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It's one bad news after another


BSB Addict
Nov 2, 2008
Reaction score
leeds england
After hearing about Denny's ill health and Jonny's sad news it appears that this year is once again turning to be a bad news year.

My closest friends on here will know that my father has not been well over the last 6 months and the prostate cancer he was diagnosed with 4 years ago finally took him away 3 weeks ago, he was just 53 and didnt suffer any pain until just 24hrs before his death. His funeral was in a Welsh methodist chapel and because he was a well liked member of the community and was a member of the local choir there was a massive turnout of over 250. The reception afterwards in the miners club which he helped form, was also full of family and friends.

Then this Monday evening I went to the local pub and found out that a very good friend of mine had had a serious stroke - he is only 29. Richard suffered a much milder stroke about 12 months ago and has had to take it easy but as a stressfull job in sales which he could not give up due to having a morgage. Richard also had a bout of meningitis when he was 25 so he has had not much luck and his young wife isn't very healthy either.

Life can be very tough on people and although people say life must go on, it isn't all that easy when you see family and friends die and become ill. However, I shall endevour to keep the old british stiff upper lip and try and live life to the full, like my dad always said.

Finally, I'm probably not the only person on the forum who has had a string of sorrowful news this year and to them that have/are, I also share my feelings.
Dearest Jon,

I am so sorry to hear of your father's passing. I lost my father when I was only a year older than you. So I know a bit of what you're going through. My heart goes out to you. Please accept my condolences on your loss.

I guess it was a blessing though that you had plenty of warning. You were there at his side as often as you could be, given your school schedule. He knew you loved him And I know without even meeting him that he was very proud of you.

I very sorry about your friend. It sounds like he has had a tough life. With little sign of his troubles letting up. Is he paralyzed or bedridden?

I have to believe that God does not give us more than we can handle. We are here for you Jon if you want to talk. Either here or in private
Dear sweet guy, it's more than just the grief when you lose a parent since for most people it changes the whole dynamic of your life. And you're awfully young to have to go through that. You have such a level head on you though that I hope you'll be essentially ok.

Lots of love from Spain, where I expect to see you at some time this summer, really.
Im sorry Jon to hear of your loss and you have my support and prayers in your time of need. Also prayers go out to your friend. Keep us in touch. We all love you buddy.

Im sorry Jon to hear of your loss and you have my support and prayers in your time of need. Also prayers go out to your friend. Keep us in touch. We all love you buddy.


Thanks Gary et al..... now I just take life day by day. It's been a while since I had xmas with mum due to work etc but this year I have already booked xmas and new year to be with her and the family.
Thanks Gary et al..... now I just take life day by day. It's been a while since I had xmas with mum due to work etc but this year I have already booked xmas and new year to be with her and the family.

Hi Jon,
I do feel sorrow for you at this time but I also fell gladness in that you have booked Christmas & new year with your mum & family
My prayers are with you John... This is not an easy time. Please, feel free to e-mail or PM me any time if I can be of any help in your grieving process. Bless your heart. Nameste my good friend... take care.:cool:
Thanks again for all your support and although we've never and probably will never meet in person it feels as if we already have. I suppose the only place we will eventually meet is at the pearly gates, so enjoy life while you can 'cos you've only got one chance.
My heart goes out to you and your family. I hope you find someone who will be with you in your grief to help you along. In my quiet moments I will remember you.
Sorry to hear of your loss and other bad news.
I know how it is to lose a parent, although I was very young at the time (5) I still have a hole in my life where my dad should be.
Just hang on to your happy memories and try to be everything that your dad taught you to be.
Sorry to hear of your loss and other bad news.
I know how it is to lose a parent, although I was very young at the time (5) I still have a hole in my life where my dad should be.
Just hang on to your happy memories and try to be everything that your dad taught you to be.

Thanks Ipdude xx. Losing your dad at 5 must have been bloody awfull and I sincerely feel for you. I have a friend at work who lost both his parents before he was 11 and his family was so poor all he lived on was chips and baked beans. Now he is a great father and person and although he's in his 50s is a great friend and mentor to me. Thanks Dave. xx