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Jake Tipton's HEARTWARMING Interview

Tampa - I'm not sure where you got the impression or information that Jake wasn't coming back or was barred. All he did was tell a little white lie which I do not think is a sacking offence. I got the impression that Jake has a job but is using this to supplement his wage and to get a better life for his young daughter, who are we to deny him that.

Not wanting to bring comparisons, but I think Jake's alleged offence is much less serious than Damien Kyle leaking out that video. Jake certainly has been less than truthful and he wont be the last.
I have a totally opposite view on these issues Jon, and I will provide quotes by Johnny Robins on one and from Damian Christopher on the other. On June 26, on the Jake & Ian thread, Johnny Robins said the following which is where I got my information that management was not happy about being lied to by the model.

Just for the record....I did NOT know!! I don't do fake interviews or questions...as well as fake "storylines" this is a reality site and I find the true life stories of the guys I meet are interesting enough on their own without the need for any fabrication. It really sucked to find out I was duped myself, all I can do is move on from it realizing I'm not going to get the entire truth from time to time....I was fooled this time. I'm sure he just wanted to do the scenes and not be turned down- I'd rather have the whole truth and work with that- after all, he was still straight, a boy and broke- I could have worked with that and talked about other things. If someone already has had ANY experiences with a guy prior to being on set- I want to know so as not to mislead anyone.
Johnny Robins
And on the "issue" of Damien Kyle "leaking" the video, on June 28, on the "Low Ratings for Damien Kyle" thread, Damian Christopher said,

Don't blame Damien for the leaked trailer. He has taken over some of our social media because he is so good at it and simply didn't know that the networks we are negotiating with did not want to reveal the trailer without a big marketing push. However, him leaking the trailer changed their minds when they saw how much buzz it created. Damien is a great model and we don't base his popularity by the ratings. We have several internal ways of seeing who is a popular performer and who isn't. Damien is one of our top models and we appreciate his drive for the site. That's why the rumor about him leaving was a surprise to him and us. Trust me, he is only going to be more popular when the show airs.

I can sometimes read between the lines with statements or lack of statements made by ownership and management of Broke Straight Boys, and I am at not all convinced that Damien Kyle actually "leaked" anything without permission, and so the so called leak may very well be part of a plan to get publicity for the TV show with the fans. This to me is the little white lie, as it did not involve money to fly a model in and to pay him based on a lack of truthfulness.

I feel that the Jake lie was real and he did dupe management. All of his scenes that we've watched were from the same time period that he came to the studio. Whether he returns to Denver to shoot more scenes is a decision that management has to make, but Johnny Robins did seem genuinely pissed off from this above statement, while the Damien Kyle "leak" may very well just be play acting like the staged world wrestling federation with their story lines. I see the Jake lie as being a serious duping to management, while the Damien Kyle story is just part of the fabric of the site.
Well I totally disagree with you Mike, but then again i always do. Jake won't be the first to come to Broke Straight Boys and say that he hasn't done any other work for another site, when he has and he wont be the last. Despite this small issue (as far as I am concerned), I feel it would be a big loss if Jake did not come back. So Johnny Robbins, bury the hatchet (but not in Jake's head) and get the hottie back.
Jake won't be the first to come to Broke Straight Boys and say that he hasn't done any other work for another site, when he has and he wont be the last. Despite this small issue (as far as I am concerned), I feel it would be a big loss if Jake did not come back. So Johnny Robbins, bury the hatchet (but not in Jake's head) and get the hottie back.

Now you're getting to where I was coming from in my previous post Jon. Johnny was rightfully annoyed at being misled by Jake. Perhaps more than anything because he and the staff might be accused of being complicit in trying to lie to or fool members. Any good director will embellish or play up certain model's traits to make him more appealing to fans. But nobody wants to be accused of lying. Especially when they haven't.

