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Jeremy Getting Reformatted by MikeR


BSB Addict
Mar 10, 2010
Reaction score
With all of the unpleasantries often associated with one's first experience with anal sex, Jeremy took to it like "ducks to water" with numb hands and tingling all over and probably even now, no doubt. I hate to be so untrustful but Jeremy sure is a suspiciously quick study of anal pleasures. So quick in fact that he seems to have set a all time land speed world record for conversion at Broke Straight Boys while avoiding going to the trouble of traveling to the Bonneville Salt Flats Speedway.

I really like Jeremy alot and I really dig his body and his good looks. He is very sexy guy with a great attitude and he really took all that MikeR had to dish out sexually, with barely a whimper. Most impressive for a newbie to anal pleasures. After Jeremy got off while still being fucked by MikeR, I thought MikeR was going to go for a second orgasm from Jeremy all the while MikeR was still working on completing his orgasm. While this second orgasm for Jeremy never came to pass, the whole episode was definitely one of the better ones lately and time well spent.

Even if MikeR isn't your cup of whatever, I strongly recommend all Broke Straight Boys members check this one out. I think you will leave with a smile on your face, just like I did and just like Jeremy all tingling and spent too.

It kinda gets you in the Christmas giving mood, you know?
I like Mike for many reasons. One of them is the fact that when he fucks a newbie with his big dick I really believe he tries to make it a pleasurable experience for them as well as himself. I bet he's a very considerate lover when having sex with women.
I also love his nasty talk during sex. I really wanted him to ask Jeremy while he was fucking him if he liked it. I'm betting the answer would have been yes.
Jeremy is a good looking guy with an average guy cock. Thats nice to see sometimes. Most of us out here in the real world aren't hung like porn stars (which would explain why we're not making porn LOL) and to see and average cocked guy is a nice change of pace. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying he has a small dick, it just seems to be more average. In fact, I think his cock is rather beautiful.
Normally MikeR always gets my full attention when he is in the shoot but this time I was really attracted both sides.Jeremy is an amazing beautiful guy with a very nice body,cock and balls.Just the right size and balanced as I like it.He has style and you could clearly see they both enjoyed the action very much.Good pairing and a mighty performance.Gave it high 5 and they deserve it!
Mike R was fantastic with Jeremy in the last video they where in, Mike is so understanding with new guys and takes his time doing it nice and slow and easy he is such a pro,Now Jeremy is a very is HOT a good looking guy and he has it all working for him, he took it like a pro for mike and and I think he also enjoyed it also. I sure hope that he continues with Broke Straight Boys and makes many more videos.
Everybody, after fucking him Jeremy did suck Mike's spent cock in a spontaneous friendly jester, instinctive, tastie, loving, and sharing moment. I think David said this was a first on Broke Straight Boys Jeremy even stuck out his tongue to show all Mike's cum fresh from his cock. I am happy you all took it in stride with hopes future performances will demonstarte such compassion and succulents.
Let's face it, this was definitely not Jeremy's first time at the rodeo!!! He is a true beauty, great face, great hair, nice goatee, really honest natural build, and an ass to die for. In his oral with Mike I thought he really was straight, but there were many clues in this scene that speak otherwise. He takes a large dick WAY too well. To get fucked that long by that size of a dick takes lots of practice. He did the "Hey girl" thing way too well. I can see a straight guy try, but not pull it off. He came with a dick up his ass "for the first time". And last but not least, he did not hesitate to suck cum off Mike's cock, and THEN rolled it around in his mouth as if to do some snowballing, which Mike declined. Then he swallowed it! Touch down!!! Gave it a 5.
I hope Jeremy is part of Mark's plans for the future. He is the best looking, best built model to come through in a long time and he has a good personality. We saw his talents and nasty side in this scene. That's one thing Broke Straight Boys has often lacked. The nasty factor!!!
This was a great scene. Laughing, joking everything I like in a good scene. I agree with a fellow member that this could not have been Jeremy's first time. I have been doing this for a long time and I would have trouble getting used to Mike's meat. But at any rate this was a great match-up and I really like Jeremy ( so please don't ruin him by pairing him up with Braden.)
No pairing with braden - ever, please?

This was a great scene. Laughing, joking everything I like in a good scene. I agree with a fellow member that this could not have been Jeremy's first time. I have been doing this for a long time and I would have trouble getting used to Mike's meat. But at any rate this was a great match-up and I really like Jeremy ( so please don't ruin him by pairing him up with Braden.)

Dear peterh6308,

I have to repeat your warning to management about Jeremy's future Broke Straight Boys fate by saying emphatically (SO PLEASE DON'T RUIN HIM BY PAIRING HIM UP WITH BRADEN)!

