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Jimmy and Mick

i don't know who votes in the ratings, but somehow this scene got a 4.3 rating.
not a bad rating for a scene with model with no fan base.
when i started this thread it was to comment on this scene, but somehow the thread became about what some members think of the sexuality of the models and who is the more disliked among the models.
i fear the haters are in charge!
when 12 clowns are in a ring and one sane person jumps in the ring, people do not see 12 clowns and 1 sane person, only 13 clowns. :biggrin:
got to love free speech.
just my opinion!

I heard that quote about the clowns yesterday in a clip. It was from Nancy Pelosi in reference to the republicans. I really liked it.:thumbup: Glad to see it again. But to your point, discussions do have a tendency to get off track. I never meant to take away from your enjoyment of the scene. I think we should all voice our opinions, but try to leave everyone else to their own opinions. That's what makes message boards fun and interesting to me. I may not agree with someone else, but I have no right to tell them their opinion is wrong.:001_rolleyes:
While I enjoy reading the comments at this board, I seldom enter an "opinion". However, I have given my opinion about Jimmy before..and NO.. I am NOT a fan. Whether he is str8, bi, bi-curious, or gay.. I see no reason why this site puts up with such homophobic attitude as his. He is demeaning, inconsiderate of his partners, and his disgusting demeanor about doing anything he considers to be "gay" is rather insulting. It would be GREAT if he never is in another scene. If the management really considers Jimmy, or forbid, someone similar to him, to be what they really want to portray.. then I suspect more and more will not be renewing subscriptions.
While I enjoy reading the comments at this board, I seldom enter an "opinion". However, I have given my opinion about Jimmy before..and NO.. I am NOT a fan. Whether he is str8, bi, bi-curious, or gay.. I see no reason why this site puts up with such homophobic attitude as his. He is demeaning, inconsiderate of his partners, and his disgusting demeanor about doing anything he considers to be "gay" is rather insulting. It would be GREAT if he never is in another scene. If the management really considers Jimmy, or forbid, someone similar to him, to be what they really want to portray.. then I suspect more and more will not be renewing subscriptions.
JP2008, your's is the 55th post on this thread. I am continually amazed by the strong reaction that Jimmy receives on this forum, particularly by those who dislike him. I can't recall, off the top of my head, any model from version one or two who receives such a vitriolic, hateful response by his detractors.

Of course I believe that you are totally unfair, and incorrect in suggesting that he has a "homophobic attitude", and that he is truly "demeaning, or inconsiderate of his partners".

There have been so many models over the years on both versions, who I did not enjoy at all, and after giving them a chance, when I saw that they were continuing to be featured, I would skip watching their scenes, and in two or three days, watch the next scene. With three updates a week, it is never a long wait for the next scene. I never wrote hateful comments on the forum about the models who I do not enjoy.

And if management would capitulate and cease using models based on a small vocal group of fan hate mail, they would soon have no site at all, as everyone's idea of what is good or bad, or hot or boring is so terribly subjective.

My respectful suggestion would be for you to ignore all Jimmy scenes, and if the majority of all of the scenes that are presented here are not to your liking, move on to another site that might more suit your needs. But I really don't get the anger and passionate feelings that this one model brings out in some people.
before i leave this thread for good, i just want to say, mick was very good in this scene.
mick was the other model. the model who got left out of the comments.
where are mick's other fans!?
Mick Fan

before i leave this thread for good, i just want to say, mick was very good in this scene.
mick was the other model. the model who got left out of the comments.
where are mick's other fans!?

Hi another1. I didn't leave Mick out. I love that guy. I think he is "adorkable," professional, a gentleman, somewhat fearless, apparently musically inclined, and he is pretty much the ONLY reason I watched this scene.

To mikeyank, I understand that you like Jimmy, and really, that is fine. To your point about all the "hate" towards Jimmy, though, here's the issue from my standpoint, and I don't know what else I can say to get you to understand this: yes, there have been other models on the site that didn't do anything for me, and I typically just skip over their scenes. Jimmy, however, OFFENDS me in a way that NO OTHER model has ever even come close to. So when it is said that he is "the face of BSB2," and he keeps showing up, particularly in scenes with models that I DO very much like, should that not give me some concern? Even enough concern to sustain a 60-plus-post thread (or whatever this ends up being)?
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JP2008, your's is the 55th post on this thread. I am continually amazed by the strong reaction that Jimmy receives on this forum, particularly by those who dislike him. I can't recall, off the top of my head, any model from version one or two who receives such a vitriolic, hateful response by his detractors.

Of course I believe that you are totally unfair, and incorrect in suggesting that he has a "homophobic attitude", and that he is truly "demeaning, or inconsiderate of his partners".

There have been so many models over the years on both versions, who I did not enjoy at all, and after giving them a chance, when I saw that they were continuing to be featured, I would skip watching their scenes, and in two or three days, watch the next scene. With three updates a week, it is never a long wait for the next scene. I never wrote hateful comments on the forum about the models who I do not enjoy.

And if management would capitulate and cease using models based on a small vocal group of fan hate mail, they would soon have no site at all, as everyone's idea of what is good or bad, or hot or boring is so terribly subjective.

