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Jaxon and ian

HAHAHA!! Yes I'm 19, but since I was about 16 I've always looked a lot older. I do want to apologize for this scene. It clearly wasn't one of my better performances, I was just getting over a cold at the time, but I don't want to make excuses. I was off, but I assure you it want because I'm getting worn out, I'm 19 after all ;). I haven't spoken with Mark about it, but I do have a scene with Cage Kafig coming up hopefully soon that I believe you will all really enjoy. It was among one of my favorite scenes to do, second only to the scene with Paul and I. I hope this scene hasn't deterred anyone from myself or Broke Straight Boys, sometimes scenes just weren't meant to be, but I'll be back! Hahaha :)

Ian - you've come along way, baby! - since you first graced this site. Thanks for explaining (you were NOT making excuses) what was behind your performance. But take heart, because even on your "off" day, you are way better than most both attitudinaly and performance-wise! Looking forward to your next scene!

So many on here take matters to heart. I am perplexed how easily many are insulted by the comments of others to the point they have to literally stab back with uncanny verbiage. Oh, what a world, what a world!

Mr. Egg: You think much too highly of yourself if you think I was responding to your post. Clearly, if you took the time to read my post I was commenting on Ian's post, which I quoted. Contrary to what you might think, it's not all about you. And, by the way, if I were responding to your post, I would quote it.
I think Mr Noblegg had best be careful of people carrying buckets of water LOL
i have always admired your thoughtfullness toward others and am glad you are part of Broke Straight Boys stables! Did not particularly care for this video though because i just don't care for body tats on young men! Think what the tats will look like when they are 40+
I was disappointed with this scene. The camera action was really static and made the lack of chemistry between the models even more apparent.

I'm a big Ian fan and he rarely disappoints, but his ardor in many previous scenes wasn't present in this one. He can be really sensual and seductive when he tries. He seemed really tuned out in this scene. I hope it's an off day for him and that he isn't getting burned-out. He's done quite a few scenes and received consistently high scores.

Jaxon is new and learning, and I think he has a great face, but I found that I was really distracted by his tattoos. I like tattoos, but I think many young people today don't put enough thought into what it is, where it should go and what it will look like from 15 ft away. A hodgepodge of them can detract from the balance of a persons looks. It may be that the scene was so drab that I was paying more attention to his tattoos.
Jaxon has yet to have a scene above a 4 and needs to find a way to stand out. I think that he may be a better bottom than a top, but he hasn't bottomed yet. Maybe next time. :yawn:

I agree with a great number of your observations of this scene. (It was almost as if we were watching it together). I am not typically bothered by tattoos in general but, I have noticed that Jaxon's mixture of professional and non-professional tats do tend to make one's eyes and mind wander...."what was he thinking/doing when he got that?" Ian is generally a very good performer in most scenes I've watched him in too! This just wasn't one of the greatest scenes for me either!:confused1:

You guys are preaching to the choir here. Jaxon's tattoos are such a distraction. Especially so when some of the more amateurish ones look like they were drawn with a child's crayon. He's such an attractive guy otherwise without the tats. I just don't see why he did that to himself.

HAHAHA!! Yes I'm 19, but since I was about 16 I've always looked a lot older. I do want to apologize for this scene. It clearly wasn't one of my better performances, I was just getting over a cold at the time, but I don't want to make excuses. I was off, but I assure you it want because I'm getting worn out, I'm 19 after all ;). I haven't spoken with Mark about it, but I do have a scene with Cage Kafig coming up hopefully soon that I believe you will all really enjoy. It was among one of my favorite scenes to do, second only to the scene with Paul and I. I hope this scene hasn't deterred anyone from myself or Broke Straight Boys, sometimes scenes just weren't meant to be, but I'll be back! Hahaha :)

Dearest Ian,

You have no need to apologize for yourself. Not every scene is going to be received as a phenomenal success. At most you can just say you're sorry people didn't enjoy it as much as some previous ones. And just as you did say, you hope they enjoy some of the future scenes more.

