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Is it getting serious yet?


Well-known Member
Mar 31, 2013
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A California congressman has proposed a law allowing you to shoot gays on site. In the head preferably. Texas has more anti gay legislation than any state in our entire history, not counting 100s still pending. Oklahoma, Arkansas, Texas, Alabama, and a couple other states I can't recall, will or already have rescinded all marriage licenses, gay or straight. There are signs beginning to appear in restaurant windows and doors in these states, "No Homos Allowed". I could go on (I've been reading a lot about the legislation). The longer I go, the fewer who will read this. This issue should be extremely important to the gay community. If 2016 goes for the elephant, then our ass is grass. I was alive in the 60's and saw the civil rights movement daily for years. It was a struggle. People were killed. Are we ready? Or moving overseas? Russian tactics seem to be knocking at our door. Their movement gathers strength and volunteers with guns.

I'm also researching democracies. It seems Rome had the oldest one, some 200 years. I guess we have overstayed our welcome. When a democracy fell, in every case, it was replaced by a dictatorship.

I say all this with a smile. Only to inform, not to sadden. If you need cheering up, ring me, even with a sensitive gag reflex of late, I will see what I can do.

xxoo- Kyle
[...] There are signs beginning to appear in restaurant windows and doors in these states, "No Homos Allowed". [...] xxoo- Kyle

Kyle, can you provide citations or references (images?) of "No Homos Allowed" signs in windows and doors? Thanks so much. Just want to "know my enemies".
unchecked democracy results in rule by any transient majority. the tension is between protecting the basic rights of a minority and fulfilling the will of the majority. dictatorship of the transient majority is no kinder than dictatorship of a single individual.
the concern it that some knight in shining armor would be named dictator by the some mob.
our federal republic was never intended to be a democracy, in the sense we now understand it. in each state, the elite (white, male, non-papist landowners) were to decide how to provide for the safety and welfare of the states. most states had two house legislatures. the lower house represented a given number of people and the upper house represented the counties. when it came to the federal government, each of the local districts were to pick a representative to the lower house (house of representatives) and the members of the state upper house were to pick the upper house (senate) and special individuals would go to the state capital and cast a vote for the federal executive (president of united states). the executive appoints and the senate advises and consents to the supreme court and other judges. that is the democracy the founders intended.
fear of the federal government gave us the bill of rights. speech, press, and worship and assembly were some of the things that were off limits. there were rights not mentioned that belong to the states and the people.
the hope is that we, the people will exercise our individual power as the true sovereign of the nation. marriage equality in a nation where public accommodation is denied to anyone.
so the real threat to traditional marriage were those who would protect it by rescinding marriage licenses. if the right to marry is not safe, then what right is safe? take to the forum! twitter!
we are not amused!
I'm glad some of us are exposing ourselves to all sides. Correction: It was a lawyer, not a Congressman. His name is David B. There is an article on Yahoo today plus I heard it on the noon news. Drabz, Some friends of mine in SW Texas (oil) saw one sign in a mom & pop diner. A straight married couple saw one in Oklahoma, where they live. They plan to confront the owner. The internet is jammed full of videos showing this kind of discrimination. They even burned alive three young men "suspected" of being gay in Uganda. I imagine the crazy shooter guy in Calif. will be on the nightly news. For sure Jon Stewart.
Keep talking with folks, show them how nice we are. except for......you know lol. another1 you are an interesting and intelligent dude!! (or dudess?) Keep us informed. Connect the dots....the signs are all there.
joey, I'm sure there are, but judges are defying these laws for now. States rights. But I got to thinking, are we any safer because there is a law?
the Obama Justice Dept would get involved if someone would complain. I haven't heard any of it in NYC till you mentioned it
They are doing their last grasps at straws here. It should be expected as the Supreme Court will more than likely make all gay marriage legal in the States later this spring.

I would never of guessed we would be allowed to marry as quickly as it happened. It is mostly through the courts finding no reason to keep banning us and now a plurality of Americans support it.

We still have a lot of work to do but it is not like it was 30 years ago.
Iggy has a handle on it. Drabz, A texas congressman introduced a bill to amend the Texas state constitution. In essence, businesses and corporations would have a right to refuse service to anyone. Employers could fire anyone "suspected" of being gay. To put such language in a state constitution is not to be taken lightly. They feel strongly about the issue. It is mainly the southern states.
I am in rural Bible Belt Appalachia. The views and waterfalls and trails are nice. Many of the tobacco chewin, muddy boots and cap, camouflage pants and shirt have opinions different than mine. Probably most. I have heard people yell "Kill 'em all" during events at the town square. We are the sermon every week at all the small Baptist churches. If you're in a big city, you might not realize how the "heartland" and the south feel about you. Of course, as you may have heard, Ted Cruz announced today for President. He will end gay marriage rights, Affordable Health Care, etc. Basically set our economy back before Obama so as to erase him off the charts.
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Drab : Subscribe to Towleroad. Today's edition had several articles about what some states are doing. Also there was a hate crime in Miss. but police called it assault, wait until you see the picture. This site is laid out nicely and easy to use and chock full of gay news and info on laws in different states among other things. Quite a nice addition to your daily read.
The nut case in California is going to have some serious issues with the State Bar as several people have filed complaints against him for the language of the proposed proposition. The fact is that it violates state and federal constitutional protections. He is a nut case and the proposition will not go too far.