My respectful suggestion would be for you to ignore all Jimmy scenes, and if the majority of all of the scenes that are presented here are not to your liking, move on to another site that might more suit your needs. But I really don't get the anger and passionate feelings that this one model brings out in some people.
Well said Mikeyank.I totally agree with you.
It's very interesting that you can ask someone a specific question, not get an answer from that person, and then get someone expressing agreement with the original person but still not engaging in a discussion. It's like being treated like a ghost.

I don't have a problem with "the site." There is a lot here that I really like. I have a problem with ONE model who shows up way too much for my tastes and in a fit of wild hyperbole, people are referring to him as "the face" of the site. This makes me worried that I'm going to lose the many things I enjoy such that a "small vocal group of Jimmy lovers" will get their way. So I speak out, as seems reasonable on a chat board. It is very irrational, and completely unfair to tell similarly minded people as myself to just "go away" and leave the site altogether if we have strong negative feelings about this one guy--you are basically confirming my fears. I didn't tell any of the Jimmy lovers to go form a "I love Jimmy" site. It's getting to the point that nobody had dare express any dissenting opinion here. I don't understand it. Is this what the moderators of this forum want?
It's very interesting that you can ask someone a specific question, not get an answer from that person, and then get someone expressing agreement with the original person but still not engaging in a discussion. It's like being treated like a ghost.

I don't have a problem with "the site." There is a lot here that I really like. I have a problem with ONE model who shows up way too much for my tastes and in a fit of wild hyperbole, people are referring to him as "the face" of the site. This makes me worried that I'm going to lose the many things I enjoy such that a "small vocal group of Jimmy lovers" will get their way. So I speak out, as seems reasonable on a chat board. It is very irrational, and completely unfair to tell similarly minded people as myself to just "go away" and leave the site altogether if we have strong negative feelings about this one guy--you are basically confirming my fears. I didn't tell any of the Jimmy lovers to go form a "I love Jimmy" site. It's getting to the point that nobody had dare express any dissenting opinion here. I don't understand it. Is this what the moderators of this forum want?
Hi Navelluver,

I love this forum and when it is active, with lots's of divergent opinions, and folks actually debating one another, particularly in regard to the model's here or the philosophy of the site, I love it. I've been questioned in the past on the forum, if I was paid by management to support the site. I wish I was, but no, I'm just a fan.

That is why I am so sorry if you think that when I disagree with you about Jimmy, that I want you to "go away". That is the last thing I want. As I am a fan of the Yankees,
(see my avatar, thanks to the help of "the MVP of the forum", Ms. K), but as a Yankee fan, I want to see them be successful, and I like when people say good things about them. It makes me feel good, and I am a fan of Broke Straight Boys and feel the same way about the site, and especially the forum.

You and I Navelluver both pay our monthly subscription rate here, and you have exactly the same right to express your opinions, as I do mine.

Again I apologize if I came off the wrong way, but I am passionate about "my teams", "my website", and "my forum" , and I enjoy arguing and debating my feelings with an intelligent, articulate person who disagrees with me, so speak your mind, and ask me any direct questions and I will give you an honest, from the heart answer. I hope to be sharing this forum with you for a long time to come.
Hi another1. I didn't leave Mick out. I love that guy. I think he is "adorkable," professional, a gentleman, somewhat fearless, apparently musically inclined, and he is pretty much the ONLY reason I watched this scene.

To mikeyank, I understand that you like Jimmy, and really, that is fine. To your point about all the "hate" towards Jimmy, though, here's the issue from my standpoint, and I don't know what else I can say to get you to understand this: yes, there have been other models on the site that didn't do anything for me, and I typically just skip over their scenes. Jimmy, however, OFFENDS me in a way that NO OTHER model has ever even come close to. So when it is said that he is "the face of BSB2," and he keeps showing up, particularly in scenes with models that I DO very much like, should that not give me some concern? Even enough concern to sustain a 60-plus-post thread (or whatever this ends up being)?

I hate to say this for fear of retribution, but I share your feelings toward Jimmy, despite the fact that I love him on the bts where we see the real person. But I can't remember a model I have disliked as a g4p porn model on this site. Again, love the person that goes by the moniker "Jimmy". But dislike porn "Jimmy". Yeah, it sounds a little schizophrenic, but there it is. I may be wrong but I've read on the forums that Braden was similarly disliked, but I really liked him. Sure, he was totally str8 but his performances were far and away better than Jimmy's, and he was an excellent top and sucked dick with some competence (albeit dislike). I also don't recall a model who does such a bad job in his scenes be brought back over and over again. This is why I refer to him as the "face of Broke Straight Boys" because he goes out on tour representing the site. There are huge posters with his face on it, and the BSB Facebook page has his pic on it. I believe the fact that Broke Straight Boys has invested so much in him is the reason he continues to work.

Don't get me wrong. His is a good image to project to the world for this site. But I also wonder if Vinnie had stayed, would he have been chosen as the face of the new Broke Straight Boys He was a better and more willing performer, imo, and was very handsome. Just a thought.
balboa, the worst things i will say about your comments is we differ.
were you to say the sky is red, before i would tell you, you are wrong, i would think it is at sunrise and sunset. if i were to comment without considering all the possiblities, then i would no the sky is blue and everybody knows that.
i do not agrue with your observations, only with conclusion reached by those observation.
when i look out over the ocean, i have no doubt that the earth is flat. i can see it with my own eyes.
i strongly defend your right to express your opinion.
sometime i will start a thread on braden and my opinion of him.
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