Therefore while we've never been told outright that Jake will not be brought back, it's a safe assumption that his future with the site is in doubt. By Johnny's own admission he still feels that Jake is a nice straight guy who's broke and willing to do gay for pay. While Jake says in his interview that he is not destitute "Broke" (in the sense that he's going hungry and can't keep a roof over his head)...do we know of any 25 y/o single fathers of infants who aren't broke? haha

So let's see how he does in his next scene. Assuming he does well in his third scene with the site I would say, give him another chance. Especially if he comes back to them with a sincere enough apology. If Jake and the Broke Straight Boys staff are able to bury the hatchet and make up behind the scenes, I think Jake could be a successful model here.
Hey, Mike,

Sorry for being inordinately harsh, in that last post! I'm a mad Celt, and an altogether too-happy warrior, and sometimes (often) my passions (especially my passion for a model I like) gets the better of me. And my rhetoric is always a little too hot, by half ;-)

Mike, indeed I DO think you're a wonderful person - and I actually do have a genuine appreciation for your fetish for straight guys, and sympathize with it. And even though a fetish for guys who are straight, per se, isn't one of my 1,000 fetishes - I DO find the idea of a beautiful straight guy who is willing to be flexible, and "play" for a bit, a pretty hot scenario ;-) I respect this fetish, and am glad to support you in it. (Because, I like all my friends to be as happy, as possible!)

What kind of pushed me to make the comments I did (and it's no fault of yours, your comments were completely innocent, really) are a couple of perceptions which lurk in the back of my arctic brain, which others may, or may not, share:

1.) I think Jake has been fundamentally misjudged. I have a friend, who is a famous French physician, who "reads" people visually - by looking into their eyes, watching their gestures and movements, and that sort of thing. Having had many years' studying people's VOICES, I do the same sort of thing, aurally ~ not infallibly, of course, but with a measure of accuracy over the years, which I think is at least significantly greater than chance.

My sense (after having heard his interview) is that, whatever he has done for money in the past, Jake is one of the "straighter" models we've had on here, for awhile. Notwithstanding his previous videographic endeavours. Which was one reason I was taken aback, when so many people didn't like him, because of the "white lie" (or whatever colour you wish to ascribe to it) that he told management.

2.) There are many 'posters', here and elsewhere, who contend that if one has once (or thrice) sucked another man's penis, or been f***ed by another guy. . . there is no way one can possibly be straight. This is a classic, Skinnerian, behaviorist view, and I don't subscribe to it, at all.

I believe that the WHOLE (or at least the greater part, by far) of sexual orientation resides not in the gentalia, but in the heart and MIND - such that, on the spur of the moment (or for needed cash) I could offer the most lavish cunnilingus to a woman, or even intercourse: and not truly be considered "straight", at all. (Because, I wouldn't be.) I think the same holds true for straight boys, like Jake (perhaps) is.

3.) I surmise that Jake indulged in his little mendacity, precisely in order to advance his career (a career he says he wants, in erotic video) with a BETTER COMPANY than the one he started out with. (And we all know that gay erotic video pays better than straight erotic video, for handsome young men.)

As we know (or at least have an idea) from previous BTS videos - Broke Straight Boys is pretty caring about its models in terms of testing, and health issues. . . And, because it is one of the larger sites on earth, may very well offer a little more in compensation, too. I think that Jake perhaps wanted to work with a better company than the less-than-satisfactory one he'd been working with, knew the mythos upon which Broke Straight Boys is founded, and perhaps tried to sneak in under the radar. I don't blame him, for this.

What I would suggest is that, I imagine, MANY other models have managed to "sneak under the radar", quite successfully - and some of them, were well-known to have had sex with other men before they came here. . . my revered Danny, for example, had done videos for College Boy Physicals, and been pounded quite vigorously - - - well before he came to Broke Straight Boys, and batted his dark eyelashes at the cam, and when David asked him. . . "Would you suck another guy???", replied, "Well. . . I dunno. . . that might be going JUST A BIT TOO FAR!" LOL!

4.) As I've said many times before, but will say again, now. . . it is a matter of continual amazement to me that there are diametrically opposite patterns of model-mendacity, on the European and American sites, I've patronized, over the years. And I find this fascinating.

On the European sites, most of the models who chat with members, lie and say that they are GAY (and usually, they are NOT) - because, the members would be heartbroken and disappointed, if they found out their idols were STRAIGHT. (I guess this is exactly the opposite fetish to yours, Mike, and I presume it has to do with certain cultural variables. A lot of Western European countries having been more open than ours, for a little bit longer. . . the members want to feel that they might actually have a chance with someone as beautiful as the models, they adore.)

On the American sites, by contrast, most of the few models who happen to be gay or bisexual (who are still in a statistical minority, both on the sites, and in the population as a WHOLE. . . you are never going to run out of cute straight boys, Mike!) feel constrained to lie and say that they are STRAIGHT - because the members would be heartbroken, if they found out their idols were GAY, or BISEXUAL.

