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Joan Rivers passes away


BSB Addict
Nov 2, 2008
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leeds england
How sad to here this, she was much loved around the world and very very funny.


Comedian and TV host Joan Rivers has died, her daughter has said.
Rivers, 81, had been on life support in Mount Sinai Hospital since having a cardiac arrest in New York last week.
In a statement, her daughter Melissa said she died surrounded by family and friends, and she thanked hospital staff for their "amazing care".
The comedian, best known for her lacerating wit, stopped breathing during a procedure on her vocal cords at an outpatient clinic last Thursday.
"My mother's greatest joy in life was to make people laugh," said Melissa Rivers.
"Although that is difficult to do right now, I know her final wish would be that we return to laughing soon."
The actress and stand-up comedian is well known for her legendary put-downs and has more recently turned her razor-sharp tongue on the red carpet's worst dressed celebrities, hosting the E! network's Fashion Police.
Both Rivers and Melissa, her only child, have appeared together in reality TV show Joan & Melissa: Joan Knows Best?
R.I.P Joan Rivers...

R.I.P Miss Joan Rivers. You made me laugh for a long time.Thanks for all you did for the Gay Community. You will be missed.
How sad to here this, she was much loved around the world and very very funny.


Comedian and TV host Joan Rivers has died, her daughter has said.
Rivers, 81, had been on life support in Mount Sinai Hospital since having a cardiac arrest in New York last week.
In a statement, her daughter Melissa said she died surrounded by family and friends, and she thanked hospital staff for their "amazing care".
The comedian, best known for her lacerating wit, stopped breathing during a procedure on her vocal cords at an outpatient clinic last Thursday.
"My mother's greatest joy in life was to make people laugh," said Melissa Rivers.
"Although that is difficult to do right now, I know her final wish would be that we return to laughing soon."
The actress and stand-up comedian is well known for her legendary put-downs and has more recently turned her razor-sharp tongue on the red carpet's worst dressed celebrities, hosting the E! network's Fashion Police.
Both Rivers and Melissa, her only child, have appeared together in reality TV show Joan & Melissa: Joan Knows Best?
Sorry jon
I didn't see your post till after I posted.She was Loved.....
It truly is sad news as she had a gift in making people laugh and im sure her loss will be felt throughout the world by many people. I send my thoughts and prayers to all of her family and freinds. Dan x
I am very sad to hear of her passing. Especially when it sounds like it was something quite preventable. It was a minor elective surgery after all. I console myself with the fact that when she did go, she went quickly. She didn't linger for months or years with debilitating illness or pain.

I've been at the hospital all week with a friend from church who is dying of brain cancer. He'll be transferred to hospice next week. Even though he is on morphine and other painkillers, he is awake, mostly alert, suffering and being forced to wait out the final outcome. As much as we love Joan Rivers I am grateful at least that her passing was quick and that she wasn't conscious to the end.
I am very sad to hear of her passing. Especially when it sounds like it was something quite preventable. It was a minor elective surgery after all. I console myself with the fact that when she did go, she went quickly. She didn't linger for months or years with debilitating illness or pain.

I've been at the hospital all week with a friend from church who is dying of brain cancer. He'll be transferred to hospice next week. Even though he is on morphine and other painkillers, he is awake, mostly alert, suffering and being forced to wait out the final outcome. As much as we love Joan Rivers I am grateful at least that her passing was quick and that she wasn't conscious to the end.

Sorry about your friend tampa in the last five years i watched my Father and Brother go through hell.They are both gone.
I was lucky to met Miss Rivers a few times.
She was a real nice Lady. Lovely. Very Loving. She would have hated being sick. So grateful it was fast and I pray she didn't know.
Feeling so sad Joan.
I am very sad to hear of her passing. Especially when it sounds like it was something quite preventable. It was a minor elective surgery after all. I console myself with the fact that when she did go, she went quickly. She didn't linger for months or years with debilitating illness or pain.

I've been at the hospital all week with a friend from church who is dying of brain cancer. He'll be transferred to hospice next week. Even though he is on morphine and other painkillers, he is awake, mostly alert, suffering and being forced to wait out the final outcome. As much as we love Joan Rivers I am grateful at least that her passing was quick and that she wasn't conscious to the end.

