Originally Posted by Phillionaire
Here is a story for you. Its not hot and juicy but i think it comes into play here in a way.
Philly,I may be the one person here who isn't overjoyed that you are staying. Your pix are wonderful, you obvoiusly have a body I'd love to jump on, but your youthful stories of being overserved, drunk driving, and agressiveness I find troubling. When you grow up, give me a call.
Dear o Dear Jeff,
I don't know anywhere else to begin but to begin with this... I am the most mature person for my age that I know. I have experienced and seen many many things that have got me to this point. I was forced to grow up when I was 8 years old. I never had a childhood, that was robbed from me. I went through life, getting what I get out of it. Knowing absolutley nothing, and never been taught. My parents divorced when I was 5 and I lived with my dad until I was 9. He is an alcoholic (who present day is now a little over a year sober), and never instilled "moralls and life values" in us as kids. We were independent and learned for ourselves (me and my sister).
I live in Missouri. I live outside of the city on "back roads". The way we are set up, the city cops do not have jurisdiction where I live, but I live in that "city". So the only cops that can issue tickets are county cops, and I live right at the country lines that, they just dont come out here unless they are called. So being that I have worked in restaraunts since i was 14, my dad was an alcoholic and I have so many struggles, Who would have thought, I was start drinking, and Drink casually. Saying that I live on backroads is no justification to drinking and driving, but its just a little easier to do, and I am smart about everything that I do. Now everyone says "oh i'm a professional drunk driver".. whatever, thats stupid jokes people like to make themself seem cool. I'm not an idiot, when I have been drinking and driving I do pay attention and I do the speed limit, unlike my sister who goes 90 mph down a straight away and runs into the ditch and flips her mustang and walks away without a scratch... I don't do things like that, I dont need to drive fast I dont need to drive reckless.. I do what I do and I have rules on everything that I do.
As for the aggressivness.. I don't really know what your refering to besides maybe my anger and how I react to some situation (the bar)..
I already know I have anger issues. But I only have anger issues when someone cross's me for no reason. I am a great person. I accept everybody. I will be friends with whoever. I do good things for people without asking for anything in return, I donate to charity, and I contribute to society everyday, and when someone takes the time to say something to me for no reason, I tend to snap and make them feel like an ant. and that just goes back to my 6,7,8,9th years in school, being 220lbs, horrible acne and being made fun of every single day of my life. How do you think that feels.. But it made me who I am today, Beautiful and a Genuinly good person. Not cocky and very accepting.
Now on a final note.. you tell me to grow up. You say my Maturity needs to match my age, your "last words" was "When you grow up, give me a call"...
This makes you sound very childesh Jeff. Because we are on a forumn so why would I call you?
And "when i did grow up" Why would you be the person I called? Lmao.. come on man, if you are going to post on a thread, Make sure in contributes to something, and not just filling up space. Thanks.