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It's baaaaaack!


Well-known Member
Oct 14, 2008
Reaction score
Dallas TX
The editing privileges i mean :)

Sorry we had to take it off for a while, but due to the recent circumstances, we just had to. But now it's back, so enjoy it :)

Thanks for the notice Scorpio. You da man!! :thumbup:

And thanks to all the other men in Blu who are trying to look out for us and keep us safe and happy in the Land of Forum. :biggrin:
Thanks for the notice Scorpio. You da man!! :thumbup:

And thanks to all the other men in Blu who are trying to look out for us and keep us safe and happy in the Land of Forum. :biggrin:

You too the words right out of my mouth. Thanks Scorpio...
Now we don't have to post a second time to say the rest of what we should have said in the first one. Or do I mean....
That is wonderful to know! Thanks scorpio and thank you all at blu for giving us the edit feature back.....
Yea, Thanks!

And thanks to all the other men in Blu who are trying to look out for us and keep us safe and happy in the Land of Forum. :biggrin:
Yea thanks, for looking out for us because we're grown adults and haven't learned to handle criticism or a disaggreeable word from somebody. Apparently we don't know how to answer a post that makes us feel uncomfortable or we don't know the difference between a good natured jibe and just plain bad posting that really may not concern us, or for that matter is so far out in left field it makes no sense. Yea thanks for being the champion of the crybabies who don't get their way and threaten to pull up their pants and leave the Forum. Yea thanks for taking away anything that will make us think and wonder the what ifs of an imponderable question. Yea thanks for the now steady stream of inane pap that keeps our bellies full and our minds empty. And a special thanks for the Forum Nanny, to make sure we don't have any recurring dreams of questions that beg to be answered, and assures us that the big bad boogie man that was making us think is gone. "And thanks to all the other men in Blu who are trying to look out for us and trying to keep us safe and happy in the Land of Forum." Yea, thanks a lot!
You are so very welcome :)

Yea thanks, for looking out for us because we're grown adults and haven't learned to handle criticism or a disaggreeable word from somebody. Apparently we don't know how to answer a post that makes us feel uncomfortable or we don't know the difference between a good natured jibe and just plain bad posting that really may not concern us, or for that matter is so far out in left field it makes no sense. Yea thanks for being the champion of the crybabies who don't get their way and threaten to pull up their pants and leave the Forum. Yea thanks for taking away anything that will make us think and wonder the what ifs of an imponderable question. Yea thanks for the now steady stream of inane pap that keeps our bellies full and our minds empty. And a special thanks for the Forum Nanny, to make sure we don't have any recurring dreams of questions that beg to be answered, and assures us that the big bad boogie man that was making us think is gone. "And thanks to all the other men in Blu who are trying to look out for us and trying to keep us safe and happy in the Land of Forum." Yea, thanks a lot!
Great rant Richardnoggin,

I am all for open debates and exchanges of ideas on controversial matters. What I am not about is someone trying to create discord and drama for the pure sake of it. I have better things to do with my time.

The person you are defending was a very nice guy at heart I believe. I genuinely liked him and I continue to wish him well with his health issues and his life in general. He had alot to say and alot to offer. Unfortunately he had to keep escalating the rhetoric to keep himself from getting bored. We just became pawns in his egoic plans to be the center of attention.

He didn't have much credibilty left at the end after deleting a thread with about 140+ posts and 700+ visits. Apparently there were 2 posts in there that had words that offended him. The horror! He was always quick to be the decider of what was to be considered an attack on him. (By words only) He also claimed the mantle of being the ultimate decider on whether any of his posts (words) were offensive or an attack on others. Of course nothing he said was ever offensive or inflammatory or an attack on someone else. All you needed to do was ask him. So he deleted that huge thread on politics that many people had worked hours and hours on because of 2 posts that he didn't like.

So what did the ultimate champion of free speech do after deleting one of the top 3 largest threads in the entire forum that was full of other people's free speech? In a brazen act of hypocrisy he sets up another thread with the warning not to enter if you were offended by words. Anybody who didn't catch the rich audacity of it was not paying attention!

I am happy to engage in healthy, civil and respectful debates on any serious issues of our time. I can take criticism of my ideas and I'm pretty good at defending my positions. In the forum of a debate style exchange of ideas that is. What I am not about is being played like a marionette on someone else's strings for their own amusement. If someone tries to deliberately stir up controversy simply because they're bored, then I have no time or patience for that.

