BSB Owner
Here is a preview of a video with Johnny Forza that we have been working on. Members will have access to the full video soon. Enjoy and let us know what you think.
I really enjoyed that. So artistic and tasteful. I also loved even the shots of nature. Damien quite possibly has a future in film production. I can't wait to see more of Johnny. Wow!
Very sensual and hot. Of course with Johnny featured how could it not be. Obviously, I'm behind the curve (not all that unusual - lol!!), but who is Damian Christopher?
Shit, where can I buy the DVD?! And I also want to know a lot more about Damian; when do we get a behind the scenes about him?
I think Damian Christopher is the model Damian on this site. We've seen his artistic photographs and now we are seeing his talents grow into the video world. Excellent clip.
Different people.
Shit, where can I buy the DVD?! And I also want to know a lot more about Damian; when do we get a behind the scenes about him?
Thanks very much Grace, for the look at Damian Christopher's facebook page. I've been curious to find out who Damian Christopher is after seeing his name on the beautiful photography over the last few weeks of Damien, Paul, Graham, and the other's.I think the gorgeous guy on screen left is Damian Christopher...?
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...and there's a tiny bit of info about him here