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Jaden Gives It Up For The American Dream

Louis, I understand your being baffled about issues being raised about Jadens "ethnicity". Wether he was born in Venezuela, or his parents were, or one of them was, the people of much of South America have a long history of intermarriage between the indigenous people, the Spanish, the Portuguese, Africans, and others. In most of the countries there, few can claim "pure" bloodlines, as few of us in the USA can either. The vast majority of "whites" here have very mixed "ethnic" backgrounds. We have white skin, but are products of the melting pot of Europe. As you pointed out with Vadim Black, no one questioned his "ethnicity" because he was Russian. Was he ALL Russian? Nobody cared, nor should they.

There is a big difference between political correctness and just being plain incorrect. Trying to read some sneaky attempt at misrepresenting himself into his claim of being Venezuelan is insulting to him, you and all of us on the forum. What's the insinuation? That he's really Mexican and trying to "pass"? That he has some African blood in his veins? Thinly veiled digs about ethnicity have no place in society or on the forum. It shows a lack of respect and an appalling ignorance about the history of ethnicity in the world at large.

Jaden, along with the other models, is a young guy willing to do porn for any number of reasons, being truly naked for all of us to see. Whatever truth they tell us about themselves in a smarmy 7 minute interview is their's to determine. There's nothing in their contract that requires them to always be truthful on camera. They are performers, trying to create physically intimate scenes with virtual strangers for the entertainment of paying customers. They are not being vetted for political office. They are fucking on camera and don't even use their real names. If they choose not to tell us about their "real" personal lives, who blames them? Why do they owe us that? Why would someone not "respect" them on the basis of such trivial information? In all of our professional lives, few of us reveal the whole truth about our experiences, and rightly so. All of that doesn't belong in the workplace. "Telling it all" all the time is for relatives, friends or your therapist.

Forumites often share part of their life stories, as you did in an honest and heartfelt way, when something mentioned touches them personally. I admire your effort to point out what really boils down to veiled racism. People mostly don't even realize they're doing it. It's not usually meant to offend. As usual, it's based more in ignorance than hatred. But, as with the law, ignorance is no excuse. The face and color of America and many other parts of the world is changing. It has been for centuries. More rapidly now, and for the better.

Thank you for your posts. Chime in more often if you will!
Thank you, Stripe. You put in such eloquent words what I was trying to relay.
You brought tears to my eyes (literally) when I read this response. Thank you. I did confront the church in the 90's with my plight and all they did was slam the door on my face. It was at that time I learned to let go. I let go but I can never forget. Forgive? You have to ask my heart for that answer.

Signing off. Good night.


Louis, through your avatar here and your pic on the scenes page, I feel the arse. Please forgive an old curmudgeon. Many on this forum will tell you I am bitter; some will say I have the right to be, while others tell me to get over things. You and I both know it is impossible to heal a heart that is scarred from the inside. Throughout my entire life, I have seen an endless array of psychiatrists and psychologists (yes, dear members, deservedly so) to help me battle with the demons in my youth (Louis, we were never children; our innocence was either murdered or was stillborn). Many times I believed I had put that life behind me. I have already forgiven all those who hurt me ("...and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us..."), but as with you, I cannot forget. It is not I choose NOT to forget; forgetting is well out of my hands.
Louis, I lost my only child on Valentine's Day 89 when he was but 8 months old from SIDS. I lost my beloved wife, who was my childhood sweetheart, March 12, 2007, from doctors' neglect and ignorance. I lost my sister August 19, 2005, from ovarian cancer. I lost an older brother June 2, 2011, from cirrhosis of the liver (he had AIDS, so he committed alcoholic suicide.) And I lost my favourite godson I nicknamed Pup (who bore an uncanny exact resemblance to Paul Canon on here, save for the tattooed lips on his bum) on the day he was born. He was murdered after performing on a gay website. I found his body beside a trash bin in an ally. He was sodomized with a knife, and had his throat cut out from the inside (the coroner found traces of his own feces down his throat.) So, as you can see, the fun never stops. And yet, I live on with hope and my personal honour intact, for I refuse to forfeit them to anyone for anything.
I do not mean to be bitter on here or on the scenes page, and if I affronted you, I did so with ignorance for which I am in deep regret.

Tampa, you are most kind. I think it is my turn to shed tears, not for all I have lost, but for what I have gained - great people in this forum, including and especially you, Louis, Ms. Beth (sorry, ladies not first this time), Johnny in SF, JohnnyBluMedia, MarkBluMedia, ChuckBluMedia, Stowe, Stimpy, Peter, Betu, Lilo, Joninliverton, the inimitable MikeYank, and others, to name a few. I am grateful to you all, and please know/understand you have my affection as well as my most sincere gratitude.