I have a friend who goes to see a friend with a brain tumour. It has affected his speech and he can now only communicate via a pc but is still very aware of what is going on. If I ever get that sick then I wish for a friend like yourself Tampa x
I have a friend who goes to see a friend with a brain tumour. It has affected his speech and he can now only communicate via a pc but is still very aware of what is going on. If I ever get that sick then I wish for a friend like yourself Tampa x

Thanks Jon. x
Sorry about your friend tampa in the last five years i watched my Father and Brother go through hell.They are both gone.
I was lucky to met Miss Rivers a few times.
She was a real nice Lady. Lovely. Very Loving. She would have hated being sick. So grateful it was fast and I pray she didn't know.
Feeling so sad Joan.
I hope that you decide to share some of your stories of your personal experiences with Joan, johnny.

I was a fan of Joan from the beginning when she appeared on the Johnny Carson show as a young comedienne and enjoyed her biting, sharp sense of humor right through her last days. She was a true comic genius who was a trailblazer as well as being damn funny. RIP Joan Rivers.
I am very sad to hear of her passing. Especially when it sounds like it was something quite preventable. It was a minor elective surgery after all. I console myself with the fact that when she did go, she went quickly. She didn't linger for months or years with debilitating illness or pain.

I've been at the hospital all week with a friend from church who is dying of brain cancer. He'll be transferred to hospice next week. Even though he is on morphine and other painkillers, he is awake, mostly alert, suffering and being forced to wait out the final outcome. As much as we love Joan Rivers I am grateful at least that her passing was quick and that she wasn't conscious to the end.
im so sorry to hear about your freind tampa as it must be horrible for them having to go through it and it must be horrible for you having to witness your freind going through it. My thoughts and prayers go out to the both of you tampa and I only hope that there able to find some peace soon. Dan x
I just happened to be watching Nancy Grace lastnight (whom I loathe) but, she was a personal friend of Ms Rivers and, was very upset that her situation may have been prevented? I am truly sorry to loose a wonderful comedic entertainer like Joan. I grew up on her stand up!

While she rests in peace, I am sure Nancy Grace won't Rest at All until some answers to her death are answered!
im so sorry to hear about your freind tampa as it must be horrible for them having to go through it and it must be horrible for you having to witness your freind going through it. My thoughts and prayers go out to the both of you tampa and I only hope that there able to find some peace soon. Dan x

Thanks Dan. x

I always had respect for Joan Rivers that she marched to her own drummer. She was indeed a trailblazer in a man's world. She will be missed. I will miss hearing her say something and thinking, "LOL Oh my God. She did not just say that!" In some ways, her cutting edge irreverent humor reminded me of the great Mae West. Like Mae West, she was way ahead of her time.
Thanks Dan. x

I always had respect for Joan Rivers that she marched to her own drummer. She was indeed a trailblazer in a man's world. She will be missed. I will miss hearing her say something and thinking, "LOL Oh my God. She did not just say that!" In some ways, her cutting edge irreverent humor reminded me of the great Mae West. Like Mae West, she was way ahead of her time.
theres a show over here which is aired in the day called loose women and Ive heard that she was on that but as you can imagine with her humour and the way she was during the shows ad break they had to take her away and of the show. When I heard about that it made me laugh as that's just like her and that's what I loved the most I think. X
I am very sad to hear of her passing. Especially when it sounds like it was something quite preventable. It was a minor elective surgery after all. I console myself with the fact that when she did go, she went quickly. She didn't linger for months or years with debilitating illness or pain.

I've been at the hospital all week with a friend from church who is dying of brain cancer. He'll be transferred to hospice next week. Even though he is on morphine and other painkillers, he is awake, mostly alert, suffering and being forced to wait out the final outcome. As much as we love Joan Rivers I am grateful at least that her passing was quick and that she wasn't conscious to the end.



Love and prayers for your friend - and for YOU, who is holding him up. You're a really special guy.

Amazing show Ambi. Didn't always agree with some of her criticisms of people but she pushed the boundaries and this is the only way people can break through glass ceilings.

Joan kicked ass and sometimes you have to do that, even if it hurts people. But most of the people she hurt had skins like elephants so it made no difference.
Amazing show Ambi. Didn't always agree with some of her criticisms of people but she pushed the boundaries and this is the only way people can break through glass ceilings.


