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Jason is one of my all time favorite BSBs.

No argument there Azan. Jason is a very beautiful and talented performer. Plus he's a very nice guy on top of all that.

Welcome to the forum! :welcome:
If you go back and follow his career with Broke Straight Boys 1 and 2, you will see just how much he has maintained his body as well as developed his on screen personality to bring total all around enjoyment for us members. There just is not anyone like Jason that I've ever seen. He is just one terrific young man that you can't help but love everything about him. I hope he continues to stay around for a long, long time.
He is back and better than ever.

Dear Azan ~

I agree. There is NOBODY like Jason - That smile! Those cheekbones! That amazing, irreverent sense of humour! Those thoughtful, and intelligent asides, to members on the board, which I am sure he regards as "off-the-cuff", but which his FANS regard as little gems. . . . And, of course, the way he makes LOVE. . . . *Sigh*. . .

There is nothing NOT to love about Jason Matthews, and I know we all love him, here. (I have long thought we should get a fan-club going for him, on the board, and would like to - I just lack the time and the technical expertise.)

But, plaudits for your taste, Azan. I bet, long after I have forgotten the names of my co-workers, and my neighbours, and some of my fairweather friends. . . I'll STILL remember Jason's name! He's awesome.


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I normally don't like to suck ass to models but with Jason I make an exception. Jason you are the best model EVER on Broke Straight Boys

I don't know that i would say, "the best", but certainly, "one of the best" models on Broke Straight Boys, ever. Again, I realize, before someone jumps down my throat (and it is never a model, damn it), it is all a matter of semantics and personal preferences. Jason is definitely on my "go to" list.
I normally don't like to suck ass to models but with Jason I make an exception. Jason you are the best model EVER on Broke Straight Boys

Well Jon ... its definatly a honor to be the exception. And I look forward to our next debate as your one of my favorite people to talk to and come to understand a difference in opinion with on the forum.
I don't know that i would say, "the best", but certainly, "one of the best" models on Broke Straight Boys, ever. Again, I realize, before someone jumps down my throat (and it is never a model, damn it), it is all a matter of semantics and personal preferences. Jason is definitely on my "go to" list.

If you could see me now JLipps ... I would be standing in a pose similar to Captain Morgan
Well Jon ... its definatly a honor to be the exception. And I look forward to our next debate as your one of my favorite people to talk to and come to understand a difference in opinion with on the forum.

That's cool Jason. In that case why don't you join in the "spy" debate in the first section xx I have to go to work now otherwise I'd be going on and on how much I dream about you. Jeez I'm sounding like Ambi..
I lust over you, too, Jason. What a great, sexy guy. Keep cuming, and we will love watching and lusting along. I wonder if you could pair up with Romeo for a way hot session? Just a suggestion. You are great with anyone or alone for that matter. Love and kisses XOXOXO :smiley-love021:
.......I have to go to work now otherwise I'd be going on and on how much I dream about you. Jeez I'm sounding like Ambi..
I just noticed this comment today Jon, and it is very funny :biggrin:, speaking of which I haven't seen Ambi on the forum for a while, and he has mentioned both health issues and other personal strife. I hope he's okay and he sure is the #1 Jason fan ever! No one could surpass his adoration of Jason.
I just noticed this comment today Jon, and it is very funny :biggrin:, speaking of which I haven't seen Ambi on the forum for a while, and he has mentioned both health issues and other personal strife. I hope he's okay and he sure is the #1 Jason fan ever! No one could surpass his adoration of Jason.
Indeed and talking about not being very well I wonder how Stimpy is after his hospitalisation (I think), hope Ambi is ok and i'm still worried about Ms K..

Back on thread and Jason would be my idea boyfriend. You can stick your dollars and dimes up your butts... I just want Jason.
Indeed and talking about not being very well I wonder how Stimpy is after his hospitalisation (I think), hope Ambi is ok and i'm still worried about Ms K..

Back on thread and Jason would be my idea boyfriend. You can stick your dollars and dimes up your butts... I just want Jason.
I believe that Stimpy has posted recently on one of the scenes, and I've been in touch with him and he did not have to go to that facility he mentioned on the forum, as he got some help at home from a friend, and I keep in touch with Ms. K and she is just fine getting ready to start another school year out in California. But I do not have any of Ambi's contact information.

And I wish you and Jason all the happiness in the world Jon. Perhaps you guys should come to New York where you can get married. Can I be the best man, or the flower girl or something??? :cool:
I believe that Stimpy has posted recently on one of the scenes, and I've been in touch with him and he did not have to go to that facility he mentioned on the forum, as he got some help at home from a friend, and I keep in touch with Ms. K and she is just fine getting ready to start another school year out in California. But I do not have any of Ambi's contact information.

And I wish you and Jason all the happiness in the world Jon. Perhaps you guys should come to New York where you can get married. Can I be the best man, or the flower girl or something??? :cool:

Yeh , get married somewhere real posh.. Tim can pay.. I'll send him a pair of my used underwear lol. You can be our lady in waiting like all the Queens get lol
Yeh , get married somewhere real posh.. Tim can pay.. I'll send him a pair of my used underwear lol. You can be our lady in waiting like all the Queens get lol

I'll be your gentlemen's valet and help dress you both for the nuptials. :P Of course I also want an invitation to the coveted and sure to be out of control bachelor's party. :w00t: