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jimmy johnson

I'm so glad to hear that you will be to chat with us more Jimmy. That's great news! :thumbup1:

i cant wait tampa your always interesting to me...definetley one of my favorite posters no matter what your opinion its usually respectful and sinseable if thats how u spell it lol
Welcome back Jimmy and Sparky. Love you both.

hahhahhhahahaahaha i was like who the fuck is sparky...my girlfriend and me really do call my dick sparky and her pussy lucy lol NOOOOO not because its loose its just easy to say in an akward situation EXAMPLE family dinner "i love lucy" everyone thinks your talking about the tv show but she knows what i mean lol
Hey Jimmy...good to hear from you! You are the reason I sigend up with this website. I asked this before, but I will ask again; any chance you can do a tickling video, or at least do SOME tickling when working with other models? I will get a life-time membership with this site if you do! Have you ever tickled another boy before?

if my son counts then yes ive tickled another boy lol and im glad to hear that wrestleboy i knew ther were people signing up to see me and i really appreciate it seriously...keep your comments cummmming lol
What can i say He is by far my favorite So HOT !! in every way a true God- Man what a beauty...!

cockpuppy!!!!! you have to start posting more i feel like people need to know how you feel lol especially ME
Good to hear. Nice talking to you at Market Days in Chicago

YOU to thats why you need to start posting more and if you give some description of your self the conversation and situation i bet il remember exactly who you are so i can match a face uup with snod00
Jimmy, congratulations!!! If you read Colin's entries here, you'll feel pretty good. He expressed his uppermost admiration for you as both a person and a star. His comments indicated to me that you are held in very high regard by your fellow models. Again, congratulations on such a positive reaction, it is well deserved.

thank you chase people who dislike me on Broke Straight Boys really believe the other models probably hate me cuz im such an arrogant mean prick "in ther words" but no model ive worked with has every felt that way about me ive always had other models say how much they enjoy working with me and how comfortable i make them feel..
thank you chase people who dislike me on Broke Straight Boys really believe the other models probably hate me cuz im such an arrogant mean prick "in ther words" but no model ive worked with has every felt that way about me ive always had other models say how much they enjoy working with me and how comfortable i make them feel..
That's always the impression I get from watching your scenes, Jimmy. Your co-stars seem to enjoy working with you. I'm glad that Colin confirmed what my eyes and ears were telling me.

You rule Jimmy. :thumbup:
i cant wait tampa your always interesting to me...definetley one of my favorite posters no matter what your opinion its usually respectful and sinseable if thats how u spell it lol

It's spelled "sensible". lol I know what you mean. :wink: I'm glad to hear that you will be able to post more in September when you get a computer.

Your explanation of "Sparky" and "Lucy" is quite funny. When you get back to your place in a horny mood do you walk in the door and yell to your girlfriend, "Lewwcyyyy...I'm hoooome!" ?? LOL

I didn't know you had a son! Maybe you mentioned it in a video a while back. Congratulations on being a dad! I also know though that parenthood at an age like yours is a very heavy emotional and financial responsibility. Good luck with being a dad Jimmy. :001_smile:
More, Jimmy. more!
I believe that Jimmy has moved on to other sites, tangogent. I just re-read this thread from just about one year ago, and I didn't remember that so many folks liked Jimmy. I thought that I was in the minority being such a big fan.

My feeling is that he was used too often in too many scenes. If his appearances had been spaced out more, I believe that an anticipation would have built up between his scenes, and he might have been better received by his very vocal detractors.

Or maybe not. :001_rolleyes:
I believe that Jimmy has moved on to other sites, tangogent. I just re-read this thread from just about one year ago, and I didn't remember that so many folks liked Jimmy. I thought that I was in the minority being such a big fan.

My feeling is that he was used too often in too many scenes. If his appearances had been spaced out more, I believe that an anticipation would have built up between his scenes, and he might have been better received by his very vocal detractors.

Or maybe not. :001_rolleyes:

You probably WERE in the minority, Mike.....but so was I where Jimmy was concerned. And I agree about his over use so close together.
In my opinion ONLY...

I believe that Jimmy has moved on to other sites, tangogent. I just re-read this thread from just about one year ago, and I didn't remember that so many folks liked Jimmy. I thought that I was in the minority being such a big fan.