The issue with these nut cases in other states wanting to revise their state law or constitutions to allow them to refuse service to anyone based on a religious basis is that the US Constitution trumps state law - see Article VI Clause 2.
Indiana SB101 was passed into law and is waiting to be signed. the governor has said he will sign it.
a supporter said the following and then a poster responded:
“It’s important that we allow our citizens to hold religious beliefs, maybe even those we might be appalled by, and to be able to express those.”
Why is that important? Would the following also be true:
“It’s important that we allow our citizens to hold unsubstantiated beliefs, maybe even those we might be appalled by, and to be able to express those by invoking immunity from the law.”

The Indiana State Courts will decide whether SB101 trumps Indiana Constitution Article 1 Section 23:
The General Assembly shall not grant to any citizen, or class of citizens, privileges or immunities, which, upon the same terms, shall not equally belong to all citizens.
this law will be tested in the state courts and if necessary will be tested in federal law.
every citizen was born or granted certain rights. there is a right greater than the rights of expression or association! greater than any written into the US Constitution!
the right to be treated with the dignity due any sovereign! we, each citizen are equal.
the protection of any religious belief cannot trump a citizen's majesty.
They are doing their last grasps at straws here. It should be expected as the Supreme Court will more than likely make all gay marriage legal in the States later this spring.

I would never of guessed we would be allowed to marry as quickly as it happened. It is mostly through the courts finding no reason to keep banning us and now a plurality of Americans support it.

We still have a lot of work to do but it is not like it was 30 years ago.

The sad part Peter is the fact that you can pass all the laws you want for equality, but that doesn't change the hate in their hearts...Just ask the non white folks, of all colors.....All I have to do is stand in line at the registers at the local wal-mart.. The things you hear are appalling...From that n!&@$ in the White House, to shooting all the queers and Mexicans....and of course this hate is being spewed by white Christians.....Glad my Bible and theirs are different.....:confused1::sick:
thinking how far this thing could go, I think this is where it could go. a business might refuse service to a woman wearing a short dress or a veil. men who cover their heads. facial hair. mixed racial couples. a woman who is alone. a man in a long dress. people with small children. a transperson. because the list could go on, the reasonableness of laws approving the ability to discriminate based upon religious beliefs is called into question.
another1, I signed on today to post about the Indiana law. Do you read Towleroad? You are correct in that this could go very far. I think "they" will find legal ways to run you out of their state into a more friendly one. I have been looking for a while where to move. It seems they are all "cold climate" states. Anyone have ideas?
I was raised in an Evangelical church for 18 years, then a Southern Baptist for 6 years. I know what hypocrites sit in those pews from week to week. God is Love, and they have guns and they like to shoot. Remember Mathew Shepard.
Agree Rafe, about the heart, That will take many generations to change.
yes, I read towleroad.
those who do not believe in equal rights, have control of many legislatures. however, I don't believe you can judge a state by its legislature. legislatures reflect transient majorities. that is the majority of those who vote.
in my state, a transient majority voted for a law and later for an amendment to ban same-sex marriage. if the back country counties and right-wingers could gain control of the legislature in this state, then I could not think of any other state that would be my next choice.
speak, vote, organize, and advocate! don't let foolish people and criminals drive you from your home. I remember the words about what you do to the lest of my brothers, you do to me.
guns are for hunting and protection. there is a commandment against killing. that is a crime.
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we all have our own levels of inherent bias. we all prefer to be with like kinds. a first time bicyclist would likely feel out of place among biker gang. there is certain comfort with like kinds.
I have tried to separate personal preference from professional choice. choosing an escort is different than choosing an administrative assistant.
in dealing with backward thinking people and I have to deal with them because they are in my universe, I demand not more than respect as a person. don't invite me home. don't do me in a car. just respect me and do your job.
people and businesses are coming out against the new law permitting businesses to refuse service to gays.
this is not over yet!
the nutcase in California put down $200 and can ask the state to authorize him to gather signatures to put his proposal on the ballot.
it's hard to find the grounds that a court could refuse to permit a vote on legislation by the people or the legislature. of course, the law would never go into effect. the constitution of the state speaks to personal safety and public safety. the chance that he will gather enough signatures makes my head spin.
transit majority and the rule of law. at the end of the day, the individual is sovereign and the constitution is supreme.