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Jason Matthew's Thread

It is always great and refreshing to be reminded that people are people sometimes. I always said that if everyone had the same perspective on life as I did I’d get along great with the world hahahha. I just feel living without a positive outlook on life is simply a waste of time. I don’t want to say that I don’t care about things, I just care differently. I have a natural way of ignoring the stress in things I can’t change. I see on a daily basis people getting angry over everything. Especially things that happened weeks ago. Just at random, out of the blue letting yourself get all worked up about something that 2 weeks ago you got worked up about... dealt with and got over. It seems so silly and such a waste of time. I guess it’s like that old saying every moment of sadness you lose a moment of happiness...

As far as my moving process... it’s still a process but coming along. There have been a few distractions and considerations towards other parts of the country, but I think I’m still settled on Austin. Ill update you as I know more.

As for any of my other work with other studios. There isn’t very much of it, I’ve certainly done more with Broke Straight Boys then other sites combined. All my old work is from several years ago and was produced by Blu Media and Associates such as College Dudes However, as for the "House Boys Gone Wild". I have never heard of that DVD or the company Factory Video. The only companies I have ever worked with are Broke Straight Boys, TwinkScape and College Dudes I have looked into that and not yet made a determination how that occurred. Perhaps there is another Jason Matthews? Coincidentally Houseboys Gone Wild appears to have been filmed in Pittsburgh but I took no part in it!

As far as when I first "tasted freedom". I was as expected presented with the option of eating anywhere I please. However, my mind was made up months before. Now very rarely comes along a commercial on TV that gives me a craving. One time late at night I watched a Pizza Hut commercial and it brought back memories of old times and what not. The only thing I wanted was a Large Pepperoni Pizza with Stuffed Crust!! And I got it! :P

Actually, when I got out of jail, the thing I looked most forward to was getting back to work. Not with Broke Straight Boys but with a legitimate job. I recognize the need for one to become established. To look past a quick buck or easy job and develop a career. Something with security, that offers competitive wages, benefits and retirement options.

And as far as my Facebook goes, your very welcome and thank you for adding me! Everyone is welcome to add me on Facebook and communicate via messages more personally there. You can find my page at http://www.facebook.com/brokestraightjason I do read all my messages personally and respond to as many as possible.

For the record:
1) How could anyone ever turn down Beth’s turndown service?
2) I prefer my eggs sunny side up with toast and butter. I prefer 4 eggs 2 slices of white bread and 2 slices of wheat bread!

I suppose in general, I’m doing well. I appreciate all your support, praise and best wishes. Hope to hear from you all soon. Until the please … Stay Safe, Be Happy and Take Care of yourselves!

So its obviously been some time since Ive had the opertunity to post on the forum. Ive been super busy lately but I wanted to post an update real quick. Its late and Im tired so please excuse any gramatical errors.

I did have a fantastic time at Long Beach Pride. I met some great people and learned something about a hard days work. Sha really keeps you moving but his organiztional and management skills are Top Notch.

I recall one point early on the first day, I was handing out Broke Straight Boys Stickers. I made sure anyone in my sights recieved one. Along walks this cop on duty patroling the festival. Out of habbit I went to give him a sticker when I realized he wasnt a spectator and was working the event. I said "Oh... you probably dont want one" he replied "Actually I do" so I smiled and gave him one and as he walked away he turned and with a wink said "yah never know". I found it rather comical.. Toche Officer ... toche !

For anyone that I missed in Long Beach ... come see me In Washington DC.

Recently Ive been rather busy with a house I inherited a couple years ago. It has great potential but the lack of attention of the years is demonstrated in the poor condition the house was given to me in. For thirty years grass has been growing over the sidewalks and has since completely covered them. The old brick sidewalk is about 175 ft long by 6 ft wide and covered with top quality sod. Ive spent the last week removing the sod pulling the brick and leveling the path with a friend of mine. Tomorrow we hope to lay the foundation and start relaying brick.

Its realing stressfull and hard work. Its frustrating really... having to pull 1500 bricks. then you cant just leave them thrown about so you have to stack 1500 bricks. But the thing is your stacking them just to later unstack them... im pulling them just to relay them. It sounds ridiculous but its necessary.