To me, the kind of social pressure which comes from members (on both sides of the Atlantic) for models to declare feelings which are other than their own, is like a kind of "mini-persecution" which (albeit much milder, and totally innocent in intention) is not unlike the pressure some of us had to bear to live in the "closet", as youngsters.

This is one reason, incidentally, that I admire Jason Matthews, so much. He is absolutely fearless, and has had the courage to declare that he is PAN-SEXUAL, and loves to sleep with men AND WOMEN, and with his beauty and mischief and superb sexual technique. . . it seems to me that his popularity has never suffered a whit, for his honesty ;-) I admire people like that, who can make people love them, for JUST WHO THEY ARE ;-)

5.) But again, I'll suggest to you, Mike, that I believe our new model, Jake, is (I think) amongst the LEAST GAY models we've had, in many a year. I may be wrong, in which case I owe you a nice New York steak, and a bottle of Mumm's to go with it. (And I'll deliver - if my surmise is incorrect, and Jake leaves his wife to go off with some sultry fellow-model, from Broke Straight Boys . .you'll receive a superlative dinner ;-)

I think Jake is certainly highly sexual, and open-minded and willing to experiment, and intrigued by the idea of FAME - - - and these MAY be faults (but not large ones) - - - and would be a nice friend for any of us to HAVE. . . but if I had five discounted Canadian dollars left in my wallet, to stake on the proposition that he would become GAY, and end up loving another man. . . I really wouldn't risk it ;-)

5.) While I totally "get" the idea of guys having straight-boy fantasies, one thing I DO NOT get is why some people are disappointed in the idea of a straight boy who is hetero-flexible enough to play with another man (for fun or money): having done something sexually with another man, two months ago, that they are dying to see him do again, two months HENCE. Just because they have been fed a confected story about his " gradual evolution" into the joy of gay sex ;-))) This doesn't really make sense, to me.

For sure, I think there are some GENUINELY straight boys, who would never have an emotional or physical REAL LOVE, with anyone but a WOMAN, who are willing to experiment and play, and have purely physical fun, with another guy, for our benefit.

And maybe there are a COUPLE of boys like that, who are discovered first (and virginally) on this site. (And who discover that FIRST, here.) But I believe, quite sincerely, that most straight boys who are THAT ADVENTUROUS, have (by the time they come to Broke Straight Boys) either seriously thought about it, or more than likely TRIED IT, by the time they come here!!! Because that combination of sexual self-security, and boldness in adventure, is a unique constellation of personality-traits, which is really quite RARE.

I would suggest, Mike, that the kind of straight guys who are as bold and adventurous and carefree as to be willing to try the things we like to see here. . . have likely tried it ONCE or TWICE, in the past.

6.) Mike, I apologize - I didn't want to put the whole burden of Jake's reception, upon YOU. You like the models you like, as do I (and as does everyone on here). If a model's back-story kills the buzz for you, that is your business. I don't know - there might be certain model back-stories which would kill the buzz, for ME, TOO.

But, I will say, in all honesty - Jake's beauty and charm and good-natured demeanour truly appeal to me. I think he has a LOT of the qualities which would and WILL appeal most, to those who love TRULY straight boys. . . and really beautiful, "star" performers are rare on ANY SITE. . . and I think it would be a shame if a negative initial reaction from well-respected and longtime members, based on past career appearances. . . . convinced the management that Jake was someone members here didn't want to SEE, anymore.

Because I'd certainly like to see Jake, again - - - and, I'll bet that if he has a chance to appear more often, he'll become a Broke Straight Boys favourite, and greatly loved by a great plurality (if not an absolute majority) of the faithful members, here.


P.S. I apologize again, for the ferocity and harshness of tone, in the previous post, supra: and I hope I have explained myself a little better this time. A pretty face (let alone a kind heart) - is a terrible thing, to waste.

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Ambi - Whilst I appreciate your post, all that Jake did wrong was not disclose his previous website activities. He did not say he was gay or bisexual but str8 with a little girl.

Tampa - I think you have read into Johnny Robbins' comments too deep. There is no way Broke Straight Boys can be accused of duping it's members if they did not know anything about the models past history. Look at the ex models who have done jail, drugs, violence and yet they still continued on the site.
Thank you Ambi!!!

