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Jason and Mark


BSB Addict
Jul 17, 2011
Reaction score
On the Banks of the Beautiful Ohio River
I realize that Jason and Mark have been in the last two scenes with other partners, but I would really love to see these two guys paired together in a scene. Neither Jason, who seems to do everything right, nor Mark, who may be the best bottom on Broke Straight Boys-2, are afraid to let their hair down and show some emotion (perhaps even passion :biggrin:). If the chemistry should kick in with these two, it could just blow the roof off the studio. But that is just my opinion...what do you think.
Sorry, they were not in the last two scenes...I was looking at the Member's Favorites page. But they were both in scenes during August. Sorry about that.
I believe that passion demands that the two models kiss and kiss very well. Mark is fine, but, Jason maybe questionable. Two possible candidates are Jack and Jaime who show a very good track record as great kissers. For my choice, I prefer Mark with Jaime for both kissing and fucking. I don't care for Jaime's smart remarks but he is a very good action-packed model. Mark and Jaime are a great combination - They both have passion!
You have made some really good points, angelone. I never even considered Jamie. I think I may have blocked him out of my memory because of his big mouth. That just seems to turn me off and ruins the entire scene for me.

I just rewatched the Jamie/Jason scene, and you are right...Jamie is more passionate than Jason. In fact, Jamie is good at anything they ask him to do & has a great body. I actually think Jamie just loves sex and can acclimate himself to any partner, female or male. He wouldn't admit that, but he really seems to get into all of the sex scenes with passion. He would call it "just acting".

As for Jack, we already have a Jack/Mark scene. Mark tried to get passionate during the fucking, probably more of a natural reaction to the great fucking he was getting. And Jack tried, but really seemed scared. It may have been too much, too soon for him. He definately has great promise for future scenes.

Maybe if we are good children, we will be blessed with both scenes (Jamie/Mark and Jason/Mark.
I believe that passion demands that the two models kiss and kiss very well. Mark is fine, but, Jason maybe questionable. Two possible candidates are Jack and Jaime who show a very good track record as great kissers. For my choice, I prefer Mark with Jaime for both kissing and fucking. I don't care for Jaime's smart remarks but he is a very good action-packed model. Mark and Jaime are a great combination - They both have passion!

Angelone, what do you mean when you say that Jason is questionable? I think Jason really gets into it!

In regards to Jamie's smart remarks, I just do not understand why you guys always get so upset when these guys are too "rude" for your liking. I think Jamie is a really friendly guy, when he makes his smart remarks he's just having fun! I love Jamie's personality, and he *is* a great kisser! Back in the day, when I was younger and terrified of doing too much kissing with a guy, someone like Jamie I could have made out with him for hours to whet my appetite for more before either one of us even started taking any of our clothes off.

I love that Jack isn't opposed to kissing either, but to be honest I think Jack is a pretty bad kisser quite frankly. Not that he can't get better though, and I applaud him for trying! I think he needs to spend about 8 hours with a girl of his choice, and have her teach him the fine art of great kissing. :001_tt1:

In regards to Jamie's smart remarks, I just do not understand why you guys always get so upset when these guys are too "rude" for your liking. I think Jamie is a really friendly guy, when he makes his smart remarks he's just having fun!
While this thread is about Jason & Mark, I do feel the need to applaud Abe's once again spot on observation, this time about the much maligned Jamie.

Obviously many of us forumites view the scenes through totally different eyes, but to me as to you Abe, I too see Jamie as a friendly guy with a somewhat dark sense of humor, but I agree that his remarks are all in fun.

Actions speak a lot louder than words, and if you watch Jamie in action he obviously is very "gay friendly", as he kisses his partners, accepts cock in his throat and ass and takes cum on his face. That says a lot more to me about his attitude about gay people and gay sex, than his throw away lines and hand gestures.

Thank you Abe for your astute observations. :thumbup1:
I am amazed at how some of the members on the forum can say with so much assurance, that Jamie and Jimmy are not being rude, they are just having fun and not being offensive. Do you members have a direct link to their brains and automatically know what they mean when they make these comments? Just wondering.
I am amazed at how some of the members on the forum can say with so much assurance, that Jamie and Jimmy are not being rude, they are just having fun and not being offensive. Do you members have a direct link to their brains and automatically know what they mean when they make these comments? Just wondering.

It's a matter of perception, and keeping things in context Jay. If they were having afternoon tea with a couple 80 year old ladies, then yes their behaviour might be considered rude. But these are straight guys in their 20s, being themselves. I grew up in a very rural town in the great plains, and I can assure you, that's how straight guys that age group act in the real world. In order to be accepted as one of the guys, you learn very quickly not only how to dish it right back, but to also dish it out to the other guys also.

Once you get older, you start becoming more refined, and considerate of what you're saying to others and how you interact with them. But Jimmy and Jamie are just acting like regular guys and having a good time. It's not about having a direct link to their brain or being a "mind reader", instead it's just plain old fashioned common sense.

It's a matter of perception, and keeping things in context Jay. If they were having afternoon tea with a couple 80 year old ladies, then yes their behaviour might be considered rude. But these are straight guys in their 20s, being themselves. I grew up in a very rural town in the great plains, and I can assure you, that's how straight guys that age group act in the real world. In order to be accepted as one of the guys, you learn very quickly not only how to dish it right back, but to also dish it out to the other guys also.

Once you get older, you start becoming more refined, and considerate of what you're saying to others and how you interact with them. But Jimmy and Jamie are just acting like regular guys and having a good time. It's not about having a direct link to their brain or being a "mind reader", instead it's just plain old fashioned common sense.

I too have spent a lot of hours out of my life for the last 30 years or so, with straight guys, the age of Jimmy and Jamie, as I hired the help and managed a warehouse where we hired high school and college age kids to work around their school schedules, and "I know" when kid's that age are "busting balls" or "goofing" on one another. I can also tell when they are seriously pissed off at someone or something, and these two models are just having a good time, being funny, in a somewhat defensive mode, about what they are required to do here, but nevertheless, it is rather clear to me that there is no ill will in their behavior, as they are merely "boys being boys", being themselves.

Try to lighten up on the model bashing guys. This is a place where we don't have to be politically correct as many folks would consider us "immoral" for being attracted to young guys who say they are straight. So if some of the "straighter" models on the site have a dark sense of humor like real straight guys do, don't take it all so seriously. It's just porn.
Abush11 and Mikeyank, I understand and appreciate both of your comments. Of course it is just porn, and I don't believe any of the models are straight, maybe bi. I believe about 50% of what the models say. I do enjoy watching a cute guy have sex with other guys, if they get into it and at least pretend that they can tolerate the sex act. I think I can say, from your postings, that you are very big fans of Jimmy and Jamie. That is certainly ok with me. I don't care for either one of them. I grew up in a small town in Georgia and played football in high school. There were a couple of crude,rude,gross guys on the team who were always trying to out macho each other. The majority of the guys on the team did not associate with them. Perhaps understanding guys like Jimmy and Jamie has to do with the type guys we hung out with when we were young. I respect your opinions and always enjoy reading your post.