Im a big fan of carpentry work and can do most myself. But incase you havent heard Im broke lol ... so while I wait until I have saved enough money for a roof or painting or electrical ect ... other things that dont cost money still need done. So while I have nothing better to do ... why not do it now. Besides youve never had a workout until youve relocated 1500 bricks :P

As for me all Is well. Despite my deeply rooted hatred for running, I have started to jog a few times a week. Because of my schedule, between personal and business agenda, I have slightly lapsed on my workout schedule... which Im very disappointed in. I have achieved some excellent results thus far and have been excited about the new muscle development. I will pick it up as soon as my schedule lightens.

For anyone who hasnt had the opertunity to meet or talk to Denver Grand ... well from where Im sitting hes a cool dude. Perhaps one of the coolest funniest and most laid back people Ive met in this industry. I really enjoyed getting to know him in Long Beach and hope we hang out in the future. Maybe one day we will work together... hmmmm I wonder what kind of scene that would be :P

I have bbeen talking with the production team about doing some filming in the near future, but to date nothing is set in stone although I assure you it will come eventually and so will you hahaha (pun intended)
It is always great and refreshing to be reminded that people are people sometimes. I always said that if everyone had the same perspective on life as I did I’d get along great with the world hahahha. I just feel living without a positive outlook on life is simply a waste of time. I don’t want to say that I don’t care about things, I just care differently. I have a natural way of ignoring the stress in things I can’t change. I see on a daily basis people getting angry over everything. Especially things that happened weeks ago. Just at random, out of the blue letting yourself get all worked up about something that 2 weeks ago you got worked up about... dealt with and got over. It seems so silly and such a waste of time. I guess it’s like that old saying every moment of sadness you lose a moment of happiness...

As far as my moving process... it’s still a process but coming along. There have been a few distractions and considerations towards other parts of the country, but I think I’m still settled on Austin. Ill update you as I know more.

As far as when I first "tasted freedom". I was as expected presented with the option of eating anywhere I please. However, my mind was made up months before. Now very rarely comes along a commercial on TV that gives me a craving. One time late at night I watched a Pizza Hut commercial and it brought back memories of old times and what not. The only thing I wanted was a Large Pepperoni Pizza with Stuffed Crust!! And I got it! :P

Actually, when I got out of jail, the thing I looked most forward to was getting back to work. Not with Broke Straight Boys but with a legitimate job. I recognize the need for one to become established. To look past a quick buck or easy job and develop a career. Something with security, that offers competitive wages, benefits and retirement options.

I suppose in general, I’m doing well. I appreciate all your support, praise and best wishes. Hope to hear from you all soon. Until the please … Stay Safe, Be Happy and Take Care of yourselves!


I figured I'd respond to this one first. haha

Hey Jason,

I just wanted to say that here that I really respect your maturity in being able to let things go and not sweat the small stuff. That's pretty cool that you craved a Pizza Hut pizza and were able to get it. haha

Again I think it's so much more mature to want to get a legitimate job in the private sector and let the gay for pay stuff be an extra source of income. Many models have gotten on the wrong track trying to use the porn as a primary source of income. It never should be. It should just help supplement a "real" job that is much more stable and predictable.
So its obviously been some time since Ive had the opertunity to post on the forum. Ive been super busy lately but I wanted to post an update real quick. Its late and Im tired so please excuse any gramatical errors.

I did have a fantastic time at Long Beach Pride. I met some great people and learned something about a hard days work. Sha really keeps you moving but his organiztional and management skills are Top Notch.

I recall one point early on the first day, I was handing out Broke Straight Boys Stickers. I made sure anyone in my sights recieved one. Along walks this cop on duty patroling the festival. Out of habbit I went to give him a sticker when I realized he wasnt a spectator and was working the event. I said "Oh... you probably dont want one" he replied "Actually I do" so I smiled and gave him one and as he walked away he turned and with a wink said "yah never know". I found it rather comical.. Toche Officer ... toche !

For anyone that I missed in Long Beach ... come see me In Washington DC.

Recently Ive been rather busy with a house I inherited a couple years ago. It has great potential but the lack of attention of the years is demonstrated in the poor condition the house was given to me in. For thirty years grass has been growing over the sidewalks and has since completely covered them. The old brick sidewalk is about 175 ft long by 6 ft wide and covered with top quality sod. Ive spent the last week removing the sod pulling the brick and leveling the path with a friend of mine. Tomorrow we hope to lay the foundation and start relaying brick.