As far as this one scene turning members off to you personally or the site in general...well that's just crazy talk. lol Neither will be the case. I must admit I was rather startled by how much older you looked in this scene. Maybe it was due mostly the cold. But then even at 28-29 y/o you still look gorgeous. xox I was wondering though if you would consider ditching the facial hair entirely. I know you might enjoy the idea of being able to get into clubs without being carded, but the facial hair also contributes to your looking beyond the 18-24 y/o range of most of the other models.

Your new tattoo is nicely and professionally done. I do hope though that it will be your last for a long time. Please don't succumb to peer pressure from guys in the Broke Straight Boys house or guys back at home, to compete with them in body ink. Tattoos are forever. Even surgical removal later is very painful, costly and not always successful. (Just ask Mark Walberg. Or check out numerous articles and video interviews where he talks about how many years, $$$, and pain he has spent trying to remove all of his tattoos. All of which must have seemed like a great idea to him at the time.) So please think a few decades ahead with grandkids on your knee and how you want your body to look in between 19 y/o to 70. :)

Of course advice is always just something for your consideration. I realize that my own advice and $2 will get you a cup of coffee at McDonald's. lol

Much love Ian! xo :wink:
Mr. Egg: You think much too highly of yourself if you think I was responding to your post. Clearly, if you took the time to read my post I was commenting on Ian's post, which I quoted. Contrary to what you might think, it's not all about you. And, by the way, if I were responding to your post, I would quote it.

Stowe1, I did read your entire comment thrice before I responded. Clearly, if my comment caused you enough ire to respond to it as you did herein, then apparently you were bothered by my words, whereby you are certainly one to whom I addressed. It seems to me you are astute to recognized certain points in my comments that irritate you. I learned years back in Psychology 101 when someone points out a particular behaviour in another that irks him, he is actually pointing out his own behaviour he abhors from within, but his insecurity causes him to strike out at the other person as if to hide his own low self-esteem.
Your move.
Here endeth the lesson.
You guys are preaching to the choir here. Jaxon's tattoos are such a distraction. Especially so when some of the more amateurish ones look like they were drawn with a child's crayon. He's such an attractive guy otherwise without the tats. I just don't see why he did that to himself.

Dearest Ian,

You have no need to apologize for yourself. Not every scene is going to be received as a phenomenal success. At most you can just say you're sorry people didn't enjoy it as much as some previous ones. And just as you did say, you hope they enjoy some of the future scenes more.

As far as this one scene turning members off to you personally or the site in general...well that's just crazy talk. lol Neither will be the case. I must admit I was rather startled by how much older you looked in this scene. Maybe it was due mostly the cold. But then even at 28-29 y/o you still look gorgeous. xox I was wondering though if you would consider ditching the facial hair entirely. I know you might enjoy the idea of being able to get into clubs without being carded, but the facial hair also contributes to your looking beyond the 18-24 y/o range of most of the other models.

Your new tattoo is nicely and professionally done. I do hope though that it will be your last for a long time. Please don't succumb to peer pressure from guys in the Broke Straight Boys house or guys back at home, to compete with them in body ink. Tattoos are forever. Even surgical removal later is very painful, costly and not always successful. (Just ask Mark Walberg. Or check out numerous articles and video interviews where he talks about how many years, $$$, and pain he has spent trying to remove all of his tattoos. All of which must have seemed like a great idea to him at the time.) So please think a few decades ahead with grandkids on your knee and how you want your body to look in between 19 y/o to 70. :)

Of course advice is always just something for your consideration. I realize that my own advice and $2 will get you a cup of coffee at McDonald's. lol

Much love Ian! xo :wink:

Well thanks Tampa! I always try to come across as a very professional person on the forum when addressing scenes and advice and so on. I know that the scene being a dud wasn't a huge deal, but I just wanted to make sure everyone knew that that's not what they can expect in the future.

