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Jaden Gives It Up For The American Dream


BSB Addict
Oct 1, 2011
Reaction score
DFW, Texas
I couldn't keep my eyes off of his ass...furry and fun! I like this guy; seems down to earth...and "carrying a big stick.":thumbup: He seemed very comfortable and didn't hesitate in pleasuring himself. I hope he "cums" back...and don't forget that hairy ass! BTW Jaden, I'm one of "those girls" who loves gay porn!:smiley-love001:
I think Jaden's solo was really very good. Solo's can be a real bore, and I usually skip from the interview to the last 5 minutes, but I enjoyed watching this one.

Jaden's nice looking, has a sly smile, a tight body, great ass and big dick with low hangers. He didn't seem nervous during the interview, answering questions without resorting to the usual tics and giggling you see with some newbies. He seemed reluctant about doing more work, and it was really unusual that Johnny kept asking him about it. It sounded genuine, but could have been scripted. I haven't heard money even mentioned in a scene for a long time, other than the usual "I'm broke, I have to pay rent, phone, etc."

I think he'd make a great addition to Broke Straight Boys With that cock, I'd love to see him top.
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Here is what I find amusing: These guys always seemed shocked that they have to perform with guys. DO they really not know what this site is about when they apply to be a model ?
Here is what I find amusing: These guys always seemed shocked that they have to perform with guys. DO they really not know what this site is about when they apply to be a model ?
Like you, I often wonder? Some of the comments I've read from the BluMedia staff over time, leads me to "believe"..it is a process for some models though. For a while, we saw models who only did solos.

Ando.jpg dirk.jpg Hartley.jpg Jeremy.jpg

While it "maybe" that some are only comfortable just doing a solo. With the right "negotiations" and or "screening process" others may be willing to do more.


That is my interpretation of it.
Here is what I find amusing: These guys always seemed shocked that they have to perform with guys. DO they really not know what this site is about when they apply to be a model ?

I have no doubt every new model at Broke Straight Boys is familiar with the site. Clearly they checked it out before applying to model, so to be 'alarmed' when they are told they shall have to perform with another is yet part of the alluring act to draw subscribers and tempt potential fans. It is all a ruse subscribers can incorporate into their individual fantasies.

Bentley did nothing to impress me other than to pretend he is what he clearly is not: Straight and tanned. He is gay and has been almost forever, and he is of partial ethnic heritage. I can accept a model who is performing, but as always, I find internal disruption that disallows me to accept one such model who is nothing close to what he attempts to sell an audience he is. He has already lost my admiration and respect, which is why I refer to him by his stage surname, as I do Alexander and Thompson. The good thing for Bentley in this regard is I will not view any of his videos, as his smokescreen was quite facile to cut through and see who - and what - he truly is.

I do hope others will enjoy him and he does well on here, but I hardly see him fulfilling the American dream. (Seems someone forgot just what the American dream really is. I can assure you it is NOT to fuck or get fucked on-camera for the world to see.)
I was very surprised at how much I enjoyed watching Jaden, as from the still, I didn't think that he was going to be my type. But surprise, surprise, Jaden is a cute boyish kid with a really cute smile, and an excellent toned, swimmer type body, and his big thick dick doesn't hurt either. I also was enamored with him from the pre-sex and the post-sex interview as well. This was an "old school" type of BSBer, believably straight to me, talking about the type of girls he likes, and his girlfriend back home in South Dakota. And "his story" makes sense that he just arrived in town, (Denver, I presume), and found an on line ad to jerk off on camera for cash, and so he applied, was interviewed on the phone, and came to the studio and well..............."came" on camera.

As Stripe222 pointed out, we don't hear much talk on camera anymore regarding money, but today we had an exception, as Johnny tried to convince Jaden to come back to do something with a guy for more money, and Jaden was receptive to that, possibly getting a blowjob from a guy, if the price is right.

I'm glad I decided to watch this scene, and I do hope that Jaden agrees to return for more.......
I am totally baffled by something I read in the comments under the scene and also here. I am referring to the statement of Jaden being of "partial ethnic heritage." How on earth has anyone come to this conclusion? Another statement made was just look at his pubes. What about his pubes? I am Latino and I have no question about his ethnicity. Dumb, Dumb, Dumb! You want to question ethnicity, look at my mother and her brother. They are both from Spain. She has light brown hair with green eyes and he also has light brown hair but with blue eyes. My father was Mexican Indian with dark brown hair and brown eyes. I too have dark brown hair and brown eyes. And, I am "tanned" all over. There, I blew off some steam. Not saying I feel better but deciding to sign off before I really get rude.
I am totally baffled by something I read in the comments under the scene and also here. I am referring to the statement of Jaden being of "partial ethnic heritage." How on earth has anyone come to this conclusion? Another statement made was just look at his pubes. What about his pubes? I am Latino and I have no question about his ethnicity. Dumb, Dumb, Dumb! You want to question ethnicity, look at my mother and her brother. They are both from Spain. She has light brown hair with green eyes and he also has light brown hair but with blue eyes. My father was Mexican Indian with dark brown hair and brown eyes. I too have dark brown hair and brown eyes. And, I am "tanned" all over. There, I blew off some steam. Not saying I feel better but deciding to sign off before I really get rude.