Dear Ambi,

I wholeheartedly accept your apology as I consider you my friend, and I felt badly if I inadvertently offended your perception of Jake. But the bottom line is that there is never a right or wrong when it comes to hotness of a guy and how he performs in a scene, as we all have our own individual sensibilities.

As long as we respect each other's desires as being a valid alternative to our own idea's of what or who is hot. And we can also celebrate the guys we both find hot like Lance from William Higgins fame, and I thank you for posting those beautiful images.

Anyway, let us move on and I never said that Jake should not come back, as that is not my decision to make but for your sake Ambi and for the other's who are his fans. I do hope that Johnny or is it Mark will invite him back to entertain you folks.

Thanks again Ambi. Your opinion is important to me, and I'm so pleased that we can put closure to this, my friend.
Let me clear up my point. You are all paying members of a website that is specifically showing a certain product involving straight guys experimenting with gay sex. This is also a REALITY site and as I've said from the beginning I am not here to make up fake story lines. I believe the truth in each guy's life is interesting on its own. I spent plenty of time with Jake during his stay at the house and can assure you he is 100% straight. He is also a very pleasant and well mannered guy to be around, well spoken and kind. I DO take it as a big insult when YOU the members are lied to in any way when it comes to getting to know each model...I feel it's important you really get to know the person - not some character they choose to play- and ill be quick to call them out on bullshit the minute I sniff it out- I think you deserve to get to know the real person as paying members on a reality site...I emphasize REALITY! I have been involved with "reality" sites before that conjured up many stories that I felt unnecessary - I think the truth in getting to know the models as real people is unique in the marketplace and can add a real sense of connection. Jake simply wanted to work with us and I'm sure he felt he needed to hide his previous work in order to do so- he was wrong...I'm sure we could have still worked with him. Either way I will always do my best to bring you as close to the models as possible through their true lives as I feel this can be a real turn on for most members. All too often in porn the first thing people like to say is how "fake" it is - I'd like to be the opposite and bring you realism through this format we have in place. You can still enjoy Jake's scenes and his work - he is a straight man that is new to gay sex after all....I just think you all deserve nothing short of the truth
Johnny Robins
Let me clear up my point. You are all paying members of a website that is specifically showing a certain product involving straight guys experimenting with gay sex. This is also a REALITY site and as I've said from the beginning I am not here to make up fake story lines. I believe the truth in each guy's life is interesting on its own. I spent plenty of time with Jake during his stay at the house and can assure you he is 100% straight. He is also a very pleasant and well mannered guy to be around, well spoken and kind. I DO take it as a big insult when YOU the members are lied to in any way when it comes to getting to know each model...I feel it's important you really get to know the person - not some character they choose to play- and ill be quick to call them out on bullshit the minute I sniff it out- I think you deserve to get to know the real person as paying members on a reality site...I emphasize REALITY! I have been involved with "reality" sites before that conjured up many stories that I felt unnecessary - I think the truth in getting to know the models as real people is unique in the marketplace and can add a real sense of connection. Jake simply wanted to work with us and I'm sure he felt he needed to hide his previous work in order to do so- he was wrong...I'm sure we could have still worked with him. Either way I will always do my best to bring you as close to the models as possible through their true lives as I feel this can be a real turn on for most members. All too often in porn the first thing people like to say is how "fake" it is - I'd like to be the opposite and bring you realism through this format we have in place. You can still enjoy Jake's scenes and his work - he is a straight man that is new to gay sex after all....I just think you all deserve nothing short of the truth
Johnny Robins
I couldn't want anything more from the director of Broke Straight Boys than what you said Johnny. Apparently your vision of the site (from the management side is very much like mine is from the fan's perspective). I considered BSB1, very much a reality site, where I felt like I knew the regular performers as I would on a reality show. The site got away from that in BSB2 as by the last scenes there, they all began silently with two guys kissing, undressing one another and then making passionate love, and I asked myself, "is this Broke Straight Boys?", but I remained here to be with my friends on the forum and not for the scenes.