I'm glad that you like my tattoo that was showcased in the scene, although it wasn't a tattoo that I thought about getting for months prior, it does mean something special to me and I believe that's all that matters. I do have one more tattoo for everyone one to see and that was the last tattoo I plan to get for a while. I didn't end up making it out to the studio last week because I was very sick and on several antibiotics, so I decided it was best to sit that session out and give myself the opportunity to fully recover. I will post a picture of my second tattoo for all of you guys to see since it will be a while till you see me on the big screen again. I still need to go in and get it touched up in places now that its fully healed.

And I know it's kinda random, but where did LoveLumps go? I met her at Denver pride and she was awesome!!
So I decided I wanted to get this tattoo about a year ago. I wanted to do a camera lens facing straight on, with a multi-colored center with the words, "Treat life like your favorite photo, and place it in the best light." I struggled for the longest time with what to put around the text and camera lens, because I didn't want it to look bare, I thought it wouldn't look right. So I had ideas of Columbine flowers or our class flower behind it to tie it all together, but the more I thought about it the more I realized it would become too detailed and the colors would eventually fade into one another. So I tried to think of a more simple idea that would still have meaning to me. Thats when I came up with the idea to use the Colorado flag. I've been born and raised her in Colorado and I couldn't think of a place I would rather want to be than right here in this beautiful state. And it fit nicely with the camera lens, so my final drawing was of a round colorado flag, with the lens in the middle, and the yellow in the center of the lens. The dripping effect I added just to make it look more artsy and cool.
Well thanks Tampa! I always try to come across as a very professional person on the forum when addressing scenes and advice and so on. I know that the scene being a dud wasn't a huge deal, but I just wanted to make sure everyone knew that that's not what they can expect in the future.

I'm glad that you like my tattoo that was showcased in the scene, although it wasn't a tattoo that I thought about getting for months prior, it does mean something special to me and I believe that's all that matters. I do have one more tattoo for everyone one to see and that was the last tattoo I plan to get for a while. I didn't end up making it out to the studio last week because I was very sick and on several antibiotics, so I decided it was best to sit that session out and give myself the opportunity to fully recover. I will post a picture of my second tattoo for all of you guys to see since it will be a while till you see me on the big screen again. I still need to go in and get it touched up in places now that its fully healed.

And I know it's kinda random, but where did LoveLumps go? I met her at Denver pride and she was awesome!!

Ian, I for one acknowledge you for what you have done in the past on here. I commend you for what you are doing in your recent videos, even if you believe you were less than your own standards. And I appreciate you for all you are going to do for your fans in future videos. Please know that while I tend to render much diverse conjecture in the forums, earning me a great more animosity that only inspires me to further provide arguments that tend to deflate their specious perceptions, I am nonetheless one of your fans who realizes you have exceptional potential incomparable with any other model on this site, including those who are displaced upon ivory pedestals. In my perceptions, you exhibit more of a person than a persona. You put all of yourself into everything you do (and at times everyONE you do - LOL). You are a consummate professional I wish most of those I film would likewise incorporate into their being.
My most sincere respect and admiration have been with you from the onset. This shall not change.
Dear Noblegg, Eschew obfuscation Always a good idea on a porn site LOL
Dear Noblegg, Eschew obfuscation Always a good idea on a porn site LOL

Good afternoon, KellyG. Good to hear from you. I also enjoyed the fact you picked up on my WIZARD OF OZ pundit.
I enjoy eschewing obfuscation (yes, I know what it means!). There are times I use it to challenge one's mind (ok, to insult) over his/her head in order to get the upper hand. If you look at my avatar, you can see I am unafraid to utilize my upper hand. LOL
Anyway, know you are appreciated, admired, and respected by at least one person on here who perpetually suffers from Cranial Rectitis.
Dear Noblegg, Eschew obfuscation Always a good idea on a porn site LOL
I am not that bright, so I looked up the meaning, and found this on a site called "Urban Dictionary".

An ironic statement that means avoid ambiguity and adopt clarity. It's ironic because it is hypocritical.

Instead of saying eschew obfuscation, espouse elucidation, Mary just told us to avoid confusion and be clear

Is that what you are saying?
I am not that bright, so I looked up the meaning, and found this on a site called "Urban Dictionary".

