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Jayman hits 1000


BSB Addict
Nov 28, 2008
Reaction score
State of Confusion
Congratulations Jayman. Wow!! That is a lot of typing! Thanks for taking the time to share and to care, and to love and support so many of us for so long. Live long, and prosper

Congrats buddy!!! That is so awesome! Keep it up! :) And thank you for your amazing advice today. It made me shed tears but in a good way cause when i let him go i know that my soul and his will be in peace. Its just actually doing it thats going to be the hardest part. LOVE YOU J!
Way to go Jayman

1000 congrats on 1000 posts. Do we get to pinch you 1000 times?????

Thanks for being a great leader and spiritual advisor (also not bad on the eyes as well......)


Hey Jayman,

Congratulations man! Thank you for all your kind words of wisdom and humor. You are an amazing person. We have been blessed to share this forum experience with you. Thank you for being a peacemaker and a thought provoker. Bless your heart. :biggrin:

We love our Jayman! :waw:
Jayman! You are my favorite POWER poster!! The rest of us stand in your shadow! :biggrin::biggrin:

Your insight, compassion, and incredible wit, are a joy to behold! You are the best!

Love ya, Jayman!
Congratulations darling man,

As you begin the sprint to your 2000th post, and since we are talking about this pesky syndrome on other threads, I thought a little Wikipedia Wisdom was in order. Pay special attention to the parts about bent wrist while sleeping, skin friction and sweating, and lets us know if these hold true in your case. Do you drop things? Does your Forum practice make for better or worse wrist action in undertaking other endeavors connected with Broke Straight Boys? We heavy posters can benefit from your experience in this, as in many another area of your expertise.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Boy Porn and Chat Board Addiction​

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), or median neuropathy at the wrist, is a medical condition in which the median nerve is compressed at the wrist, leading to paresthesias, numbness and muscle weakness in the hand.

Most cases of CTS are idiopathic (without known cause), genetic factors determine most of the risk, and the role of arm use and other environmental factors is disputed.

Night symptoms and waking at night--the hallmark of this illness--can be managed effectively with night-time wrist splinting in most patients. The role of medications, including corticosteroid injection into the carpal canal, is unclear. Surgery to cut the transverse carpal ligament is effective at relieving symptoms and preventing ongoing nerve damage, but established nerve dysfunction in the form of static (constant) numbness, atrophy, or weakness are usually permanent and do not respond predictably to surgery.

Although the condition was first noted in medical literature in the early 20th century, the first use of the term “carpal tunnel syndrome” was in 1939.[1] The pathology was identified by physician Dr. George S. Phalen of the Cleveland Clinic after working with a group of patients in the 1950s and 1960s.[1] CTS became widely known among the general public in the 1990s because of the rapid expansion of office jobs.[2]

Many people that have carpal tunnel syndrome have gradually increasing symptoms over time. The first symptoms of CTS may appear when sleeping and typically include numbness and paresthesia (a burning and tingling sensation) in the thumb, index, and middle fingers, although some patients may experience symptoms in the palm as well. These symptoms appear at night because people tend to bend their wrists when they sleep, which further compresses the carpal tunnel.

Patients may note that they "drop things". It is unclear if carpal tunnel syndrome creates problems holding things, but it does increase sweating, which decreases friction between an object and the skin.

Love you very much mister
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An analysis of Jayman's posting has allowed me to predict future milestone dates. Based on his posting trends and having used a spacial anomaly to penetrate (now guys, control yourselves) the space/time continuum I was briefly able to use the computers of NCC-1701B to ascertain the following dates:

Post 5000 August 4, 2010
Post 10,000 May 20, 2012*
Post 25,000 Feb. 19, 2018
Post 50,000 July 1, 2029

* the same day as an Eclipse of the sun crosses the United States.

The above dates do take into effect the normal aging factors. What can't be predicted that could significantly alter these dates include;

Forum members willing to read post
Management's ability to increase posting memory
Broke Straight Boys long term economical survival
Rheumatoid Arthritis of the fingers
Global Nuclear War
Borg Assimilation
Hoof & Mouth Disease whose effects are, "a diarrhea of the words and a constipation of ideas".