I said what I said because those are my opinions and perceptions, much as you expressed yours. Mine hold no less a value to me as yours do to you.
As for questioning ethnicity, I admit I am NOT politically correct about anything. To me, that is merely a cop-out for someone who is afraid to speak his mind. As you can see, Louis, I am unafraid.
As for your DUMB DUMB DUMB, we do out best in the forum to refrain from voicing personal feelings against other members. We chat and opine with property courtesy.
I neither have the time, abilities, nor the desire to check out your family members. Oh, well.
As for your being tanned all over, I presume that is your natural complexion; you did not have to go to a tanning booth to become as such. Perhaps you are tan all over, but being tanned all over hardly describes you in a proper manner.
I appreciate your restraining yourself from being rude, Louis. I commend you.
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I loved Jaden! Beautiful eyes and smile, great body, big beautiful cock and treasure trail. Good personality! Tiny load but hey, maybe next time. He should be fun to go through the process with!
I really liked him. I hope he comes back for some man on man action, he'll like it!!!
I am just stating that I was baffled about anyone questioning his ethnicity. What is it about Jaden that makes one question it? Granted, he has no accent. He did not say he was born in Venezuela. He said he was of Venezuelan heritage. Take, Vadim Black, for example. He claimed to have come from Russia, yet he had no accent. His ethnicity was not questioned. My use of the word "Dumb" was not directed at anyone in particular but the reference to his "tanning" and "pubes." I will admit I am very sensitive when is comes to discussing topics such as ethnicity and sexual orientation. I was bullied throughout my school years when I admitted my father was American Indian. I was called a "red skin," "injun," or a "worthless drunk." I am gay and I cannot relay to you the number of times I was physically beaten up for being such. Sorry if I offended anyone but these issues are very sensitive to me. I am sixty-eight years old, in good health naturally tanned all over and proud of who and what I am.
I am just stating that I was baffled about anyone questioning his ethnicity. What is it about Jaden that makes one question it? Granted, he has no accent. He did not say he was born in Venezuela. He said he was of Venezuelan heritage. Take, Vadim Black, for example. He claimed to have come from Russia, yet he had no accent. His ethnicity was not questioned. My use of the word "Dumb" was not directed at anyone in particular but the reference to his "tanning" and "pubes." I will admit I am very sensitive when it comes to discussing topics such as ethnicity and sexual orientation. I was bullied throughout my school years when I admitted my father was American Indian. I was called a "red skin," "injun," or a "worthless drunk." I am gay and I cannot relay to you the number of times I was physically beaten up for being such. Sorry if I offended anyone but these issues are very sensitive to me. I am sixty-eight years old, in good health, naturally tanned all over and proud of who and what I am.
I am just stating that I was baffled about anyone questioning his ethnicity. What is it about Jaden that makes one question it? Granted, he has no accent. He did not say he was born in Venezuela. He said he was of Venezuelan heritage. Take, Vadim Black, for example. He claimed to have come from Russia, yet he had no accent. His ethnicity was not questioned. My use of the word "Dumb" was not directed at anyone in particular but the reference to his "tanning" and "pubes." I will admit I am very sensitive when it comes to discussing topics such as ethnicity and sexual orientation. I was bullied throughout my school years when I admitted my father was American Indian. I was called a "red skin," "injun," or a "worthless drunk." I am gay and I cannot relay to you the number of times I was physically beaten up for being such. Sorry if I offended anyone but these issues are very sensitive to me. I am sixty-eight years old, in good health, naturally tanned all over and proud of who and what I am.

Louis, your plight, while you may have perceived it as such, was hardly unique. Try being reared in a state children's home/institution for fifteen of your early life, beginning at age two? Try being abandoned by both parents because you were the product of infidelity and had polio. Try growing up QUEER (not gay) in that facility by everyone. Try being molested by staff and student alike, and knowing the persons to whom you were supposed to report it were the very ones molesting you. Try having a Jewish mum and a Seminole father, making you not only a QUEER, but a QUEER MUTT who most deemed you their bitch. Try crying at night for your mother you never knew, let alone ever saw, though you did know she would never come. Try being beaten on a regular basis in that gawd-damned facility. Try attempting suicide multiple times as a youth (I was never allowed to be a child), but when you fail, you realize perhaps God does not even want you. And try surviving many things you cannot control, and still realize you are a survivor, a fighter, no matter how much negative diversity life has to throw.
I feel like Andy Dufresne, "...who crawled through a river of shit and came out clean on the other side." Life has many such rivers for us all. I was blessed enough to be a decent crawler who could hold my breath for a very long time.
Ok, Joninliverton - Now I am ready for that popcorn. None of that faux butter, please. Anyone have the jujubees?
Louis, your plight, while you may have perceived it as such, was hardly unique. Try being reared in a state children's home/institution for fifteen of your early life, beginning at age two? Try being abandoned by both parents because you were the product of infidelity and had polio. Try growing up QUEER (not gay) in that facility by everyone. Try being molested by staff and student alike, and knowing the persons to whom you were supposed to report it were the very ones molesting you. Try having a Jewish mum and a Seminole father, making you not only a QUEER, but a QUEER MUTT who most deemed you their bitch. Try crying at night for your mother you never knew, let alone ever saw, though you did know she would never come. Try being beaten on a regular basis in that gawd-damned facility. Try attempting suicide multiple times as a youth (I was never allowed to be a child), but when you fail, you realize perhaps God does not even want you. And try surviving many things you cannot control, and still realize you are a survivor, a fighter, no matter how much negative diversity life has to throw.
I feel like Andy Dufresne, "...who crawled through a river of shit and came out clean on the other side." Life has many such rivers for us all. I was blessed enough to be a decent crawler who could hold my breath for a very long time.
Ok, Joninliverton - Now I am ready for that popcorn. None of that faux butter, please. Anyone have the jujubees?