Now, I beseech you all to please forgive me. My eyes have to take a leak.
something found on Wikipedia.
About 49.9% of the population is mestizo, or of mixed European, African, and Amerindian ancestry, while 42.2% are white of European ancestry and/or Middle Eastern ancestry. Another 3.5% is black, or of mixed black African and European ancestry, while 2.7% is of Amerindian ancestry, and 1.1% other races ( principally Asian people).
just wondering what a real Venezuelan would look like. maybe a little ethnic.
something found on Wikipedia.
About 49.9% of the population is mestizo, or of mixed European, African, and Amerindian ancestry, while 42.2% are white of European ancestry and/or Middle Eastern ancestry. Another 3.5% is black, or of mixed black African and European ancestry, while 2.7% is of Amerindian ancestry, and 1.1% other races ( principally Asian people).
just wondering what a real Venezuelan would look like. maybe a little ethnic.

Hey Another1, thanks for looking up the stats!!!
Thank you, Nobelegg. I too blocked out my demons until the 90's. I went to see the movie, Priest. In the movie the young priest was arrested for kissing another man. When he was in court, the judge looked at him and said, "Guilty!" I jumped up in the theatre and yelled, "I am not guilty!" I stormed out of the theatre in tears.

For anyone who has not seen this movie I highly recommend it. It is primarily about a young priest who is dealing with his sexuality. It also involves infidelity, child molestation and a few other issues. The movie is available at Amazon (not plugging anything here) and I recently purchased the DVD version of it. I had it on VCR tape but the player finally met it's demise.

I credit my Father and the priest I worked for for their support in helping me to confront my demons and carry on.
Thank you, Nobelegg. I too blocked out my demons until the 90's. I went to see the movie, Priest. In the movie the young priest was arrested for kissing another man. When he was in court, the judge looked at him and said, "Guilty!" I jumped up in the theatre and yelled, "I am not guilty!" I stormed out of the theatre in tears.

For anyone who has not seen this movie I highly recommend it. It is primarily about a young priest who is dealing with his sexuality. It also involves infidelity, child molestation and a few other issues. The movie is available at Amazon (not plugging anything here) and I recently purchased the DVD version of it. I had it on VCR tape but the player finally met it's demise.

I credit my Father and the priest I worked for for their support in helping me to confront my demons and carry on.

Good Saturday, Louis. It is a sincere pleasure to read your every post.
You had PRIEST; I had SLEEPERS, which was milquetoast to all I myself faced in that Indiana state facility. (At that time, it was the oldest and largest in the world, able to accommodate 1000 children.) Back in 1990, I wrote a manuscript I have since copyrighted, detailing my life in and out of that hell. I sent copies to local Indianapolis media, such as the Indianapolis Star, (then) the Indianapolis News, local television channels, countless state legislators, and even the governor. In 2011, I sent yet another copy to a different governor, Mitch Daniels, and only a year ago I sent a copy to our present governor, Mike Pence. Suffice it to say, none of them wanted to do anything about it. Only one person responded from the Indy News, Kathleen Sheckles, and she told me she was warned (not by her boss, mind you, but by the State itself) not to pursue it. For that matter, another such alumnus from that facility (we had our own private K-12 accredited on-campus school) made alike claims, and she was going to interview him before I contacted her. The State of IN warned him if he were to reveal and expose anything, they would see to it all he had would be taken from him and he would again live a hellish life. As with you, I have already been through hell more than my fair share, and should anyone ever want directions, I can give them out. My point, Louis, is Indiana wanted - and still wants - to keep the goings-on its best kept secrets. For that matter, even the American Legion, which took children off-campus for holiday vacations had members who sexually molested these very same children as if we had to give up our bodies to pay for what they provided. In a sense, we were hostages for public support. It reminded me of a duck flowing gently and quietly across a pond: everything looked smooth, natural, and undisturbed; yet beneath the surface, the duck was frantically paddling just to stay afloat. Society was allowed to see only this surface of the pond, and when we were in public view, we had to put on our fake 'we love our Home' smile so we could lure people to financially support the place.
Anyway, I do not want to bore you, but please know I am unafraid to tell my story, threatened or not. I am going to pursue it to the end; no one had a right to do what any one person (not to mention the countless others) did to me - or to you. My demons live with me yet, but they have not conquered me, nor shall I allow them to.
Spanks for being wonderful, Louis. I pray you find peace.
Jack. Florida also has it's demons. Thought you might be interested in this story.


Good morning, Louis. I hope you are enjoying a wonderful Domingo!

I heard about the story you sent me. It scared me then, and it scares me even more now. At the children's home/institution, where I was reared, we had a man-made lake which separated the girls' side from the boys'. There were two "dry" transverse methods, one of which was out in the fenced-in cow pasture, which was not the best route to choose; the other was a walk-way and paved road often patrolled by an employee. Of course, if one were a good swimmer, s/he could make it across, but never during daylight hours, and always after dark and after the facility's night-watchman made his rounds.
There were many times we would go to bed with, say 20 of us in the open dormitory, but when we woke up, one of us managed to 'disappear' overnight, with no explanation or rumours floating about. It has always been my contention if the State of Indiana would voluntarily drain that lake, the skeletal remains of many a former resident could be discovered at the bed of said lake. Naturally, the State of IN has no intention or desire to do so; they would have to be held responsibly accountable for whatever - or whomever - was found.
Louis, you are a wonderful man. You give me hope, and I am ever so proud to know you on here, even if we are physically in absentia.
Stay happy, my friend.
Spanks for being you.
Cheers, Louis.