An ironic statement that means avoid ambiguity and adopt clarity. It's ironic because it is hypocritical.

Instead of saying eschew obfuscation, espouse elucidation, Mary just told us to avoid confusion and be clear

Is that what you are saying?

Man, Mikeyank, am I glad you are not asking me! While I could answer you, it would be my POV, which undoubtedly would differ from those of others, which is not a bad thing.
BTW, check your PM.
Mr. Egg: You think much too highly of yourself if you think I was responding to your post. Clearly, if you took the time to read my post I was commenting on Ian's post, which I quoted. Contrary to what you might think, it's not all about you. And, by the way, if I were responding to your post, I would quote it.

Stowe1, I did read your entire comment thrice before I responded. Clearly, if my comment caused you enough ire to respond to it as you did herein, then apparently you were bothered by my words, whereby you are certainly one to whom I addressed. It seems to me you are astute to recognized certain points in my comments that irritate you. I learned years back in Psychology 101 when someone points out a particular behaviour in another that irks him, he is actually pointing out his own behaviour he abhors from within, but his insecurity causes him to strike out at the other person as if to hide his own low self-esteem.
Your move.
Here endeth the lesson.

Mr. Egg:

If you read my comment thrice and responded the way you did, clearly reading comprehension is not your strong suit.

Psych 101? You should have gone on further and subjected yourself to the intellectual rigor of studying St. Thomas' "Summa contra Gentiles" and "Summa Theologiae"; Aritotleian logic; Epistemology; and Philosophical Pyschology. Basing your comments on Pysch 101 is a perfect example of the old saying "a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing"... especially for a person who thinks he (or she) is so erudite.

Ainsi soit-il!!
Mr. Egg:

If you read my comment thrice and responded the way you did, clearly reading comprehension is not your strong suit.

Psych 101? You should have gone on further and subjected yourself to the intellectual rigor of studying St. Thomas' "Summa contra Gentiles" and "Summa Theologiae"; Aritotleian logic; Epistemology; and Philosophical Pyschology. Basing your comments on Pysch 101 is a perfect example of the old saying "a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing"... especially for a person who thinks he (or she) is so erudite.

Ainsi soit-il!!

Good afternoon, Stowe. I do not let anyone tell me what I should or should not read. No one controls my life. The only person who had a part of my life passed away seven years ago this Wednesday, and even she never made suggestions on what I should read. I purchased my own books, much as I am sure you do. For that matter, I could hardly care less what St. Thomas had to say, as I do not found my life upon the religion of others, so you keep St. Thomas in your head, and I shall keep him out of mine. As for Psych 101, I am degreed in Educational Psychology, so save your barbs for someone who appreciates them; I assure you I am not the one. I do, however, feel the need to tell you it is obvious what I said held some merit, as your response was a poor counter. As for your posting, I did read it thrice (that means three times), and the words did not change, nor did their meaning or my personal concern for them.
I must aver, however, I am impressed you know Blain. So be it. However, you might want to consider what the old saying you expressed may say about you. My late wife always said, "People who pretend to be better than everyone else make it far more difficult for those of us who really are."
BTW, in your signature, you misquoted Kennedy. Try again.
Enjoy your crow.
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Good afternoon, Stowe. I do not let anyone tell me what I should or should not read. No one controls my life. The only person who had a part of my life passed away seven years ago this Wednesday, and even she never made suggestions on what I should read. I purchased my own books, much as I am sure you do. For that matter, I could hardly care less what St. Thomas had to say, as I do not found my life upon the religion of others, so you keep St. Thomas in your head, and I shall keep him out of mine. I was merely suggesting that in your educational pursuits you could have subjected yourself to the intellectual rigor of these works. One can read the writings and a person of intellect should want to read the works of people with whom one might not agree on the substance, but just to learn the intellectual rigor they use in their thought process.