These two make a great pair. The banter leading up to the action in the scene seemed so laid back and genuine. Jeremy appears to have a calming affect on Mike and the scene turned out great. Jeremy, if this is his first venture into anal sex, must have practiced. Otherwise, he has been there and done that or is just a natural. Regardless, it was so good to see a scene without a lot of pain and agony such as we have witnessed in some past shoots. Mike was just plain fun in this one and Jeremy was so at ease and, at time, quite funny. I gave this a 5. (a rare vote for me). In thinking about the all new Broke Straight Boys, I sure hope that models like Jeremy who have recently become favorites will be invited back along with some regulars like Mike, Mikey, Diesal, Shane, Cameron, Price, Daniel, Zack,Preston and others who have become real favorites of Broke Straight Boys members. Job really well done guys. Many thanks and keep up the good work.
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I concur with all the accolades that this episode has received so far. I really like Jeremy, both in his sexual process as well as his great personality. He is open and friendly and relaxed in his banter with David and Mike. And I do agree that this was not Jeremy's first trip to the rodeo, but he is handsome and masculine, and a fine young man to appear on this site.

And I am most pleased that Mike has thus far, received such nice reviews on the forum. As all of David's scenes draw to a close, I have to think that perhaps this was Mike's swan song on the futon, and having always been a huge fan of his, I'm pleased that the forum in general, seems to have come back around to speak well of this star of the David era on Broke Straight Boys If there is more to be seen of Mike, great, and if not, it's been a pleasure. :001_smile::001_tt2::001_tongue:
Zometymez ya get vhat ya ask phor...

This is Zsa Zsa and I vant to exprezz my opinions on Jeremy and za future of Broke Straight Boys az any liberated voman vould. As of Dec. 1st, Zsa Zsa foretold za folloving concerning her beloved and very sexy budding Broke Straight Boys star, Jeremy:

Zsa Zsa is all knowing and thinkz Jeremy is za very sexy and beautiful manly man! He haz many kualities zhat make him spezial to me. To begin vith, Jeremy haz...za beautiful angel butt that demandz more persuasive and pleasurable actionz; ...and he haz za manly set of hairlezz ballz vith za akkompaning and girthful penile shaft topped off vith za equally mannish, slightly pinkish, and very zensitive headed kock.

"Vith all za above taken into konzideration, Jeremy vas able to overkome za typically "straight guy phobia of touching and sucking another guy's kock" without too much angst. That zaid, Jeremy, akkompanied by MikeR, ...is primed and ready to start at za bottom and vork his vay up! If it happenz to be MikeR, for zure he vill have to start as za bottom! Anyvay, Jeremy appearz to be most villing to be penetrated beyond his "sphincter DMZ" to open up new and unexplored avenuez of anal pleazurez avaiting only to be added to his sexual “repertoire” for dekades to cum. For sure Jeremy seemz to be za "Trouper" in za truest classical zenze of za term. Zsa Zsa sayz he haz her vote...!"

...Zsa Zsa's friend Villie explained..."he kan barely engage his own villie now despite za obedienze training and all za dekades of daily or more often akkumulated praktice. He too vants to have his own personal villie fully stretched vonce again vithout za vrinkles, in order to regain its proud stance and impressive stature with its head held high, über alles! Pleaze don't allow Broke Straight Boys members in za future to become melankholik due to dismal new epizodes lacking zhis most important and therapeutic of all qualities, ever again!"

Zincerely and vishing all za happy and Merry Christmas zeason,

Zsa Zsa and her konfidant Villie vith his own problematik villie, and Stimpy

Dear Phellow Komradez,

Vonce again, Zsa Zsa haz hitt za nail on za kopf (head) juzt like za Luftwaffe vith alles za akkurazy and precizion auf za magniphizent bombers and zhere skopes vith za krosshairs lined up and on a klear nacht. Zsa Zsa is quite za gurlly-gurl vhen it kumz to having alles za exakt detailz at juzt za reicht time. Phor za Fraulein auf her dai, she really both haz a head on her shoulderz and really gives head head-n-shoulders above alles of za Frauleins in za village and only phor 1 Deutschmark!!!!

2 Deutschmarks vill get you za hot bath with za hard bruzh skrubbing on alles your partz except your uncut and intact viener;
3 Deutschmarks vill inklude za vaxing of za pubes; and phor only
4 Deutschmarks, Zsa Zsa vill inklude za "deluxe - around-za-vorld" spezial inkluding "tozzing your zalade" bephore she vaxes your hairy butt and bleaches your anal lipz till it is nice, pink, and baby-smooth and powdered vonce again juzt like mama did it zo many years ago.[/LIST]

Zsa Zsa haz alvayz prided herzelf in being za mozt akkommodating vorking gurl available. Alzo, she likevise rekognizes others that are akkommodating sexually juzt like her mein squeeze, Jeremy, za tall and zexy Amerikan pilot. One of hiz many knoteable pheaturez is Jeremy'z spezially configured Volksvagen-sized vorking manz phalluz vith za top cutt off that spewz thick creamy loads vhen fiddled vith and vith zufficient proztate stimulation. Zsa Zsa saz she loved the look of hiz kompact tool.