The infamous Dozier School for Boys. Yes. That place was a nightmare run by sadists. :/

I am sure, Louis, everyone has had their own hells and demons to face. I did not come out of my many excursions to hell as I would have preferred, but I am considerably happy you are no longer suffer as you used to, as you never deserved to. My heart is always out for you, Louis, and for the endless number of victims at Dozier, my heart breaks for them as well. I can do nothing for them or their families except to pray for their salvation, as I, being a Messianic Jew, believe wholeheartedly in the ultimate Power of Prayer - and I believe in you, Louis.

Tampa, there were many times I wished the facility in which my childhood was sodomized and my innocence slain would be razed from the earth by the Hand of God. There were times I watched the annual airing of THE WIZARD OF OZ and hoped beyond hope some tornado would pay me a visit and remove me from my sepia-toned youth to a life far better. And then I hear of Dozier and the cold-blooded motherfuckers who abused and slew many an innocent child - and I realize to a vast sense how blessed my youth was by comparison.

Has the Dozier murders story ever come to any type of conclusion?
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Not yet. The townspeople around there have been employed by the facility for generations. So they have vehemently opposed any outside investigations. They portray their town and their neighbors as "victims" of a misguided witch hunt for which they are all innocent. Of course each generation in the town for over a hundred years was complicit in the coverup of the depravity and continuing abuse of children.

USF in Tampa sent a group of investigators using ground penetrating radar of sorts to literally look for and dig up hidden graves of probably murdered, abused and neglected young boys. They have faced hostility at every turn from the surrounding community for besmirching the town's "good name." So far they have found I believe over 30 bodies not officially marked or counted in the schools records for their official cemetery plots. I suspect they will find more, perhaps many more, if they keep searching. Former "inmates" there say now in late adulthood that they were threatened with being taken off in the night, never to be heard from again, if they snitched about conditions there or didn't acquiesce to all of their jailer's demands.

They had a system in place whereby judges sentencing minor child for petty crimes or misbehavior at home were receiving kickbacks to send as many children to the facility as possible. One child was sentenced to time there at 8 years old for the crime of talking back to his parents at home. I'm just so relieved that it finally closed and that all those townspeople who worked there are now out of jobs. It was a situation where great grandpa worked there, grandpa worked there, dad worked there, son worked there and grandson worked there. So that culture of abuse and coverup stayed steady pretty much the whole time.
Not yet. The townspeople around there have been employed by the facility for generations. So they have vehemently opposed any outside investigations. They portray their town and their neighbors as "victims" of a misguided witch hunt for which they are all innocent. Of course each generation in the town for over a hundred years was complicit in the coverup of the depravity and continuing abuse of children.

USF in Tampa sent a group of investigators using ground penetrating radar of sorts to literally look for and dig up hidden graves of probably murdered, abused and neglected young boys. They have faced hostility at every turn from the surrounding community for besmirching the town's "good name." So far they have found I believe over 30 bodies not officially marked or counted in the schools records for their official cemetery plots. I suspect they will find more, perhaps many more, if they keep searching. Former "inmates" there say now in late adulthood that they were threatened with being taken off in the night, never to be heard from again, if they snitched about conditions there or didn't acquiesce to all of their jailer's demands.

They had a system in place whereby judges sentencing minor child for petty crimes or misbehavior at home were receiving kickbacks to send as many children to the facility as possible. One child was sentenced to time there at 8 years old for the crime of talking back to his parents at home. I'm just so relieved that it finally closed and that all those townspeople who worked there are now out of jobs. It was a situation where great grandpa worked there, grandpa worked there, dad worked there, son worked there and grandson worked there. So that culture of abuse and coverup stayed steady pretty much the whole time.

Why does some of what you wrote, Tampa, remind me of the townsfolk at Auschwitz? According to most, they had no idea whatsoever what was going on right under their noses, and those who did know cooperated because they were either Nazi party members or were merely 'following orders.'

Those who were involved at Dozier, who were involved in any such crime throughout the world do not deserve the right to be believed. Their ignorance betrays their lies at the expense of those who were murdered.

The place where I was reared was closed by then-Governor Mitch Daniels on May 31, 2009, for low population and a budget that could not afford to keep it open for so few children. My next brother (eleven months my senior) asked me on that very day when we heard the news how I felt about it. I told him, "Ding dong, the witch is dead." My brother laughed. The place is now a facility run by the military for children (incorrigibles) who struggle with life and complying with the laws of the land. Most of the building yet stand, as it was not the facility itself that abused and molested me and countless others; it was the people, most of whom have already passed. For that matter, the older boy who orally molested me, sodomized me, and forced me to perform horrid acts upon him before he literally beat my arse to a dark purple passed away three years ago this coming November. I have already forgiven him, as I have everyone.