Thank you for sharing that. I will share that I too was molested. When I entered 6th grade my greatest desire was to be an altar boy. I was accepted and began my training. Within two months, the priest who was in charge of my training began feeding me left over wine from the mass. It did not take him long to finally drag me to their private bathroom where he assaulted me anally. I sat in my classroom the entire day feeling the wetness in my underwear from the blood oozing out. On my walk home that day I hid behind a local store, took my underwear off and threw them into the bushes. When I got home I immediately put on a clean pair so my mom would not know when she did the laundry. The raping continued for a year. By the time I reached 8th grade I was so addicted to booze and sex, I had become a hustler, selling my body for a pint of whiskey.

As you, I still live to tell my story.
Thank you for sharing that. I will share that I too was molested. When I entered 6th grade my greatest desire was to be an altar boy. I was accepted and began my training. Within two months, the priest who was in charge of my training began feeding me left over wine from the mass. It did not take him long to finally drag me to their private bathroom where he assaulted me anally. I sat in my classroom the entire day feeling the wetness in my underwear from the blood oozing out. On my walk home that day I hid behind a local store, took my underwear off and threw them into the bushes. When I got home I immediately put on a clean pair so my mom would not know when she did the laundry. The raping continued for a year. By the time I reached 8th grade I was so addicted to booze and sex, I had become a hustler, selling my body for a pint of whiskey.

As you, I still live to tell my story.

Louis, my friend (and I mean that), please allow me to tell you three things pertaining to your story:
1) When I was a youth, and heard the term 'altar boy', I had no idea the priests made you all 'altered boys.'
2) I am proud of you for being such a remarkable human being, even through all the shit dumped upon you.
3) None of what you endured was ever your fault in any manner or capacity. The fault rests exclusively with those who abused you.
I want to tell you one thing no one ever told me after they repeatedly beat and molested me: Louis, I am so sorry those horrible things happened to you. If I could, I would gladly take those memories from you and carry them within my battered and broken heart in your stead. But since I cannot, I can offer you my most heartfelt sympathies by telling you - I AM SORRY, LOUIS.
Louis, my friend (and I mean that), please allow me to tell you three things pertaining to your story:
1) When I was a youth, and heard the term 'altar boy', I had no idea the priests made you all 'altered boys.'
2) I am proud of you for being such a remarkable human being, even through all the shit dumped upon you.
3) None of what you endured was ever your fault in any manner or capacity. The fault rests exclusively with those who abused you.
I want to tell you one thing no one ever told me after they repeatedly beat and molested me: Louis, I am so sorry those horrible things happened to you. If I could, I would gladly take those memories from you and carry them within my battered and broken heart in your stead. But since I cannot, I can offer you my most heartfelt sympathies by telling you - I AM SORRY, LOUIS.

You brought tears to my eyes (literally) when I read this response. Thank you. I did confront the church in the 90's with my plight and all they did was slam the door on my face. It was at that time I learned to let go. I let go but I can never forget. Forgive? You have to ask my heart for that answer.

Signing off. Good night.

I only watched about half of this scene, that was all I could take.... gave it a 1.
Louis, my friend (and I mean that), please allow me to tell you three things pertaining to your story:
1) When I was a youth, and heard the term 'altar boy', I had no idea the priests made you all 'altered boys.'
2) I am proud of you for being such a remarkable human being, even through all the shit dumped upon you.
3) None of what you endured was ever your fault in any manner or capacity. The fault rests exclusively with those who abused you.
I want to tell you one thing no one ever told me after they repeatedly beat and molested me: Louis, I am so sorry those horrible things happened to you. If I could, I would gladly take those memories from you and carry them within my battered and broken heart in your stead. But since I cannot, I can offer you my most heartfelt sympathies by telling you - I AM SORRY, LOUIS.

What nightmares you've both been through. How you guys are even somewhat sane and functional is amazing. I'm so grateful not to have experienced all that you guys have. In later adult life now may you finally find some peace.

I am sorry Louis.

And I am sorry Jack.