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Jake & Ashton


Well-known Member
Apr 2, 2010
Reaction score
Central Valley, California
I watched the latest update of Jake and Ashton, and I have to say I was not at all impressed. I was a huge fan of Ashton from his time on College Boy Physicals and loved everything he did and could not have been more happy with him. He is hot and great personality, great banter, very funny and very cute. The update or appearance on Broke Straight Boys has changed all of that for ever!!!

It did not start well for me with David focused mainly on chatting it up with Ashton leaving Jake there with his thumb up his bum.... You could just see it on Jake's face.... he looked like "what the hell am I here for?" In my opinion it seemed to go on forever. Then when David finally turns his attention to Jake for all of 5 seconds, it seems to go back to Ashton. The scene I thought was suppose to be about the new guy Jake and getting his first experience of sexual acts with a guy on film. But the banter was all about David and Ashton..... Then you have the question from David to Jake how old are you? your 19 right, and Jake says yes???? Then David says no wait your 23???? and Jake says yes????? That whole thing gave me the impression that although we have been told from the start the models are real people and for the most part their story is real, well after that slip up it makes it seem a whole lot less real.

Then we start the lets get a hard on going, and Jake is sitting on the edge while Ashton is leaning back, not much chemistry there or even a connection, then I saw something that turned my stomach and not in a good way. The tatoo on Ashton's back saying "WHITE PRIDE". Seeing this turned me totally off, and made me very angry. It is 2010 and to still have people like that in this world is so very wrong. As hot as I thought Ashton was, after seeing that on his back that goes along with the others he has on his body, I find to be very offensive and would like to request management/ownership remove him from the website. I don't feel someone as nasty as that should be featured on this website.

As you may tell from my words I feel very strongly about this and I do think everyone has a right to their own opinions, but racial hate or haters have no place on this website in my personal opinion. I am serious offended by this and do feel he should be terminated as a model.

As I stated in another thread about this pairing, Ashton is very hot, but oh "so gay", something I do not look for on this site. And Jake is straight acting, but lacking in looks, not a great face, average body, and average dick. Also his personality seems "phony", trying too hard to play for the camera.

As far as Ashton's tattoo, I did not notice it, but it does not surprise me, or particularly offend me. The guy's who are recruited to do the porn on the site are not the brightest and the best examples of American youth. Being a big fan of the Howard Stern Show, Howard has always asked strippers and female porn stars, if they were abused as kids or had issues with their Daddy. While this is a broad generalization, kid's who go into porn are usually not the most well adjusted youths out there. There is a reason that they choose to earn some money naked having sex, as opposed to flipping burgers.

Of course all generalizations have exceptions, and on this site, Logan and Tyler come to mind as more well adjusted youth's who came to Broke Straight Boys, but the fact that Ashton has a "white pride" tattoo does not surprise me. It is offensive to me too, but not a deal breaker, and not a reason to ban him from the site. We are not dealing with Mensa candidates on Broke Straight Boys
There has to be somebody that makes something racial out of everything come on give me a break!!! cant we all just get along!!!!!!!!!!! its just fucking and sucking! and I agree jake didnt have a chance against David and Ashton!!! as far as his tatoo who gives a damn!!!
I watched the latest update of Jake and Ashton, and I have to say I was not at all impressed. I was a huge fan of Ashton from his time on College Boy Physicals and loved everything he did and could not have been more happy with him. He is hot and great personality, great banter, very funny and very cute. The update or appearance on Broke Straight Boys has changed all of that for ever!!!

It did not start well for me with David focused mainly on chatting it up with Ashton leaving Jake there with his thumb up his bum.... You could just see it on Jake's face.... he looked like "what the hell am I here for?" In my opinion it seemed to go on forever. Then when David finally turns his attention to Jake for all of 5 seconds, it seems to go back to Ashton. The scene I thought was suppose to be about the new guy Jake and getting his first experience of sexual acts with a guy on film. But the banter was all about David and Ashton..... Then you have the question from David to Jake how old are you? your 19 right, and Jake says yes???? Then David says no wait your 23???? and Jake says yes????? That whole thing gave me the impression that although we have been told from the start the models are real people and for the most part their story is real, well after that slip up it makes it seem a whole lot less real.

Then we start the lets get a hard on going, and Jake is sitting on the edge while Ashton is leaning back, not much chemistry there or even a connection, then I saw something that turned my stomach and not in a good way. The tatoo on Ashton's back saying "WHITE PRIDE". Seeing this turned me totally off, and made me very angry. It is 2010 and to still have people like that in this world is so very wrong. As hot as I thought Ashton was, after seeing that on his back that goes along with the others he has on his body, I find to be very offensive and would like to request management/ownership remove him from the website. I don't feel someone as nasty as that should be featured on this website.

As you may tell from my words I feel very strongly about this and I do think everyone has a right to their own opinions, but racial hate or haters have no place on this website in my personal opinion. I am serious offended by this and do feel he should be terminated as a model.

I quite frankly don't care what Ashton's tatoo reads. Somebody might assume it's racist but it could mean anything for chrissakes. This is a porn site not a politically correct forum. Like when you don't like something that's on TV, you simply change the channel. Same thing here, if members don't like Ashton's tatoo, they can simply not watch his videos.
Wow, so I guess the OP has been properly rebuked. No unpleasant thoughts allowed!
I have thought about this thread for while and decided I had to jump in. First, I thought the scene was HOT but had to watch it a second time after reading other comments. Still enjoyed it a second time but I did see the tatoo. Also when watching it a second time, I felt that Ashton worked pretty hard to keep it out of view. This gave me the impression that he wasn't very proud of the tatoo. This made me think about a guy I dated. One of those "bad boys" with tatoos. Anyway, one of his tatoos said "White Power" and I was pretty shocked when I saw it. When I asked about it, he kind of looked down and said that he'd gotten the tatoo when he was much younger and prior his coming out. He added that there was a lot of perr pressure to get the tatoo. Because of the tatoo, he seldomly took his shirt off and that was a loss for everyone but I digress.

Long story short, he ended up tatooing ove the white pride. I happened at a different time in life and he was in a very different place.

Key Kest, our slogan is "One Human Family" and I feel most of us welcome all types, shapes and sizes. Once this man found this family, he knew that tatoo had to go.

It might be nice to do a "Behind the Scenes" with Ashton and ask him to talk about the tatoo. People can change and it's a little harder to change tatoos. I personal I think Ashton talk about this.

Rather or not he has the tattoo, I would love to see Ashton bottom. And if it will make the other members feel better, I suggest a black top with a huge shlong!