Jon, I feel that you get a bit hyper-sensitive when your opinions are being questioned. You are just as much a part of what you call "the
Broke Straight Boys mafia", as anyone else.
Tampa will champion his causes like his love of Blake, Colin &
Diesal, and his desire for models to "work hard" as he calls it. You will champion guys, (ass-lick if you will), Lucas,
Kodi, and Max, as well as your constant defense of David from BSB1. You know my feelings on what I consider "real" straight guys on this site.
As long as we all pay our membership dues here, and we are not being censored by management, then we can all speak freely and even repetitively if we feel strong enough regarding our "causes". We are just opinionated folks speaking our minds, and if you think that there is a "
Broke Straight Boys mafia" on the forum, (which I don't see), then you are as big a part of that as anyone else when it comes to your particular issues that are near and dear to you. It only appears different depending upon which side of the fence we sit on, on any particular issue.