Its realing stressfull and hard work. Its frustrating really... having to pull 1500 bricks. then you cant just leave them thrown about so you have to stack 1500 bricks. But the thing is your stacking them just to later unstack them... im pulling them just to relay them. It sounds ridiculous but its necessary.

Im a big fan of carpentry work and can do most myself. But incase you havent heard Im broke lol ... so while I wait until I have saved enough money for a roof or painting or electrical ect ... other things that dont cost money still need done. So while I have nothing better to do ... why not do it now. Besides youve never had a workout until youve relocated 1500 bricks :P

As for me all Is well. Despite my deeply rooted hatred for running, I have started to jog a few times a week. Because of my schedule, between personal and business agenda, I have slightly lapsed on my workout schedule... which Im very disappointed in. I have achieved some excellent results thus far and have been excited about the new muscle development. I will pick it up as soon as my schedule lightens.

For anyone who hasnt had the opertunity to meet or talk to Denver Grand ... well from where Im sitting hes a cool dude. Perhaps one of the coolest funniest and most laid back people Ive met in this industry. I really enjoyed getting to know him in Long Beach and hope we hang out in the future. Maybe one day we will work together... hmmmm I wonder what kind of scene that would be :P

I have bbeen talking with the production team about doing some filming in the near future, but to date nothing is set in stone although I assure you it will come eventually and so will you hahaha (pun intended)

Hey Jason!

It's always a treat when you join us in here. Thanks for the update! I take it by all the heavy lifting you are doing that your surgery has healed well? I'm sure you will get back into the shape you want...even if you don't like to put in all the exercise. haha

I'm so glad you had a good time at Pride. That's great! And you got to meet Denver among others. If you two hit it off so well personally I'm sure you would do well in a scene together. Maybe more? I will keep my fingers crossed that you guys can do a scene. I'm sure it will come eventually. As well as you, and Denver, and us. LOL

Again though thanks for posting Jason. We really do care about what's going on in your world.

Big hugs!
jason, it was my pleasure to meet you in person. you are as interesting to chat with as you are to watch. thanks for adding to my enjoyment of long beach pride. you look good on screen and even better in person.
anyone in the washington area would enjoy meeting you and blake.
that's from another one on the forum.
I figured I'd respond to this one first. haha

Again I think it's so much more mature to want to get a legitimate job in the private sector and let the gay for pay stuff be an extra source of income. Many models have gotten on the wrong track trying to use the porn as a primary source of income. It never should be. It should just help supplement a "real" job that is much more stable and predictable.

Agree with Tampa above. It's cool that you have your own thread btw and its only because of today's post that I found it. Good luck with finding a job, your house renovation and love to see you back on the couch soon. xx
For anyone who hasnt had the opertunity to meet or talk to Denver Grand ... well from where Im sitting hes a cool dude. Perhaps one of the coolest funniest and most laid back people Ive met in this industry. I really enjoyed getting to know him in Long Beach and hope we hang out in the future. Maybe one day we will work together... hmmmm I wonder what kind of scene that would be :P

I cannot think of two models I would rather see together than you and Denver. And the fact that you guys have already developed a relationship just makes it that much more better. If it does happen don't just blow his cock, but blow his mind away; then you'll be blowing the minds of all your fans. God, what a scene that would make!!!
Haste makes waste or so my teacher always told me!

I cannot think of two models I would rather see together than you and Denver. And the fact that you guys have already developed a relationship just makes it that much more better. If it does happen don't just blow his cock, but blow his mind away; then you'll be blowing the minds of all your fans. God, what a scene that would make!!!

Dear Robb,

While I do agree with your basic premise, when considering the outcum detailed above (highlighted in yellow like some "crimescene tape") wouldn't this only be wise :idea: if these guys were shooting:1506: their final episode together on Broke Straight Boys There wouldn't be much point in booking them afterwards? See my point?