As for Psych 101, I am degreed in Educational Psychology, so save your barbs for someone who appreciates them; I assure you I am not the one. Educational psych does not expose you to the same philosophical rigors and thought discipline as Aritotleian Logic, Epistemology, and philosophical psyschology. I do, however, feel the need to tell you it is obvious what I said held some merit, as your response was a poor counter.What you wrote in your post held no merit, and I answered only because you attributed to my post a purpose which was false. If my counter were poor, I doubt you would have taken time from your fiction writing to respond.

As for your posting, I did read it thrice (that means three times), and the words did not change, nor did their meaning or my personal concern for them. I'm glad you defined "thrice" because I wasn't sure you knew what it meant. But since you did know what it meant, it underscores even more your lack of comprehension of what I wrote.

I must aver, however, I am impressed you know Blain. So be it.Believe me, when I post, what you think of it or whether or not you are impressed never enters or would enter my mind. I respond only when you misrepresent what I said or give it an implication that is not supported by the language of the post - and that is for the benefit of accuracy. Or when you make an egregious statement such as wishing Paul would be euthanized.

However, you might want to consider what the old saying you expressed may say about you. My late wife always said, "People who pretend to be better than everyone else make it far more difficult for those of us who really are." Your wife was obviously a wise woman and knew you very well because her saying fits you perfectly.

BTW, in your signature, you misquoted Kennedy. Try again.You are right, Mr. Egg, and thank you for pointing that out. Back in the Spring of 1961, I bought a limited edition parchment print of a hand engrossed calligraphy of the Inaugural Address done on by John Ashmore of Seattle; I had it perma-sealed and framed to protect the parchment and thus, I've had it for 53 years. When I did the signature line, I took it from that and in it the quote does say "if the free society...". I never had a reason to question it until you pointed it out and in checking with the JFK Library, the President does in fact say, "If a free society ..." and that is also the official transcription in its Archives. I can only guess that guy who did my calligraphy did it from a copy of the text as released by the White House prior to the actual speech. But that is just speculation on my part. I always thought the use of "the" was strange as opposed to "a", but JFK had his own syntax peculiar to his education and background. So thanks for pointing that out. Correction made.

Enjoy your crow.In this case, I dine on pheasant; the crow is for you!

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Good morning, Stowe. It is always cool to read your words of wit.
You are indeed right about a great many things, but I shall omit those I deem unworthy of reversed banter and adhere to those I prefer warrant a response.
The comment you made that struck my nerve (and had you asked me about it, we probably could have avoided all this animosity I now choose to put behind me) was how Ian certainly did not make excuses. I took umbrage by your comment, as I felt you were deliberately mocking my prior post in which I mentioned this very same thing. Each time I read it, the same feeling struck me with a soured overtone. Perhaps I may have been errant; perhaps not.
Also, and with no bitterness contained herein, each time you feel the necessity to have to respond to what you deem I mentioned with misrepresentation, I am affirmed with the belief you are doing the exact same thing I am: qualifying your comment via opposing conjecture. It seems you and I could do this all day and get nowhere fast, so I put this behind me as well, choosing not to move on, but to move forward. In your mind, you are intellectually correct and attempt to out-talk me with matters I neither care about nor cause me reason to pursue them. "Fools give you reasons; wise men never try."
I have eaten lots of crow in my life. I have also tried pheasant, but I find it too dry for my particular palate. To my immediate good fortune, I had been physically struck by a hit-and-run driver on December 4, 2011, resulting in massive brain trauma, loss of memories (still in effect), other neurological disorders yet hampering me, the surgical removal of my crushed testicles, and an irreversible malady of anosmia. This latter ailment removed from me my abilities to smell and taste, which, when it comes to dining on crow, is not such a bad thing after all.
I believe it was Einstein who stated he did not have to know everything as long as he knew how to look it up. That is how I discovered your inadvertent faux pas re JFK's inaugural address. I am sad your parchment contains the misquote, but I am pleased as punch you took the time to correct it on here. Kudos.
The only other matter worth commenting upon is my beloved wife. She knew me better than anyone, and it was kind of you to bring this to light. I only ask of you to please never mention her again, even if I should bring her up. I have that right; you certainly do not.
Enough said. Enjoy your day, Stowe. I certainly shall mine.