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Jayce & Sean


Well-known Member
Apr 8, 2010
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Hey Guys,

So I just watched todays update of Jayce and Sean.
Jayce is a really really hot guy, i watched his solo before hand, and i get that he does alot of work for Broke Straight Boys on the tours and parties etc... I think its kinda cool that he now wants to start earning some $$ and messing around with some guys to get it... but Sean, Really?? I dunno about this guy, he seems like a really genuinely nice guy n all, but something about him just kinda screams AWKWARD to me. Like i knew this kid at school who he reminds me of and he just used to say the most random shiz at the most random times. like real socially awkward kinda guy. He defo looks like he is coming out of his shell and stuff but this aint help a buddy at work day, this is gay porn!
I think there are waaay hotter models that jayce could have been paired with for his first oral scene. Diesal and Jayce ( i am kind of Diesal bias) or Chasen and Jayce, i feel would have made for a much hotter scene.

David and the Broke Straight Boys team I dnt mean to critisize ur work but this vid didnt really do for me and Sean I am sorry to say kinda made the video unwatchable (THE CRINGE FACTOR)

What does everyone else think???
I really enjoyed this scene and thought it was a great pairing. Jayce is absolutely straight and I am sure was almost made to be there. He is in the clubs all the time advertising Broke Straight Boys it is only right that he should be one of the models. If not it is sort of false advertising. It was also very entertaining to see him squirm a bit. LOL Sean is the guy that you used to know that lived down the street or pumped gas in the local station. Which is what makes him appealing and true to the what the site represents. Yes it's a porn site but it is not really supposed to look like one. He may have a hint of curiosity in him but I think that makes the best pairing. If you use one guy that is at least curious or better and the other guy totally straight. It makes the straight guy just that much more apprehensive.
I think Sean rocked Jayce's world with that BJ... Wow, it was kewl to see that Sean was up for bottoming so willingly too in the beginning. I think Jayce sucked Sean's dick pretty good for a first time too. I don't think they were a perfect match but they both performed pretty well all in all. Great job guys.:thumbup:
I think Sean rocked Jayce's world with that BJ... Wow, it was kewl to see that Sean was up for bottoming so willingly too in the beginning. I think Jayce sucked Sean's dick pretty good for a first time too. I don't think they were a perfect match but they both performed pretty well all in all. Great job guys.:thumbup:

Man I must be really really picky!
Guys like Sean really do not do it fo me... he just seemed real simple (I dnt mean to offend him, jst thats the impression he gave me) and for me i find that a huge turn off... I like it when guys are frisky and willing to try out new things n all, but I dunno.... ye win some ye loose some!
Looking forward to seeing more of Jayce (minus sean) !!!
Sorry, but I don't get this pairing at all. Jayce is extremely hot, but Sean just isn't in the same league. I can't get into this one.
Right I'm going to be different and state it was Jayce that seemed rather out of place in this duo. Maybe the pairing was not right, but Jayce hardly showed any interest and it was Sean who was made to do most of the work.
Well i like sean he took it in the ass twice before 1time with nu aug 9 2008 and 1 time with corey june 21 2008 and both were hot scenes
I like Sean. I think his willingness to show a little enthusiasm is refreshing than some of the guys. We've seen enough of the CJs that want it over as quick as possible and refuse to try to let go.
I think he'd be better paired up with someone more open to try new things. He may have been a bit intimidated by Jayce. Love to see him paired with Jake. I think those two could really click.
I think Sean is one of those short assed dudes with a big slightly unsubtle voice to compensate (he's actually got a nice speaking voice) whose role it was to be gung ho to help Jayce along, but being more gung ho than his acting abilities stretched to, and ending up sounding a bit dorky. If Jayce was laid back and quiet then Sean was supplying the scene with more enthusiasm than the atmosphere called for. On the other hand Jayce was quietly hamming it up himself at one point,making more testosterone faces when his dick had gone limp than he had while it was rockhard. Acting isn't all that easy.