I, for one in these times of senseless violence, want to see our beautiful Jason long after his "home improvements" are done. Jason is essential for a "longterm fantasy improvement" of my own and perhaps others, too.:smiley-sex022:
Get my point? No offense was intended!:biggrin:


Got your point

Dear Robb,

While I do agree with your basic premise, when considering the outcum detailed above (highlighted in yellow like some "crimescene tape") wouldn't this only be wise :idea: if these guys were shooting:1506: their final episode together on Broke Straight Boys There wouldn't be much point in booking them afterwards? See my point?

I, for one in these times of senseless violence, want to see our beautiful Jason long after his "home improvements" are done. Jason is essential for a "longterm fantasy improvement" of my own and perhaps others, too.:smiley-sex022:
Get my point? No offense was intended!:biggrin:



You are absolutely right, Stimpy. I guess the thought of such a wonderful match-up of these beautiful models sort of drained the blood from my brain. The thought of either Jason or Denver never returning would be like loosing a loved one forever. I just wouldn't have enough tears for such an event.

Having said all of that, I believe that "haste makes waste" is true if you are young and making decisions that may follow you throughout your life. None of that applies to me. I have become a speed demon trying to squeeze in everything I wanted to do, but just didn't have the time or for some other reason put it off. "Haste makes waste" has been replaced by "life is short", at least for me.

I got the impression in Jason's post that he was entertaining the idea of a match-up with Denver and considering Broke Straight Boys's track record, they rarely put the same models together for a sequel. I would hate to see these beautiful men together and just watch them jack each other off, never to be paired together again.

Perhaps a solution to this problem would be have a standing Jason/Denver scene each month to see the development of their relationship. They could (and should) perform in other scenes with different models during the month, but once a month have a scene together. I could certainly live with that.

BTW, no offense taken and thanks for pulling my feet back towards the ground.
Dear Mr Stimpy,

Could you please refrain from using the sickly throwing up font. It reminds me of the green stuff that came out of the kid in the first Exorcist.

Thank you kind sir. (Bends over for more punishment) :goodnight:
"the sickly throwing up font's" significance

Dear Mr Stimpy,

Could you please refrain from using the sickly throwing up font. It reminds me of the green stuff that came out of the kid in the first Exorcist.

Thank you kind sir. (Bends over for more punishment)

Dear jon:smiley-sex020:

I guess it is because I was largely a part of the "stylishly outrageous 1970's"! It never would have occured to me that the use of what was formerly called "Avocado Green" in the disco era was anything less than "eye appealing" to the MAX. In the 70's using colored felt-tip pens were all the rage until they finally disappeared from the marketplace 20 or more years later. While in college, my classroom notes were all written precisely in that sickly color or cyan. They are my two favorite colors! No intention was ever dedicated to sickening the Broke Straight Boys Forum's atmosphere or encouraging the return of "the bubonic plague".(see enclosed picture below)

I guess there simply is no accounting for one's tastes these days, is there! ie Linda Blair. I always thought that adding a little color was a good thing and kept things interesting and distinctive.:001_unsure: I guess it has become my calling card on Broke Straight Boys without even reading my name screen name.:masterbate: Sorry I had to :piss2: you off so before getting the message? Other than boring BLACK or WHITE, what color(s) of fonts would you recommend? Also, provide its significance. I will give it its due consideration! And, since you went about this in such a gentlemanly way, well okay for now! Just don't hold your breath LONG!

Sincerely almost monotoned now,

Ebony & Ivory Stimpy


  • A face a mother could never forget.jpg
    A face a mother could never forget.jpg
    20.6 KB · Views: 32
Jeez I've just had nightmares and palpitations looking at that pic. Now I don't think I can eat breakfast. Back to your fonts - Don't listen to me and continue to post in your normal outlandish colour. I'll just have to put my sunglasses on before I open your post.
The Girl with the GREEN THUMB!

Jeez I've just had nightmares and palpitations looking at that pic. Now I don't think I can eat breakfast. Back to your fonts - Don't listen to me and continue to post in your normal outlandish colour. I'll just have to put my sunglasses on before I open your post.

Dear joninliverton,

Didn't you know that is the way everyone looked, dressed, rotated their head, and spewed cream of chicken soup during the disco era. At least she didn't have an "Avocado Green nightgown" or erupt with "green soup"! My, she did have a pretty smile and a very kissable face back then!:sign0020:

