They need to make dildos out of the models cocks and sell them.
I'm thinkging this cause it would be great to have a Johnny Forza Dildo
Hell it would also be coool to have a Johnny Real Doll but come on
now lets not get carried away. I thinking this cause well duh I have a huge
crush on him.If they had stuff like that I would buy it so fast.
Does anyone have any hot sexy Dildo stories of just you or you and
your signifigent other, or just whatever you can think of. share them
on here with no judgements
I'm thinkging this cause it would be great to have a Johnny Forza Dildo
Hell it would also be coool to have a Johnny Real Doll but come on
now lets not get carried away. I thinking this cause well duh I have a huge
crush on him.If they had stuff like that I would buy it so fast.
Does anyone have any hot sexy Dildo stories of just you or you and
your signifigent other, or just whatever you can think of. share them
on here with no judgements