Jon got it right though. Jayce was odd man out, not Sean. For obvious reasons. But I really enjoyed the interaction. Being 5'7" myself I'm used to partner size difference and most often end up making it with someone taller. It actually made the scene hotter for me that li'l Sean is only fivefive. And I love seeing one guy jack another to orgasm: the scene redeemed itself totally when Jayce shot his load with Sean's hand wrapped around his dick. I gave it 5. They both have great Broke Straight Boys style bodies, Sean especially. And Jayce's semicircumcised dick is a work of art.
Seems like mixed reviews on this one. I gotta say that I was thrilled to see Sean back. I've enjoyed everyone of his scenes and I felt he carried this one. Jace is coming out slowly and I think will blossom. Sean has a great personality, is cute and is willing to do whatever it takes. In short, he is hot and I like him a LOT. I could not wait for this episode to be posted to see him again. I hope Sean makes several returns to Broke Straight Boys and that Jace gains confidence and shows us his full talents.
Right I'm going to be different and state it was Jayce that seemed rather out of place in this duo. Maybe the pairing was not right, but Jayce hardly showed any interest and it was Sean who was made to do most of the work.

Hey Jon,
Totally agree. Jayce may be a nice guy and all, and I am sure he is a big attraction at the Broke Straight Boys Road Tours, but I personally don't think he's all that. Definitely not my first pick of the Broke Straight Boys's I would like to spend time with to get to know better, but that's just me. I really don't think it would have mattered who you paired him up with, the results likely would have been the same. It's one thing to get up on stage and shake your ass and tease the audience, but to get in front of the camera on the futon to act out the fantasies of the fans, that's a whole different transition.
I liked Seans enthusiasm and I agree that a Sean and Jake pairing holds great potential. Especially with Sean's excitement at the mention of bottoming.
Not a horrible scene, just sort of ....meh!

- Jason
I liked the Sean/Jace pairing. A great pairing. There was an element from these guys that sort of said they were thinking: "What am I doing here???." It was grreat! I was pleased to see Sean back again and he has matured in a nice way. For those who don't remember, Sean "Took it for the gipper" more than once. He is a trouper. He is the only one I believe who ever grunted and screamed as he was getting fucked. (He's an original). And Jace is so very genuine in his responses. Great Directorial effort David! Four Stars.
Too many and not enough space!

Here goes: I wanted to include quotes by Denny Bear, Janman, Pooh, Josh, Slim, Chase, Jason and Rapper, but I don’t know how to do that and of course it would be repetitive. I just agree with all you guys and believe that everyone of you posted very “right-on the mark” assessments of the shoot. You guys have already said it but I just have to restate what a nice guy Sean is. No, he’s not Tarzan but he certainly is not wimpy either. He just knows what he’s doing and likes it. He takes direction well and shows that he really likes who he’s with. Whether he does or not, have no idea of course. Jayce is one good looking dude all over and probably did the best he could under the circumstances he found himself in with our pleasure to watch. They are both KEEPERS!!
Jayce may be a nice guy and all, and I am sure he is a big attraction at the Broke Straight Boys Road Tours, but I personally don't think he's all that. Definitely not my first pick of the Broke Straight Boys's I would like to spend time with to get to know better, but that's just me. I really don't think it would have mattered who you paired him up with, the results likely would have been the same. It's one thing to get up on stage and shake your ass and tease the audience, but to get in front of the camera on the futon to act out the fantasies of the fans, that's a whole different transition.
I liked Seans enthusiasm and I agree that a Sean and Jake pairing holds great potential. Especially with Sean's excitement at the mention of bottoming.
Not a horrible scene, just sort of ....meh!

- Jason
I find myself agreeing with Jason again. Jayce is not the kind of guy that gets my motor revved up. He is tall and handsome with a nice smile and a fine body and cock, but he is just not "sexual" to me. I guess there are certain qualities that are hard to define that either do it for me or not, and Jayce is not the type that gets me going. Just a personal preference.

I also agree with Jason that Sean is a hot and I would like to see him with a cute twink like Jake. They both seem very anxious to please their partner in a scene, Dave, and the viewing audience.
I like Jace a lot, and I think he's very sexy. I can't imagine telling him "not interested" if he wanted me to play with him. :drool:

Sean has matured and looks better than ever. What a difference a year can make... He did startle me with his guttural grunting during his O. I had forgotten he does that! LOL!