I am glad that it matters to you that Jake was dishonest with you and with us. I never said that he was gay. I just said that knowing he had already had sex with guys on camera before ruined the illusion of all his "first times" on camera. I am now a huge fan of Ronan Kennedy and Dimitri and I love having Ayden back so suddenly the porn is important to me again, along with the forum. Thanks Johnny,
I've read the posts and voiced my opinions, at the end of the day, I wish Jake no ill! I appreciate any guy who has the courage, curiosity, and whatever other qualities it must take to, perform sexual acts in front of a camera and to be viewed by many people. Being judged, critiqued, and or criticized for the sake of entertainment such as this. I'd probably agree that, being known for work on Broke Straight Boys has got to look good on a resume in this industry! It's unfortunate in a sense, that anything, and everything that is available for public consumption can and will be brought up on this forum. That's just the way it is! So, the only thing I can say is, the more that is attempted to hide from the public will end up with some negativity, the more honest approach always seems to be the best. The end result may not always be what we want but, at the end of the day, integrity is what you have!

Not to change the topic either but, when a guy does bring a little curiosity to the table, I think their performances depict that "wonderment and surprise" with a scene partner that I know I enjoy. Or, if a model can at least do their partner like they like to be done....great too! Being a guy, not attracted to guys, has got to be an acquired skill that these guys have to learn. That's why I say can appreciate any of these models who has the courage.!
Hi Johnny,

I very much appreciate that you take the reality aspect of the site seriously. If a majority of us members felt like we were regularly being sold a dog and pony show, many of us would have fled the site a long time ago. I for one never suspected that you tried to get one over on us with Jake. For myself I believe you always to try to be as honest with us as possible. The internet age means that anyone with a history of video work will not keep that so called "secret" for long. So it's futile to try to lie about it anyway.

What we members don't know is if Jake will be given a chance to make amends and come back for more work.

He does seem to know that Broke Straight Boys is one of the best gay sex sites to work for as a straight model. I can't blame him for wanting the chance to work for a site that has one of the best reputations in the U.S. market...and one much bigger and better than his last. Not that there aren't any other good ones besides Broke Straight Boys that treat their models well. But Broke Straight Boys is certainly one of the anomalies in the industry. The fact that he felt he had to lie to get in instead of being honest from the beginning is regrettable. Yet I do sympathize with him.
Hi Johnny,

I very much appreciate that you take the reality aspect of the site seriously. If a majority of us members felt like we were regularly being sold a dog and pony show, many of us would have fled the site a long time ago. I for one never suspected that you tried to get one over on us with Jake. For myself I believe you always to try to be as honest with us as possible. The internet age means that anyone with a history of video work will not keep that so called "secret" for long. So it's futile to try to lie about it anyway.

What we members don't know is if Jake will be given a chance to make amends and come back for more work.

He does seem to know that Broke Straight Boys is one of the best gay sex sites to work for as a straight model. I can't blame him for wanting the chance to work for a site that has one of the best reputations in the U.S. market...and one much bigger and better than his last. Not that there aren't any other good ones besides Broke Straight Boys that treat their models well. But Broke Straight Boys is certainly one of the anomalies in the industry. The fact that he felt he had to lie to get in instead of being honest from the beginning is regrettable. Yet I do sympathize with him.

I agree. Jake is a beautiful model and after seeing his interview I still like him even more. I'm upset he lied but he also seems like he genuinely wants to be at Broke Straight Boys and he seems to have a great work ethic. I sincerely hope he sticks around and stays with Broke Straight Boys as I would love to keep watching him. Also his ratings are good so people seem to like him. Please don't fire him.
Hi Johnny and thanks for that candid post. I think I shall now dub your time at Broke Straight Boys as BSB4 and that is simply because we are now going to get, where possible, the truth about the guys. However, be warned that not every model wants their life stories splattered on a site; it is enough for them to appear on the camera in the first place. I suggest that maybe you go through the questions before the camera rolls (maybe you do) so that if the model feels uncomfortable with that question then you don't ask it. Being economical with the truth could work, because it means that they don't have to lie, they just havn't told us everything, which of course is their own prerogative.
Hi Johnny and thanks for that candid post. I think I shall now dub your time at Broke Straight Boys as BSB4 and that is simply because we are now going to get, where possible, the truth about the guys. However, be warned that not every model wants their life stories splattered on a site; it is enough for them to appear on the camera in the first place. I suggest that maybe you go through the questions before the camera rolls (maybe you do) so that if the model feels uncomfortable with that question then you don't ask it. Being economical with the truth could work, because it means that they don't have to lie, they just havn't told us everything, which of course is their own prerogative.
Not to fear, that is already what we do. I do a pre-interview with each model to make sure I'm not cornering them with questions about their personal life they choose to keep personal...I always respect that boundary.
Not to fear, that is already what we do. I do a pre-interview with each model to make sure I'm not cornering them with questions about their personal life they choose to keep personal...I always respect that boundary.