It takes somevone like za very big and gifted MikeR to do za job vell. Az you kan tell, MikeR vas at his best phorm for za entyre epizode vith za fully explosive magna blanketing Jeremy and hiz vorking manz phalluz. Jeremy just beamed with blizz alles over. Even so, zhis alone did not keep Jeremy from leaning phorward juzt in time and giving MikeR's big muzhroom head za big gulp svallowing all za phresh and hot cum Jeremy could suck up and, later on, "snowball" on his tongue around and around phor alles to zee.

Zsa Zsa was zo imprezzed with Jeremy'z unexplainable straight-boy enthuziasm zhat it made her all vet inzide, juzt looking at how this questionable "knewbie" licked it all up zo skillphully, vith MikeR being shocked in hiz facial expression all za while! Zsa Zsa thought it vas truly breathtaking, don't you agree?

Anyvay, Zsa Zsa and I vant to zay zhis was definitely vone of za better epizodes and ve both would hope zhat Jeremy followz over to za new Broke Straight Boys phor lotz of new adventurez in total zexual pleazure!
There is a new definition to the word straight in the Oxford dictionary.

Straight - A heterosexual person who likes to be on the receiving end of same sex anal sex and who masters in the art of cum eating. LOL
Jeremy: Good, Giving, & Game

Jeremy is my favorite kind of boy, straight, bi, or gay: DIRTY.

With a bit of incentive, he's willing to get down and play real dirty. Gotta love him.

Dan Savage defines a good lover with three characteristics: they're good, they're giving, and they're game. Jeremy is all three and will forever be a great lover whoever he's with.

MikeR was lucky to take Jeremy's cherry & Jeremy was lucky to have big-dicked MikeR do the deed.

I have to lay down now because I'm exhausted from so may orgasms from watching this awesome scene. Kudos to the entire production team!

Tief/aka Red Owl
Dear Peterh6308 and Cumrag27,

For me it was as clear as water that Jeremy's shoot with MikeR was a jump to be paired later to Braden, most probably already agreed from the beginning.It is also clear it was not Jeremy's first time bottoming.I am pretty sure they already made it together before applying to Broke Straight Boys

Dont know whether you noticed but Jeremy and Braden are on the menu Dec 20, whether you like it or not, and dont let your Xmas
spoiled by it.
Danger! Danger! Warning! Warning! Braden is approaching beware! Beware!

Dear Peterh6308 and Cumrag27,

For me it was as clear as water that Jeremy's shoot with MikeR was a jump to be paired later to Braden, most probably already agreed from the beginning.It is also clear it was not Jeremy's first time bottoming.I am pretty sure they already made it together before applying to Broke Straight Boys

Dont know whether you noticed but Jeremy and Braden are on the menu Dec 20, whether you like it or not, and dont let your Xmas
spoiled by it.

Dear ohvanz,

This Grinch won't steal or spoil my Christmas. I have taken a solemn vow to avoid watching this ass-stretching misadventure. One thing you can count on is that Braden isn't about to get his cherry popped. Honestly, he isn't worth the effort or the film it would take to capture the deer-in-the-headlights suprised look on his conceited face or even to see his eyes bug out. Rest assured, he would never acknowledge personal pleasure from such an assault on his precious boo-boo!

Braden definitely is the Grinch that stole Christmas, just not with me!

Another mystery to ponder is how could someone as wooden as Braden could be friends with his polar opposite, namely Jeremy! Go figure! Anyway,

Merry Christmas everybody!

Cumrag27, aka Stimpy
I will watch this episode, but David please don't talk to Braden. I love watching him as long as he isn't talking. Yeah I knew this match-up was coming, so Jeremy will have fun riding that monster. Speaking of monsters how about Price getting fucked by Diesal? Now there we go for a fun relaxing roll in the hay.
Jerermy's original inspirational leader

I will watch this episode, but David please don't talk to Braden. I love watching him as long as he isn't talking. Yeah I knew this match-up was coming, so Jeremy will have fun riding that monster. Speaking of monsters how about Price getting fucked by Diesal? Now there we go for a fun relaxing roll in the hay.

Dear peterh,

Perhaps Braden was the original source of popping Jeremy's anal cherry. Obviously, for a "newbie" Jeremy appears to have come right our of the box with advanced anal skills and no problem with large dicks. I don't think this is something you inherit.

At least Jeremy will get a proper reaming out and, for Jeremy's sake, I hope he leaves all tingly as documented by his previous fucking by MikeR. I have nothing against large dicks but when it belongs to Braden, couldn't Broke Straight Boys require him to fuck someone while Braden's face is digitally blurred out, in a paper grocery store sack, or something? I just can't stand to see his face or his half hearted attempts to recipricate, much less suck dick. He thinks he is a Broke Straight Boys deva and god. Therefore, he feels he is entitled to do things no one else can. That is why I despise him so.
I finally got to watch this one. Very hot.

I just love Jeremy! He has a great body, nice face, and an amazing sense of humor and smile.

With any luck, his personality will have a positive influence on Braden, instead of the other way around.