sick of that shit real quick.
The only point I’m trying to make is that it is rude and cruel to make disparaging remarks about the model’s looks. I am not the “forum police”, but I know when something is wrong to say. And this is the second time that lennybutz has insulted a model’s appearance and I think he should cool it and not say hurtful things about the boys on this forum.

I'm a bad guy for saying I don't find a model attractive but it's fine and dandy for Jay to threaten me? Not once but twice. Mike you often tell people what they shouldn't do, 2 weeks ago you were complaining about the Ryan Pitt threads, last week you complained about people talking about the virus and politics on a porn forum. Then you call me out because I have a screen name and no photo when I mentioned in the avatar threat that I wanted to post a photo but didn't know how. I'm assuming that Yank isn't your real name. I'm guessing most of the people on here are using a screen name and don't have photos of themselves on here. After all this isn't a dating forum.
third time. He made the crow’s feet reference about Blaze too. Everybody else will get sick of that shit real quick.

I'm not making shit up, Blaze does have crow's feet around his eyes and he is kind of old to be considered a boy. I have to admit I made the comment about Ryan Pitt being 40 as a Joke to tease you, apparently you are not one to be teased. Obviously Ryan Pitt is not 40 and it's absurd that you think I was serious. He's a good looking handsome guy with a great body, Blaze also has a great body. I was just sick of seeing 3 posts entitled "Bring Back Ryan Pit" being up dated 2 or 3 times a day, it was annoying so I thought I'd annoy you back and apparently it worked. You got so annoyed you threatened me and today you threatened me again. Can you explain t6o me how that is acceptable behavior? Why is it OK for you to give your annoying opinion but it's not for me to give mine?

Now you're calling me a bully threatening to expose me because you don't like what I say. As you asked me, "So does that make it OK?" I did apologize for hurting your feelings, what I said about Ryan was just a joke, I am sorry you didn't see it that way and I am genuinely sorry I hurt your feelings I never intended to do that. I was being absurd, I have never hid who I am online, I have always been honest about my appearance. I'm 60 years old, balding, gray hair. I'm 6'1" and weigh about 380 down from 560 less than 2 years ago. No I did not have surgery. I have never considered myself attractive. If you want to see what I look like I am happy to send you some photos. Like I said before I don't have any posted here because I couldn't figure out how to do it. I did try when I filled out my profile. If you want to see me naked I can provide those photos as well. I will answer most questions but of course since you've threatened me there are certain questions I won't answer because I don't need the head ache of you sending me hate male or giving me harassing phone calls. I'm not sure to what extent you plan to go with your threat.

I think threatening another forum member is much more serious than me making a joke about Ryan Pitt or saying another model reminded me of Mortimer Snerd.
I'm a bad guy for saying I don't find a model attractive but it's fine and dandy for Jay to threaten me? Not once but twice.
You’re not a bad guy for saying you don’t find a model attractive. You’re a bad guy because of the way you go about it. It would be different if you would say, “you know I don’t find these guys attractive”, or “This guy isn’t my type”. Not, “Did you see his crow’s feet” or “how old is he, 40?” You’ve said some amazing things that I liked and thought you were cool. And then these recent attacks on people’s looks is just nasty. It’s unnecessary. And please tell me how I have threatened you. If anything I’ve said I would call you out or report you to Mark. I specifically said in my last message to you that I was not physically threatening you. You can find it hilarious all day long how you think I consider myself wonderful. I’ll take it. I am wonderful, because at the core of my anger towards you comes from a place of kindness. It’s really not that hard to critique a scene without getting nasty about a persons appearance.
And to respond to why there was a separate Ryan Pitt thread for his birthday.....because it’s his fucking birthday. I’ve done it for several models in the last year. I’m not gonna put his birthday wishes in a random thread. Am I supposed to say, “Ryan, your birthday cards are in the same box as the fuck you cards?”
Cool after scene. I’ve always wondered if the neighbors ever question what goes on in that house. I’m sure they see the guys walking through these woods all the time. I’ve seen models who’ve shared videos of them walking through these trails just to get fresh air and enjoy the outdoors, so I’m sure the neighbors must think, “who the fuck are these random young guys walking through these woods?”

That was the hot insight of the after scene, that a hiking family came within four minutes of catching Chase and Jos Alvarez in the act of cock sucking. And that is exactly the thrill of gay sex in the woods!
This was certainly better than the Gage Owens/Lucas oral. I really like Chase, this boy has a really lovely personality and his smile really is beautiful. Chase I know is going to quickly join my army of favourites. I think this was a Good pairing, both boys seemed natural and at ease with one another. Really nice to see a different environment for the scene, the woods were a good choice and I loved the fertive way Jos Alvarez kept looking round to make sure no one would catch these two guys sucking each other off. Really reminds me of my youth in the local woods near where I lived when I was young. As usual Jos Alvarez gave a really good oral performance and as a debut scene with another model I really thought Chase stepped up to the mark, especially swallowing Jos Alvarez cum. All in all a good scene, really enjoyed it and I really am looking forward to seeing more of Chase (in case you hadn't notice I am well under his spell!!!!).

