High-Five Mikey!

Well put!
The use of the term mafia does seem to be a bit of the pot calling the kettle black Jon. lol If the definition of "mafia" refers to forum members who have been around a long time, have strong personalities, a high number of posts, don't back down easily and are forceful and outspoken on a number of diverse topics...then I think I know of a handsome gentleman in Leeds who might just fit that bill.

You joined the forum a month after I did in 2008. During these years you've either been a full-time student or employed full-time in apprenticeship or work, (which is
very commendable of course) whereas I have not been. You took about a year off from the forum after the changeover and yet we are separated by only 600+ posts.
If there is a "
Broke Straight Boys mafia" it seems to me that you could be easily run for Godfather.

LOL The comment of "Get it.." sounds like you have some heat that you could bring to bear, and have an Enforcer come rub someone out. Such that if some unsavory-looking bloke shows up at my door tomorrow with a British or Italian accent and a "free" bottle of Champagne wrapped with a ribbon and bow...that maybe I should consider not drinking it. lol Or maybe consider re-gifting it to someone I don't like. Kidding!!
You are free to state your opinions and others who disagree with you are also free to give you some pushback on them. As far as the reverse situation, I already know you'll do the same. lol People can ask you to lighten up on certain topics and you can refuse.
I don't want newer people to get the idea that Jon and I are "fighting". We have these entertaining pissing contests on and off over the years and it livens things up.

There's never any permanent harm done. We always kiss and make up in the end. He also knows that I'd rather be flirting with him than debating with him. Yet sometimes both can be enjoyable.