As to your other grievance that you resent having what you see as a nanny in the forum, you are entiltled to your opinion. I don't like the idea either as a grown adult. Your complaint pre-supposes though that all adults in here are going to conduct themselves with a reasonable amount of maturity in dealing with other members. However that is not something that can be taken for granted. There were many of us who bristled at the collective punishment regarding editing for the sake of one person who was abusing it. And some were quite outspoken in complaining to mgmt. Our editing capability has been restored and that's all I care about.
Yea thanks, for looking out for us because we're grown adults and haven't learned to handle criticism or a disaggreeable word from somebody. Apparently we don't know how to answer a post that makes us feel uncomfortable or we don't know the difference between a good natured jibe and just plain bad posting that really may not concern us, or for that matter is so far out in left field it makes no sense. Yea thanks for being the champion of the crybabies who don't get their way and threaten to pull up their pants and leave the Forum. Yea thanks for taking away anything that will make us think and wonder the what ifs of an imponderable question. Yea thanks for the now steady stream of inane pap that keeps our bellies full and our minds empty. And a special thanks for the Forum Nanny, to make sure we don't have any recurring dreams of questions that beg to be answered, and assures us that the big bad boogie man that was making us think is gone. "And thanks to all the other men in Blu who are trying to look out for us and trying to keep us safe and happy in the Land of Forum." Yea, thanks a lot!

Bless your heart... You are a talented and wonderful man. My strength as a writer pales in comparison to your resourcefulness. You are a very articulate and skilled writer making you a formidable adversary in any battle of penmanship. I understand and respect your opinion. I do understand that many people like you enjoy the intellectual stimulus that comes from the ethical and moral conflicts that “he who shall not be named” brought to life in his threads. It takes a quite a while to get to know and understand people in person, and it is even more difficult to understand people through writing. From an outsider’s or new member’s perspective; it would appear that a certain Forum member’s comments were designed to insight a riot within the Forum or that he was being extremely hostile or aggressive with other members. You are right. Many people don’t know how to respond to a post that makes us feel uncomfortable. Especially, if people feel they have been threatened or insulted in a joking, real or perceived manner. I do feel that management had a moral obligation to respond to member requests to ask the person responsible for the controversial posts to chill out or be banned.

Please understand that not everyone possesses your innate wisdom of discernment that comes with being a life long student of social behavior and your intrinsic gift of duplicitous and arcane writing competence combined with a solid grasp of grammar usage. I do respect your opinion on this issue as a matter of rights and the freedom of speech.

I believe that management created this Forum for the fun and entertainment of all. They want to encourage participation in all of the threads and they have been crystal clear that they would not tolerate berating any Forum members whether real or perceived. There were several warnings given out about crossing the lines. However, whenever a warning was issued about a particularly controversial post. “He who shall not be named” (OK, I stole that from Harry Potter) would edit his posts and down play the severity of what he posted. This resulted in all of us loosing the ability to edit our posts for longer than a 3 min. time window. My understanding was that it was so mgt. could gather sufficient evidence to warrant their decision to ban if need be.

I for one am glad we can get on with business as usual and MarkyMark can hold court without fear of insult or injury to our already fragile egos.

Again, I thank mgt. for their decision.
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Yea thanks, for looking out for us because we're grown adults and haven't learned to handle criticism or a disaggreeable word from somebody. Apparently we don't know how to answer a post that makes us feel uncomfortable or we don't know the difference between a good natured jibe and just plain bad posting that really may not concern us, or for that matter is so far out in left field it makes no sense. Yea thanks for being the champion of the crybabies who don't get their way and threaten to pull up their pants and leave the Forum. Yea thanks for taking away anything that will make us think and wonder the what ifs of an imponderable question. Yea thanks for the now steady stream of inane pap that keeps our bellies full and our minds empty. And a special thanks for the Forum Nanny, to make sure we don't have any recurring dreams of questions that beg to be answered, and assures us that the big bad boogie man that was making us think is gone. "And thanks to all the other men in Blu who are trying to look out for us and trying to keep us safe and happy in the Land of Forum." Yea, thanks a lot!
Richard. I have enjoyed reading your posts, as you are an intelligent and witty person, who has contributed to making this forum an "addiction" for so many of us. But I am surprised that you are defending the person who "hijacked" this board, and turned it into his own personal forum of hateful rantings.

If this forum was on a political website, dedicated to debating political or ideological beliefs, then perhaps his rants should have been allowed to continue, but this is primarily a porn site, and it had taken on a "hateful", "nasty" tone, due to one person. If anyone took a mild shot at him, he would post back with hateful remarks, and often told people to just "go away". And if you look at the hundreds of posters, and thousands of posts that have been made since the inception of this board, only one individual has been banned, (twice). I think it is unfair to paint Blue management as a "Forum Nanny".

Yes. Things may have gotten a bit "boring", in the aftermath of the "banning", but give it time, and I feel confident things will get lively again, as there are many interesting and intelligent posters here. But hopefully the "spirit" will remain friendly and never get hateful and nasty again.

Chiming in

Great rant Richardnoggin,

I am all for open debates and exchanges of ideas on controversial matters. What I am not about is someone trying to create discord and drama for the pure sake of it. I have better things to do with my time.

The person you are defending was a very nice guy at heart I believe. I genuinely liked him and I continue to wish him well with his health issues and his life in general. He had alot to say and alot to offer. Unfortunately he had to keep escalating the rhetoric to keep himself from getting bored. We just became pawns in his egoic plans to be the center of attention.