I enjoyed this vid, and I also found it very hot when Jace busted with a little help from Sean. Big Jace has quiet Os, while little Sean has loud ones. What ever does it all mean? :lol:
Does the word 'cock-tease' mean the same thing it used to mean? The one who flirts and flashes and winks and says all the 'right things' but gets down to the nitty gritty and finds an excuse or walks away or says "I'm straight" and leaves you hanging. That's Jayce to me. He has the moves down to an art form and is wonderful 'on the road,' but when he gets to the futon, it all show and no blow. I'm not complaining. Part of Broke Straight Boys is showbusiness and part of it is putting your mouth where the money is. He belongs in the showbusiness - he's really wonderful there. He's really quite fun in the 'Behind the Scenes.' I've yet to see him really succeed for me in an episode. Hmmm. Wonder what would happen if he were thrust (pardon the pun) into an orgy where things where coming (pardon the pun) at him from so many directions he did't have time to fall back on his schtick (pardon the pun) - you know, topping with your mouth full.
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Right I'm going to be different and state it was Jayce that seemed rather out of place in this duo. Maybe the pairing was not right, but Jayce hardly showed any interest and it was Sean who was made to do most of the work.

I totally agree. I thought Sean was cute and charming and a willing participant and seemed totally straight. I like his attitude. Sean, however, although lanky and sexy as hell, was a dud for me. He seemed so uncomfortable, which is understandable, but kinda surprising since he has been exposed to the idea of this for a while now. I would expect this kind of awkwardness from someone right off the street, but that's not the case here. I don't know what other vids he has in the can, but this one looked like we won't see him again. I hope he does better next time, because I find him very sexy.
Does the word 'cock-tease' mean the same thing it used to mean? The one who flirts and flashes and winks and says all the 'right things' but gets down to the nitty gritty and finds an excuse or walks away or says "I'm straight" and leaves you hanging. That's Jayce to me. He has the moves down to an art form and is wonderful 'on the road,' but when he gets to the futon, it all show and no blow. I'm not complaining. Part of Broke Straight Boys is showbusiness and part of it is putting your mouth where the money is. He belongs in the showbusiness - he's really wonderful there. He's really quite fun in the 'Behind the Scenes.' I've yet to see him really succeed for me in an episode. Hmmm. Wonder what would happen if he were thrust (pardon the pun) into an orgy where things where coming (pardon the pun) at him from so many directions he did't have time to fall back on his schtick (pardon the pun) - you know, topping with your mouth full.

I agree Aquarius, Jayce is exactly that.. a big cock tease, but i really dnt think he had the best partner in order for him to shine in all his glory. I think the Jayce really needed a more experienced guy to be paired with, someone on his level who he could take direction from but still seem like he was in control.. Sean was just a little too keen and i think that put him off.

Now Jayce in an Orgy where he didnt have time to think, jst get on down to it... Who would u have in said Orgy?? I would have a 4 way with.. Jayce (obv), Diesal, new Jake and Damien... 2 tops Jayce and Diesal, and 2 bottoms Jake and Damien (Jake bats for one team and only one team for sure)
I am gonna have pleasant dreams tonight!!
I totally agree. I thought Sean was cute and charming and a willing participant and seemed totally straight. I like his attitude. Sean, however, although lanky and sexy as hell, was a dud for me. He seemed so uncomfortable, which is understandable, but kinda surprising since he has been exposed to the idea of this for a while now. I would expect this kind of awkwardness from someone right off the street, but that's not the case here. I don't know what other vids he has in the can, but this one looked like we won't see him again. I hope he does better next time, because I find him very sexy.

I meant "Jayce" was a dud, not Sean. I didn't get to edit it within the 5 minute limit.
I meant "Jayce" was a dud, not Sean. I didn't get to edit it within the 5 minute limit.

Balboa, don’t sweat it my bro, somehow I think we all figured that out.