My feeling is that he was used too often in too many scenes. If his appearances had been spaced out more, I believe that an anticipation would have built up between his scenes, and he might have been better received by his very vocal detractors.

Or maybe not. :001_rolleyes:

You probably WERE in the minority, Mike.....but so was I where Jimmy was concerned. And I agree about his over use so close together.

Dear fellow forumites,

i think that my overall objection to Jimmy began when he was over-sold to management as the site's "Golden Cow" to be bowed-down-to-excessively AND marketed heavily as "the new face of Broke Straight Boys"! This came in a moment of transition to Broke Straight Boys-2 when Clay was not fully attuned to the member's expectations and tastes. It was a disasterous time when looking back at the site. There was a major downward change in the quality of models and models were being expected to say "awkwardly pre-scripted" and "truly tasteless demeaning things" in the updates. With the loss of David as episode director, there was little members could count on and that was bad enough by itself, but we had months and months of "bottom of the barrel" backlogged episodes done by David that essentially were not ready for Broke Straight Boys "prime time viewing"! I don't know exactly how Broke Straight Boys weathered such bleak times!

When Jimmy first appeared, he was introduced as an untested, unproven star model! It seems that almost every update was another Jimmy feature of a resistant model that did not want to be here! There was nothing he was willing to do sexually and, in my opinion, thats where things got off on the wrong foot. In my opinion as a Broke Straight Boys fan, it was very frustrating to watch, in sharp contrast to our typical, slightly more compliant though not particularly eager models like Logan, for instance. Logan was not wild about sucking dick at the beginning as well, but the point is that he did it anyway.

Then there is the fact that no model in Broke Straight Boys history has anywhere near as episodes as Jimmy, not Logan, not Tyler, not Diesal, not any of the former greats from Broke Straight Boys-1 had over 20 episodes in less than 1 year or anything near that total. Talk about being "overexposed", Jimmy was "full of himself" to begin with, that's for sure! But this was only made worse by the consentrated dosage members received. Many members like me felt that a "massive chemo regime" might have paled in comparison with so much Jimmy in your face all at once. I found his over-exposed presence genuinely oppressive! Nothing had prepared me for being rolled over by a steamroller like this represented to me!

The only two things that was redeeming to me about Jimmy was his build and through watching his BTS footage, I found he actually had a much more natural side with an easy to take sense of humor from him that I could actually enjoy. He related well to his fellow models at the various trade-show type gatherings and Pride events he helped with while operating the booth. For the first time, Jimmy seemed to go beyond the "homophobic" persona he displayed in almost all of his Broke Straight Boys updates. Unlike the updates, Jimmy did not seem so filled with hatred with all things gay. His sense of humor came off as charming and humorous, rather that being demeaning and arrogant as he appeared in most of his regular episodes. His attitude seemed totally transformed to downright-friendly range in the BTS footage, when compaired to the less friendly skys of his numerous either emotionless or antagonistic updates that left me out in the cold or filled with outrage. Looking back to this "Jimmy Era" of Broke Straight Boys updates, all I know is that I truly made an effort to incorporate Jimmy repeatedly, but every time I thought he might have grown from his negative screen persona to something I could accept, then he would go out of his way to sabotage what I was hoping for, namely some real progress. Then, it was back to zero once again.

I can assure my friends that there will never come a time when I will feel remotely interested to revisit his numerous Broke Straight Boys episodes. I stopped counting them after he had 20 already filmed and many more were still on the way. Only his BTS footage is there something I can watch and find it to be enjoyable. But of course as I stated earlier, this is in my opinion only!

Sincerely de-Jimmy-fied,:001_rolleyes:

Dear fellow forumites,

i think that my overall objection to Jimmy began when he was over-sold to management as the site's "Golden Cow" to be bowed-down-to-excessively AND marketed heavily as "the new face of Broke Straight Boys"! This came in a moment of transition to Broke Straight Boys-2 when Clay was not fully attuned to the member's expectations and tastes. It was a disasterous time when looking back at the site. There was a major downward change in the quality of models and models were being expected to say "awkwardly pre-scripted" and "truly tasteless demeaning things" in the updates. With the loss of David as episode director, there was little members could count on and that was bad enough by itself, but we had months and months of "bottom of the barrel" backlogged episodes done by David that essentially were not ready for Broke Straight Boys "prime time viewing"! I don't know exactly how Broke Straight Boys weathered such bleak times!

