For everyone involved in the special surprise for the one and only Jayman, the package was received. I want to extend my thanks to Markymark for all his help in contacting Jayman's friends. Amazing how we pulled this off in less than a week. Would you believe the goal was to get the gift to Jayman around the same time as post #1000? We were off by what, 36 hours? Amazing! What follows is the letter that was enclosed with the special Star Trek Gift. Hopefully Jayman can photograph the gift and Post it (#1023?). Now the letter:
Dear Jayman,
It is with great pride and pleasure that I write to you on behalf of the most incredible forum this side of the Atlantic. Your friends, postees, posters all felt that on this special occasion, we needed to do something
For the past 5 months your posts have been informative, educational, entertaining, enlightening, humorous, encouraging, loving and caring. You have provided incites to explore ourselves in new ways. You've taken on the role of forum peacemaker when things were getting heated. And you've been the true leader of the Forum. Each of us owes you a debt of thanks for all you have taught us and done.
Please accept this special gift as a small token of out Thanks.
Let me close by quoting the words from the theme song of the
Golden Girls.
"THANK YOU FOR BEING A FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
On behalf of the Royal Court and your friends of the
Broke Straight Boys Forum.
Note: If the letter did not get too crushed, it is ready for framing.