He didn't have much credibilty left at the end after deleting a thread with about 140+ posts and 700+ visits. Apparently there were 2 posts in there that had words that offended him. The horror! He was always quick to be the decider of what was to be considered an attack on him. (By words only) He also claimed the mantle of being the ultimate decider on whether any of his posts (words) were offensive or an attack on others. Of course nothing he said was ever offensive or inflammatory or an attack on someone else. All you needed to do was ask him. So he deleted that huge thread on politics that many people had worked hours and hours on because of 2 posts that he didn't like.

So what did the ultimate champion of free speech do after deleting one of the top 3 largest threads in the entire forum that was full of other people's free speech? In a brazen act of hypocrisy he sets up another thread with the warning not to enter if you were offended by words. Anybody who didn't catch the rich audacity of it was not paying attention!

I am happy to engage in healthy, civil and respectful debates on any serious issues of our time. I can take criticism of my ideas and I'm pretty good at defending my positions. In the forum of a debate style exchange of ideas that is. What I am not about is being played like a marionette on someone else's strings for their own amusement. If someone tries to deliberately stir up controversy simply because they're bored, then I have no time or patience for that.

As to your other grievance that you resent having what you see as a nanny in the forum, you are entiltled to your opinion. I don't like the idea either as a grown adult. Your complaint pre-supposes though that all adults in here are going to conduct themselves with a reasonable amount of maturity in dealing with other members. However that is not something that can be taken for granted. There were many of us who bristled at the collective punishment regarding editing for the sake of one person who was abusing it. And some were quite outspoken in complaining to mgmt. Our editing capability has been restored and that's all I care about.

Richard and Tampa:

I asked the banned gentleman to close the thread Tampa referred to as I felt things had gone too far there. While we had given over considerable time, effort and thought on that thread, the overall feeling on the thread had gone from discussion to vitriol and hate.

As I said via PM to the gentleman in question:

Civilization requires civility

I am not opposed to discussion of any topic on the forum as long as we do not vilify, denigrate, or attack the people behind the posts. I personally found many of the ideas espoused by said gentleman repugnant but that doesn't matter. What does matter is the personal attacks on other posters.

I believe management is of like mind. I am sorry that they were put in the position of having to take drastic action, however I believe they acted correctly.

I firmly believe that we will regain our previous energy and creativity. There will be more spirited discussion on the Forum. And hopefully, the moderators will not be put in the position of having to moderate!

I respect you both for your spirit, gifts and insight. You are part of why I keep coming back (other than the porn :biggrin:).

Be well,

As a person who was the point of a rather vicious and lenghty attack by "Mitch" I have this to say to you Richard and anyone else. I believe in free speech completely. I will defend your right to say anything and express your ideas to the fullest. However it is also my right to call racist white supremist rants when I see them. That is what was happening. I agree that he wrote well. So do several people in America and elsewhere who have deprived gay people of the rights that every straight person in this country takes for granted. I know that many people who post here identify as bisexual or are closeted. That is fine. I believe that when one person is not free,none of us is free. Therefore I will defend your right to say what you want but I will also speak very clearly and very loudly when I see the depth of hate and vitriol that I saw here. I also question the intellegence of attitiudes that are so retrograde as to be ridiculous in a progressive society. We have just emerged from eight years of horror and America has chosen what I hope is a progressive administration. Given the state of our country I pray it is a new day for all of us.
As a person who was the point of a rather vicious and lenghty attack by "Mitch" I have this to say to you Richard and anyone else. I believe in free speech completely. I will defend your right to say anything and express your ideas to the fullest. However it is also my right to call racist white supremist rants when I see them. That is what was happening. I agree that he wrote well. So do several people in America and elsewhere who have deprived gay people of the rights that every straight person in this country takes for granted. I know that many people who post here identify as bisexual or are closeted. That is fine. I believe that when one person is not free,none of us is free. Therefore I will defend your right to say what you want but I will also speak very clearly and very loudly when I see the depth of hate and vitriol that I saw here. I also question the intellegence of attitiudes that are so retrograde as to be ridiculous in a progressive society. We have just emerged from eight years of horror and America has chosen what I hope is a progressive administration. Given the state of our country I pray it is a new day for all of us.

Very well said Lester. :thumbup:
As a person who was the point of a rather vicious and lenghty attack by "Mitch" I have this to say to you Richard and anyone else. I believe in free speech completely. I will defend your right to say anything and express your ideas to the fullest. However it is also my right to call racist white supremist rants when I see them. That is what was happening. I agree that he wrote well. So do several people in America and elsewhere who have deprived gay people of the rights that every straight person in this country takes for granted. I know that many people who post here identify as bisexual or are closeted. That is fine. I believe that when one person is not free,none of us is free. Therefore I will defend your right to say what you want but I will also speak very clearly and very loudly when I see the depth of hate and vitriol that I saw here. I also question the intellegence of attitiudes that are so retrograde as to be ridiculous in a progressive society. We have just emerged from eight years of horror and America has chosen what I hope is a progressive administration. Given the state of our country I pray it is a new day for all of us.
Amen!! Perfectly said Lester. I could not add anything. You said it all. Thanks.