When Jimmy first appeared, he was introduced as an untested, unproven star model! It seems that almost every update was another Jimmy feature of a resistant model that did not want to be here! There was nothing he was willing to do sexually and, in my opinion, thats where things got off on the wrong foot. In my opinion as a Broke Straight Boys fan, it was very frustrating to watch, in sharp contrast to our typical, slightly more compliant though not particularly eager models like Logan, for instance. Logan was not wild about sucking dick at the beginning as well, but the point is that he did it anyway.

Then there is the fact that no model in Broke Straight Boys history has anywhere near as episodes as Jimmy, not Logan, not Tyler, not Diesal, not any of the former greats from Broke Straight Boys-1 had over 20 episodes in less than 1 year or anything near that total. Talk about being "overexposed", Jimmy was "full of himself" to begin with, that's for sure! But this was only made worse by the consentrated dosage members received. Many members like me felt that a "massive chemo regime" might have paled in comparison with so much Jimmy in your face all at once. I found his over-exposed presence genuinely oppressive! Nothing had prepared me for being rolled over by a steamroller like this represented to me!

The only two things that was redeeming to me about Jimmy was his build and through watching his BTS footage, I found he actually had a much more natural side with an easy to take sense of humor from him that I could actually enjoy. He related well to his fellow models at the various trade-show type gatherings and Pride events he helped with while operating the booth. For the first time, Jimmy seemed to go beyond the "homophobic" persona he displayed in almost all of his Broke Straight Boys updates. Unlike the updates, Jimmy did not seem so filled with hatred with all things gay. His sense of humor came off as charming and humorous, rather that being demeaning and arrogant as he appeared in most of his regular episodes. His attitude seemed totally transformed to downright-friendly range in the BTS footage, when compaired to the less friendly skys of his numerous either emotionless or antagonistic updates that left me out in the cold or filled with outrage. Looking back to this "Jimmy Era" of Broke Straight Boys updates, all I know is that I truly made an effort to incorporate Jimmy repeatedly, but every time I thought he might have grown from his negative screen persona to something I could accept, then he would go out of his way to sabotage what I was hoping for, namely some real progress. Then, it was back to zero once again.

I can assure my friends that there will never come a time when I will feel remotely interested to revisit his numerous Broke Straight Boys episodes. I stopped counting them after he had 20 already filmed and many more were still on the way. Only his BTS footage is there something I can watch and find it to be enjoyable. But of course as I stated earlier, this is in my opinion only!

Sincerely de-Jimmy-fied,:001_rolleyes:


Stimpy, my friend, you know that I am a big fan of Jimmy, but I do agree with perhaps 85% of your post. You are so right that the introduction, and perhaps overexposure of Jimmy came right after the seemingly interminable amount of "bottom of the barrel" scenes that David had put out finally came to an end. Apparently David knew that the sand in his timer was about to run out, when he gave us a slew of sub par models, including one who we learned was going through hormonal treatment in preparation to have a sex change operation.

We found out that "a change was being made", and that David was out and we were watching the final parcel of product that D&E owed to Blu Media to finish his contract. So those of us who remained and waited for the change to happen were both annoyed, and rather anxious for the "all new Broke Straight Boys" to emerge. and Jimmy became the face of BSB2. and the rest became history.

My 15% disagreement is that you characterized Jimmy's on screen persona as homophobic, where I thought that the whole thing was an act, part of the show that Clay & Mark were presenting to prove that while David's models were often gay, the new models were really straight. If you remember Jamie was the one who gave the fuck finger to Clay and in effect to us several times which also outraged the forum.

Re-reading this very thread, folks talk about how Colin said that he enjoyed working with Jimmy, and other than a recent post by Jason regarding his scene with Jimmy, that was the only negative model comment towards Jimmy that I can recall. To my way of thinking, no man could be completely straight and have sex with as many guys as Jimmy did and still does in his current gay for pay work. And I agree that his real persona at the events, and how well he got along with Sha, and his gay fans told me that he was in no way a homophobe. He is just a playful guy who was playing a role here.

But as I agree with most of your comments, and Jimmy is long off this site, it is all water under the bridge, but I maintain as a fourmite who has been here forever, Jimmy will rank as one of the most controversial models ever along with the late Mike Robbins, in regard to the reactions of the forum to them.

Will there be another? Time will tell.