As you can read from my prior post, I completely agree.
I'm not making shit up, Blaze does have crow's feet around his eyes and he is kind of old to be considered a boy. I have to admit I made the comment about Ryan Pitt being 40 as a Joke to tease you, apparently you are not one to be teased. Obviously Ryan Pitt is not 40 and it's absurd that you think I was serious. He's a good looking handsome guy with a great body, Blaze also has a great body. I was just sick of seeing 3 posts entitled "Bring Back Ryan Pit" being up dated 2 or 3 times a day, it was annoying so I thought I'd annoy you back and apparently it worked. You got so annoyed you threatened me and today you threatened me again. Can you explain t6o me how that is acceptable behavior? Why is it OK for you to give your annoying opinion but it's not for me to give mine?

Now you're calling me a bully threatening to expose me because you don't like what I say. As you asked me, "So does that make it OK?" I did apologize for hurting your feelings, what I said about Ryan was just a joke, I am sorry you didn't see it that way and I am genuinely sorry I hurt your feelings I never intended to do that. I was being absurd, I have never hid who I am online, I have always been honest about my appearance. I'm 60 years old, balding, gray hair. I'm 6'1" and weigh about 380 down from 560 less than 2 years ago. No I did not have surgery. I have never considered myself attractive. If you want to see what I look like I am happy to send you some photos. Like I said before I don't have any posted here because I couldn't figure out how to do it. I did try when I filled out my profile. If you want to see me naked I can provide those photos as well. I will answer most questions but of course since you've threatened me there are certain questions I won't answer because I don't need the head ache of you sending me hate male or giving me harassing phone calls. I'm not sure to what extent you plan to go with your threat.

I think threatening another forum member is much more serious than me making a joke about Ryan Pitt or saying another model reminded me of Mortimer Snerd.
Well whatever I said that you took as threatening, I apologize. I have no intentions of ever trying to hurt you. And congratulations on your weight loss, especially without surgery. That is an amazing accomplishment that you should be very proud of. Not because it makes you look any particular way but because it puts you in a healthier place and you live a happier life. I’m 3 years sober from alcohol. I drank to drown my depression. Now I am sober and just have to face my depression. I haven’t worked in 4 years, so I have no insurance and can’t afford medication to handle my depression. So I dive into things to keep me occupied. Sometimes I spend too much time here, because I’m incredibly lonely. At times I have thoughts of hurting myself. It’s too much to get into here, but I will say that I really just try to be kind to people. I’m sorry if I have hurt you, but overly negative comments about personal appearance triggers an emotion in me that sets me off. Scars from childhood bullying about appearance and how I might be perceived by other people. I always threaten to leave the forum (like I did last week) because I just don’t want to be in a negative space. I am sorry if my words interpret as me thinking selfishly that this is my forum. I’m so very sorry.
Cool after scene. I’ve always wondered if the neighbors ever question what goes on in that house. I’m sure they see the guys walking through these woods all the time. I’ve seen models who’ve shared videos of them walking through these trails just to get fresh air and enjoy the outdoors, so I’m sure the neighbors must think, “who the fuck are these random young guys walking through these woods?”

Plus the hiking family came within four minutes of seeing Chase swallowing Jos Alvarez' big load of cum! That is the thrill of outdoor sex in the woods! And why outdoor sex is mainly oral as when you are about to be caught, it is easier to pull up a zipper than to put on a pair of pants!
Plus the hiking family came within four minutes of seeing Chase swallowing Jos Alvarez' big load of cum! That is the thrill of outdoor sex in the woods! And why outdoor sex is mainly oral as when you are about to be caught, it is easier to pull up a zipper than to put on a pair of pants!
I wish I could see the distance from the Broke Straight Boys house and the neighbors. I’d be interested to know how risky they were when they were filming the Jos Alvarez/Ryan Pitt outdoor scene. I think about it every time I watch it. There’s also Casey Owens fucking Malakai on the back deck on College Dudes What if the neighbors dog ran back there and the owner ran after it and caught these two in the act? It is exciting to think about. Broke Straight Boys should try more outdoor stuff. Especially this summer.
You’re not a bad guy for saying you don’t find a model attractive. You’re a bad guy because of the way you go about it. It would be different if you would say, “you know I don’t find these guys attractive”, or “This guy isn’t my type”. Not, “Did you see his crow’s feet” or “how old is he, 40?” You’ve said some amazing things that I liked and thought you were cool. And then these recent attacks on people’s looks is just nasty. It’s unnecessary. And please tell me how I have threatened you. If anything I’ve said I would call you out or report you to Mark. I specifically said in my last message to you that I was not physically threatening you. You can find it hilarious all day long how you think I consider myself wonderful. I’ll take it. I am wonderful, because at the core of my anger towards you comes from a place of kindness. It’s really not that hard to critique a scene without getting nasty about a persons appearance.
And to respond to why there was a separate Ryan Pitt thread for his birthday.....because it’s his fucking birthday. I’ve done it for several models in the last year. I’m not gonna put his birthday wishes in a random thread. Am I supposed to say, “Ryan, your birthday cards are in the same box as the fuck you cards?”