Glad you enjoyed the show, Shy! I certainly didn't agree with Joan about everything - but I agreed with her about enough things to GET ME FIRED - - - LOL!!!

You know, Joan Rivers had a very deep, DARK, sense of humour. She even told jokes about the Holocaust - which is sort of a "no-go zone", if you get my meaning. I don't know if I would go as far as she did, on some of these subjects - - - but I get where she was coming from. Even when her beloved husband committed suicide, she made jokes about it.

Her explanation was (and I'm paraphrasing): "I cope with things, through humour. If something hurts me, I make a joke about it." Shy, that's not everyone's way of coping with things - and it will (inevitably) strike some people as being not just irreverent, but HORRIBLE. . . But I totally get where she was coming from.

I told some of my personal friends in an e-mail this week, that I thought Joan Rivers was actually BEST and FUNNIEST in her EARLIER career, when there WERE more taboos, and she only HINTED at some of the dark and dangerous things she was thinking about. Great comedy (I think) paradoxically, DEPENDS on taboos and boundaries - so that, when you EDGE up to the LINE, it releases the tension that people are feeling, without destroying the social order that everyone knows has gone awry, but which everyone knows MUST continue to exist, in some form. . . .

These days, there ARE ALMOST NO TABOOS. When Ms. Rivers died, I made a point of going back and watching many of her iconic performances. I must say, her "Comedy Central" roast was almost unwatchable ~ because it was so incredibly mean, crass, angry,
and vulgar. *Not due to Ms. Rivers' efforts, chiefly, though.* (The highlight of it seemed to be that they coerced the great Carl Reiner into saying the word, "c***")

To be honest, I never felt that Joan Rivers was at her best, telling jokes about massively distended vaginas. . . or cursing like a drunken sailor. I thought she was at her best, when she was making uncomfortable but razor-sharp observations about HUMAN RELATIONSHIPS. And you really DON'T need to be graphic or physically crass to get those across - you need to be CLEVER. And at her best (and in her prime) Joan Rivers was very, very, witty, and CLEVER.

This last show, that I posted, is Joan a little past her prime, I think - not so much because she had lost one iota of her native WIT, but because the laughs were just too EASY. A curse-word here, a graphic anatomical reference there. . . and people would laugh out of sheer discomfort. But that was not Joan Rivers, at her best. Good comedy, certainly, can be very harsh, at times. . . but the best comedy is always subtle, and subversive. When Joan was on form, in her heyday, she could really do that, well. And there were a few moments like that, in this show.

In full disclosure, Shy, I am a VERY OLD MAN (almost 50, in fact): and an old after-dinner speaker. (And at the functions where I have entertained, broad, anatomically-related jokes were not really on order ;-) And my comedic heroes are (I've never really thought about this before, but here goes): Jack Benny, Bob Newhart, and Tina Fey. . . three comedians who made humour out of stepping back, rather quietly from life, and saying, "My goodness, isn't this all rather ABSURD?" (Of course, I love "Monty Python", too, and their errant nuttiness - but even when they were at their MOST transgressive, their transgressions were always profoundly informed by a sense of the paradoxes inherent in being members of a species which is possessed of a glorious history and literature and art and humanitarian impulses, but which still fails, at every turn.)


*"What have the Romans ever done, for us?" ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9foi342LXQE

P.S. I am still with Joan Rivers about PETA, though. I hate those self-absorbed, self-indulgent, city-dwelling BASTARDS ;-)))
Tampa, I totally understand where you are today with your friend. However, there does come a time to say good bye. I have lost two good friends to AIDS and one to cancer. I have written about my experiences with my friend here this past year and his colostomy. He had a rough time and I cannot tell you the number of times he told me, "Louis, you should have just left me to die." My Linda, she has a medical chart that could fill a library. Two weeks ago she was diagnosed with a ruptured spinal disc. She fell a couple of days ago and is now walking with a cane. I have also been with Linda when she has had the same procedure Joan Rivers had on numerous occasions for esophageal bleeding. The difference was that it was Joan's time to go. She had a long glamorous life, but it was time.

Tampa, you and I are still able to care for those we love. It is our natural inherent nature to do so. The Universe continues to evolve as we do. One soul comes as one leaves. One day it will be our time and when that time comes, I assure you someone will be there to witness our departure so that we will not leave alone without a last "goodbye."

"Roll out the Red Carpet"