With that said,

CONGRATULATIONS JAYMAN! What a Proud Achievement. You are, without question, a true blessing to us all. May we all "Live Long and Prosper" and "May the Force Be With Us!"

May God Bless,

Love, Vicekid
Congrats Jayman on turning 1000, I mean achieving the 1000 posts & I thought I was doing well when I hit 10 :)
Awesome posting Jayman..... Congrats on your 1000th post............ so we can expect your 2000th soon right? lol
You are the unofficial leader of our forum Jayman. Thank you for all the interesting, informative and thought provoking posts. I am not a StarTrek fan, but I believe their motto is "Live long and prosper" and I wish that to you. :001_smile:

Congrats!!! Wow!!! 1000 posts that is AWESOME!!! Okay...so the forum is addicting....LOL...
Thank you all

I could not have done it with out all of you. Addiction or not, I think we have all benefited from the Forum.

Thank you too. :blush:
Well the Jayman hits 1000, not to say he's a prolific contributor to the forum but what took you so long. For the first few months I thought he owned the dam thing. And of course we all know the reason that the updates on the site have been a bit lame lately is because they had to spend all their extra cash on server space to hold all of Jayman's messages. But hey Jay we really want to thank you for going to all the trouble to write all that stuff. Maybe some day some body will actually have time to read it. Jay talked a while back that he don't get to hang out in bars much anymore like he used to. With all that writing I can see why, but anyway we all know he's been in more dives then Mathew Mitchem. But all kidding aside, Jayman you are truly a gentlemen and a scholar. I am proud and honored to be able to call you a friend. You are no doubt one of the most noble contributors that any forum has ever had the pleasure of hosting. With that said I offer you my most sincere congratulations on you hitting 1000. Considering the value of your posts I hope you will hit 2000 by the fourth of July. Live long and prosper my friend.
Well the Jayman hits 1000, not to say he's a prolific contributor to the forum but what took you so long. For the first few months I thought he owned the dam thing. And of course we all know the reason that the updates on the site have been a bit lame lately is because they had to spend all their extra cash on server space to hold all of Jayman's messages. But hey Jay we really want to thank you for going to all the trouble to write all that stuff. Maybe some day some body will actually have time to read it. Jay talked a while back that he don't get to hang out in bars much anymore like he used to. With all that writing I can see why, but anyway we all know he's been in more dives then Mathew Mitchem. But all kidding aside, Jayman you are truly a gentlemen and a scholar. I am proud and honored to be able to call you a friend. You are no doubt one of the most noble contributors that any forum has ever had the pleasure of hosting. With that said I offer you my most sincere congratulations on you hitting 1000. Considering the value of your posts I hope you will hit 2000 by the fourth of July. Live long and prosper my friend.

You Are my Angels and Friends

I call upon my Angels
When I have no one to turn to
I call upon my Angels
When I am feeling down and blue,
I call upon my Angels
When there is no one to talk to
And there is no place to run or hide
When I need my Angels I know I can look deep inside
As, I search deep within myself
I know my Angels are always near
It is the love inside my heart
That lets me know my Angels are there.
Even though we are miles apart,
I know my Angels are always near my heart.

When my Angels are here
A smile then appears upon my face
When my Angels are here
I know the sun will always shine.
I hear my Angel's voice, so soft and sweet
Saying, 'Everything will be just fine'
At times I may believe that I am alone
I must confess I am never by myself at all.
Whenever I need my Angels near
All I have to do is call.

An Angel's love is always true
On that you can always depend.
Angels will always stand behind, in front of, or beside you
And will always be our truest friends
Through thick and thin in our darkest hours and brightest days
Our Angel's light of hope, inspiration, and love will see us through
They smile when we are happy, and will cry when we are blue...

Thank you all for being my Earth Angels and my friends
As you are there for me; I will be there for you until the end.
By D.K. (AKA Jayman01) 02/19/09
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