Jay, this is one of the best posts I’ve ever read. I wanted to be mean and call Lenny out some more because I thinks it’s very nasty where his type of humor is going. For someone with his problems who mentioned earlier he was constantly ridiculed, to attack the models physical appearance is really low. I guess he feels if people can call him names and ridicule his physical appearance then it’s fair game here. It is not. Our models are pretty darn brave to come here and take off their clothes and have sex for our enjoyment. Some are better looking than others. Some turn various of us on and some don’t. But they all deserve our respect. We bitch about scenes we talk about what they will do or won’t do as gay for pay performers. But damn it we don’t insult them personally or their appearance. People have gotten away with going off on hair styles which can change but some of the guys read this stuff and to talk about someone joking or not on their birthday thread is just fucking crewel. I don’t think anyone threatened you. What we did make clear is we would call you out on this kind of bull shit.

Watch David Adamson’s Utube segment on where are they now. He was the original producer of Broke Straight Boys There are quite a few models who are dead. Several by overdose but several by suicide. We just lost a very sweet former model recently to suicide. It’s hard enough being gay or being straight and willing to film gay porn. There are a few attractive models who probably filmed because it turned them on. They weren’t broke or straight but who knows what circumstances bring some young men to peruse a career in porn. And who among us hasn’t been called queer or fag or teased in some way. So of all the fucking places to try this kind of behavior this is not it.

There is generally a nice group of guys and occasionally ladies here who like to talk about the scenes and models and current events and all sorts of things. Hopefully you will enjoy it here. But it’s not going to be comfortable for any of us if you think it’s ok to make jokes about models or foramites and their physical appearance because we won’t let that kind of crap slide. That’s not a threat that’s a promise.
Jay, this is one of the best posts I’ve ever read. I wanted to be mean and call Lenny out some more because I thinks it’s very nasty where his type of humor is going. For someone with his problems who mentioned earlier he was constantly ridiculed, to attack the models physical appearance is really low. I guess he feels if people can call him names and ridicule his physical appearance then it’s fair game here. It is not. Our models are pretty darn brave to come here and take off their clothes and have sex for our enjoyment. Some are better looking than others. Some turn various of us on and some don’t. But they all deserve our respect. We bitch about scenes we talk about what they will do or won’t do as gay for pay performers. But damn it we don’t insult them personally or their appearance. People have gotten away with going off on hair styles which can change but some of the guys read this stuff and to talk about someone joking or not on their birthday thread is just fucking crewel. I don’t think anyone threatened you. What we did make clear is we would call you out on this kind of bull shit.

Watch David Adamson’s Utube segment on where are they now. He was the original producer of Broke Straight Boys There are quite a few models who are dead. Several by overdose but several by suicide. We just lost a very sweet former model recently to suicide. It’s hard enough being gay or being straight and willing to film gay porn. There are a few attractive models who probably filmed because it turned them on. They weren’t broke or straight but who knows what circumstances bring some young men to peruse a career in porn. And who among us hasn’t been called queer or fag or teased in some way. So of all the fucking places to try this kind of behavior this is not it.

There is generally a nice group of guys and occasionally ladies here who like to talk about the scenes and models and current events and all sorts of things. Hopefully you will enjoy it here. But it’s not going to be comfortable for any of us if you think it’s ok to make jokes about models or foramites and their physical appearance because we won’t let that kind of crap slide. That’s not a threat that’s a promise.
Excellent post Rep. You made the points that I was trying to convey very eloquently. These are boys who appear here who are often at a low point in their lives, and they do deserve respect for doing what they do without being mocked. This can be a cruel world and there is no need to add to whatever self-esteem issues that a young man might be going through. My tact is if I don’t have anything nice to say about a model to say nothing at all.