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Jimmy and Diesel rehash David Please???

Denny Bear

Well-known Member
Oct 20, 2008
Reaction score
Sioux City, IA
I just finished watching the Jimmy and Diesal Part 2 film for about the 100th time. It has to be one of the hottest films in the archives. David "PLEASE" tell us more about these two and how this film came to be? These guys are so natural together there just has to be something more to it. I don't care if the answer means Diesal is as gay as Dame Edna I just got to know. We had never seen Jimmy before or sense with anyone else, you hardly needed to give them any direction at all. There are just to many clues here for them not to be a couple. I swear no one else will read this and I will never tell anyone it's just for me. :biggrin:
I just finished watching the Jimmy and Diesal Part 2 film for about the 100th time. It has to be one of the hottest films in the archives. David "PLEASE" tell us more about these two and how this film came to be? These guys are so natural together there just has to be something more to it. I don't care if the answer means Diesal is as gay as Dame Edna I just got to know. We had never seen Jimmy before or sense with anyone else, you hardly needed to give them any direction at all. There are just to many clues here for them not to be a couple. I swear no one else will read this and I will never tell anyone it's just for me. :biggrin:

And that I'll have a girl for you to fuck next time and that this is just for my own private collection, for me to see and no one else, just for my archive.

David: hurry back from your birthday voyage with Eddie, to ANSWER HIS QUESTION!! love slim
I just finished watching the Jimmy and Diesal Part 2 film for about the 100th time. It has to be one of the hottest films in the archives. David "PLEASE" tell us more about these two and how this film came to be? These guys are so natural together there just has to be something more to it. I don't care if the answer means Diesal is as gay as Dame Edna I just got to know. We had never seen Jimmy before or sense with anyone else, you hardly needed to give them any direction at all. There are just to many clues here for them not to be a couple. I swear no one else will read this and I will never tell anyone it's just for me. :biggrin:

I agree with the general consensus that Diesal + Jimmy = HOT. When you look back at Diesal's progress, he really is the achetypal straightie, but OH BOY did he get into it with Jimbo! I guess that when the right boy comes along, straightboy just goes for it? Pretty much what happened to me actually! And look at me now - divorced!!
I truly believe that they are a item , nothing will convince otherwise. Have you notice Jimmy only scenes on the site is with Diesal. But I don't care if they are in love, like Maurico and Vinny I want more of this love story as it move foward. The passion does it for me. This looks like Straight to gay in the making. Been there many times. The hands movement and the eyes don"t lie, These guys are for real, so bring on the romance story line. I LOVE IT
Unfortunately we're asking all these great questions while David is on a 2 week vacation.
Although I loved the mini series, I think we have to move on and embrace the newer models. Maybe we could have a Diesal and Jimmy update in say 12 months time.
Although I loved the mini series, I think we have to move on and embrace the newer models. Maybe we could have a Diesal and Jimmy update in say 12 months time.

I like the mini series thought. It was a bit of a soap opera/potboiler wasn't it? The anticipation of Diesal bottoming? Will they won't they? Are they lovers in 'real' life? I think we have some GREAT new models e.g. Zakk and Skyler, although it is fun to go back and look at old 2007 episodes sometimes, to see how the site has matured.
Nice one Jon
More newbies please

Although I loved the mini series, I think we have to move on and embrace the newer models. Maybe we could have a Diesal and Jimmy update in say 12 months time.
I agree. I'm much more interested in the "young blood" on the site, than rehashing the old "he loves me.....he love's me not" saga of Diesal and his guy. Perhaps an occasional look back at some of the "older" models would be interesting, but I'm definitely into the focus being on the newbies, as the whole premise of this site is seeing how far a new, nervous, somewhat reluctant guy will go when David waves the greenbacks in their face, (as he did in the recent Preston & Mike shoot).
You boys are sort of like the lions in the zoo. The more fresh meat they feed you the more you want. LOL..:banghead:
I just finished watching the Jimmy and Diesal Part 2 film for about the 100th time. It has to be one of the hottest films in the archives. David "PLEASE" tell us more about these two and how this film came to be? These guys are so natural together there just has to be something more to it. I don't care if the answer means Diesal is as gay as Dame Edna I just got to know. We had never seen Jimmy before or sense with anyone else, you hardly needed to give them any direction at all. There are just to many clues here for them not to be a couple. I swear no one else will read this and I will never tell anyone it's just for me. :biggrin:

How about it David now that your back can you shed any light on this for us?