That's wonderful to know. :)
Not to fear, that is already what we do. I do a pre-interview with each model to make sure I'm not cornering them with questions about their personal life they choose to keep personal...I always respect that boundary.

I conduct the BTS interviews with the models and I got the same story Johnny did. Many of these models are nervous, anxious, and unsure of what to say when they come to us. You have to remember that many of these guys meet us for the first time when they are picked up from the airport and a camera is stuck in their face. What you see in the scenes and the BTS is real stuff. However, we do get duped from time to time. Whether they are telling the truth or not, we always aim to give our members what we believe to be the truth about our models. We don't play games. I know I keep saying this, but in the TV show, you will really get a feel for what this business is really like. We show you why some models stay, why some leave, common denominators and issues that guys who get into porn have, and more importantly, how we make a porn actor a porn star. It's really fascinating and riveting stuff. It's goes way beyond what is discussed here in the forum. Listen, I worked for Disney before I came here and I thought I knew it all, but having produced the TV show and the BTS, I have been educated, "by fire", in how the system works. When the guys are here, you learn more about them as time goes on. We facilitate a family atmosphere around here. Many of them have become dear friends of mine. However, their lives --fascinating stuff. Enough to keep me busy! Consider the BTS rated G and the TV show rated R. lol
I conduct the BTS interviews with the models and I got the same story Johnny did. Many of these models are nervous, anxious, and unsure of what to say when they come to us. You have to remember that many of these guys meet us for the first time when they are picked up from the airport and a camera is stuck in their face. What you see in the scenes and the BTS is real stuff. However, we do get duped from time to time. Whether they are telling the truth or not, we always aim to give our members what we believe to be the truth about our models. We don't play games. I know I keep saying this, but in the TV show, you will really get a feel for what this business is really like. We show you why some models stay, why some leave, common denominators and issues that guys who get into porn have, and more importantly, how we make a porn actor a porn star. It's really fascinating and riveting stuff. It's goes way beyond what is discussed here in the forum. Listen, I worked for Disney before I came here and I thought I knew it all, but having produced the TV show and the BTS, I have been educated, "by fire", in how the system works. When the guys are here, you learn more about them as time goes on. We facilitate a family atmosphere around here. Many of them have become dear friends of mine. However, their lives --fascinating stuff. Enough to keep me busy! Consider the BTS rated G and the TV show rated R. lol
I am glad to see that both you and Johnny Robins feel that the truth is so important, as I and many of your fans want reality and not fiction, and so I'm pleased that management also gets pissed off at a model who lies about the basic facts that this site is all about.
It is very interesting and I am glad also to know that the process gives most of the guys the benefit of the doubt. While the BTS have been very successful in "painting the guys in a different light" and members tend to "fall in love" with the personalities. I am not trying to push this issue any farther than it already has but, I do have one question to ask? With so many feeling the warm and fuzzy about a model, and his little daughter...no one made mention of the fact that honesty and integrity were important values to pass on to a child?......Any way....we think with our "little heads" from this side of the fence......That is all!
It is very interesting and I am glad also to know that the process gives most of the guys the benefit of the doubt. While the BTS have been very successful in "painting the guys in a different light" and members tend to "fall in love" with the personalities. I am not trying to push this issue any farther than it already has but, I do have one question to ask? With so many feeling the warm and fuzzy about a model, and his little daughter...no one made mention of the fact that honesty and integrity were important values to pass on to a child?......Any way....we think with our "little heads" from this side of the fence......That is all!

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone..
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone..

I don't know what you do where you live pal but, here, If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything! No, I am not without sin, and obviously...Neither are you!!!!
I don't know what you do where you live pal but, here, If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything! No, I am not without sin, and obviously...Neither are you!!!!

First of all don't call me pal, because we are not friends.

Secondly, I was referring to your comment about honesty and integrity being passed on to a child. You are obviously referring to Jake and to bring your criticism down to that level really shows how bad you dislike the guy (it was you that disclosed him working for another site), and also how low you will get to get your hatred of a person out. Very sad indeed.