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January 6th Starts the Carnival/Mardi Gras Season

Im glad you liked it. My experience with New Orleans has been magic down to my 50th Birthday a few years ago. My best friend from college and his husband took my partner and me with them for a few days. We went for thanksgiving which was a little early for my birthday but we could get good rates and we had the time off. The company we both worked for in DALLAS had a branch in New Orleans for a while and Richard managed that branch. We had a partner from an Old New Orleans family who intriduded him to the best restaurants and invited him to the biggest and most prestigious Mardi Gras ball. So he was our guid. It was really wonderful and enjoyed both the bars and nightlife as well as restaurant and local attractions. It was one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me. So most of my experience with the big easy have with a partner and have been really lovely so My take on the City is a bit different.

My partner Robert and I opened a clothing store in Austin in the early 80s on 6th street which is a huge nightlife area and has a Bourbon street feel. Not quite as wild but with 50,000 college students and blocks of bars and restaurants it was pretty wild. I lived in an apartment 6 blocks from the store and on the same cross street as my store was a group of gay bars only 2 blocks away. It was wild, ecstasy was legal and hustlers hung out there and it was very wild. It was only an elevator ride up to my apartment and I took a lot of guys up there. Robert and I had one of our break ups at that time and he went to DALLAS and it was grand central at my apartment.

I’m going to tell one quick but very wild sexually encounter. I was just getting to my apartment when I was approached on the street by a rather rough looking guy. He was kind of sexy if you like pretty rough trade which I do. Anyway I guess I looked gay to him but he came right out and said would you fuck me? That was a first, he wasn’t hustling he wasn’t playing games he just ask me. We got up to my apartment and got into bed. I ask him why he asked me to fuck him. He told me he had been in prison and had been attacked by a guy who wanted to rape him and he faught the guy off but because the guy couldn’t fuck him he stabbed this guy in the ass with a make shift knife. He showed me the rather nasty scar right in the crack of his ass just a couple of inches above his ass hole. Anyway he said he wanted to see what it was like to get fucked but on his terms. I gave him what he wanted and it was pretty hot. I don’t really know what he thought afterward. I wish I had talked to him more but he left and I never saw him again. I doubt he turned gay but he knew what it was like to get fucked and not raped by a guy.

Actually I also belong to a Mardi Gras private club and have belonged to two others previously. So I also live in the world of the formal black tie bal masque and upper class Mardi Gras as well. My thread is just discussing what I thought would be of interest to the members. As to the rest of your post, I'll comment privately on that.
Thanks for the posts and comments guys! Mardi Gras Day is Tuesday February 13th this year. Happy Mardi Gras!

Thanks Kgmets for making this post and the great stories. I’m thinking it may be cold this year, but if you go I’m hoping you will send back reports!
Thanks Kgmets for making this post and the great stories. I’m thinking it may be cold this year, but if you go I’m hoping you will send back reports!

God, New Orleans set a record low this morning of 20 degrees with ice everywhere. It's an early Mardi Gras this year, but hopefully it will warm up by February.
God, New Orleans set a record low this morning of 20 degrees with ice everywhere. It's an early Mardi Gras this year, but hopefully it will warm up by February.

I’ve frozen my ass off in New Orleans before at thanksgiving and New Years. But I’ve also experienced the worst heat ever in August. I’ve been in the Libyan desert in Egypt at 120 degrees that wasn’t as bad as New Orleans in August. I’m predicting some shriveled up dicks from the cold this year but hopefully I’m wrong.