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Interesting new information about High Frutose Corn Syrup


BSB Executive Senior Member
Oct 28, 2008
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Many companies have now found a way to back door the High Frutose Corn Syrup back into our diets. That stuff was found to be stuff is toxic to anyone with faty liver disease. It is the biggest contributing factor.

Crystalline fructose comes only from a corn syrup base that has been artificially processed to yield a 99.5% fructose concentration, where High Fructose Corn Syrup is a 45-55% concentration blended with Glucose. This high concentration of corn starch fructose provides a lot of benefits to the manufacturers food and beverage products as with any concentration, it means you can do more with less. It also adds additional stability, relating to heat, cold, longevity and moisture tolerances.

The risk on the consumer side is that fructose has to be processed by your body via your liver, and to a less extent your kidneys; where glucose is purely absorbed by your body on a cellular level. Where High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) has gained a bad rep because of the to fructose levels that attribute to fatty deposits growing on the liver that can lead to liver disease and kidney issues, Crystalline fructose could do as much or more damage. It is also misleading the public where people are trying to avoid HFCS in their diets. The argument that is safer the HFCS because there is less of it in your diet is deceiving as the concentration could be harmful then the volume consumed.

Of course as with everything, it comes down to moderation, though I am angry that the FDA allows the use of the term to hide the fact that this is sugar derived from a corn starch.

Here is some background from my own perspective. In July I was diagnosed with fatty liver and sleep apnea. Anyway, I had no clue why I was gaining weight and not able to loose it. Here it was a combination of the two (Fatty Liver and Apnea) working against me. I was walking 3 miles a day watching and doing an 1500 - 2000 calorie diet and I could only seem to manage to maintain 380lbs. The weight should have been melting off. Yikes, it wasn't. After being diagnosed I learned at the hospital that foods and drinks containing high fructose corn syrup were the largest contributing factor to developing "Fatty Liver" Everyone told me to start using Xylitol or Stevia. Anyway, I am fortunate to have a number of friends that are into natural health and oriental medicine. They recommended Stevia because of its many health benefits and the fact that it has zero calories and it has been used thousands of years in places like Egypt. Anyway, I took their advice. My liver enzyme levels are back to 90% normal and I managed to drop from 380lbs. to 255lbs. (125 lbs. in 5 months.) in about 5 months without much effort. Don't get me wrong. I have always been a body builder type. In the pictures on my profile page I was 225. So, I am exited that I am now within 30lbs of that old boyish figure.

The combination of the sleep apnea machine and removing all processed sugar and high fructose corn syrup from my diet has had me loosing weight like crazy. I still work out 5 days a week mostly cardio and resistance training. I alternate ever other day. Some days I do both. Anyway, I have done that while on a 2200 calorie diet. Having been a certified personal trainer all this time I am starting to feel much more like myself.

I think the Stevia plant is amazing. So, I thought now that companies are hiding the high fructose corn syrup in their labeling by now marketing a derivative listing it as crystalline fructose health conscious people might want to know about it.
More information Stevia for anyone interested

What is Stevia?
Stevia is one of the most health restoring plants on earth. What whole leaf Stevia does both inside the body and on the skin is incredible. Native to Paraguay, it is a small green plant bearing leaves which have a delicious and refreshing taste that can be 30 times sweeter than sugar. Besides the intensely sweet glycosides (Steviosides, Rebaudiosides and a Dulcoside), various studies have found the leaf to contain proteins, fiber, carbohydrates, iron, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, zinc, rutin (a flavonoid), true vitamin A, Vitamin C and an oil which contains 53 other constituents. Quality Stevia leaves and whole leaf concentrate are nutritious, natural dietary supplements offering numerous health benefits.

Stevia as a Sweetener
Stevia is the sweetener of the future. Because the human body does not metabolize the sweet glycosides (they pass right through the normal elimination channels) from the leaf or any of its processed forms, the body obtains no calories from Stevia. Processed forms of pure Stevia can be 70-400 times sweeter than sugar. Whether these products are called Stevia, Stevioside, Rebaudioside, Stevia Extract, or Stevia Concentrate, if they are in their pure unadulterated form they do not adversely affect blood glucose levels and may be used freely by both diabetics and hypoglycemics. For people with blood sugar, blood pressure or weight problems Stevia is the most desirable sweetener.

In all of its current forms Stevia has a taste unique to itself. Along with its sweetness there is also a bitter component. The poorer the quality of the leaf the more bitterness is evident in the taste. In good consumer products, however, this bitter flavor disappears as does the slight licorice taste of whole-leaf products when appropriately diluted for consumption. Unlike artificial sweeteners, the sweet glycosides do not break down in heat which makes Stevia an excellent sweetener for cooking and baking.

Stevia as a Dietary Supplement
The vast majority of reported health benefits, both from the research laboratory and consumer experience, comes from daily use of a water based whole leaf Stevia concentrate. Scientific research has indicated that Stevia effectively regulates blood sugar and brings it toward a normal balance. It is sold in some South American countries as an aid to people with diabetes and hypoglycemia. Since its introduction into the US, numerous people have reported that taking 20-30 drops with each meal brought their blood glucose levels to normal or near normal within a short time period. Obviously each individual's condition is different and such experimentation should be done under the supervision of a qualified physician. An important benefit for hypo-glycemics is Stevia's tonic action which enhances increased energy levels and mental acuity.

Studies have also indicated that Stevia tends to lower elevated blood pressure but does not seem to affect normal blood pressure. It also inhibits the growth and reproduction of some bacteria and other infectious organisms, including the bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum disease. This may help explain why users of Stevia enhanced products report a lower incidence of colds and flu and why it has such exceptional qualities when used as a mouthwash or added to toothpaste. Many people report significant improvement in oral health after adding Stevia concentrate to their toothpaste and using it, diluted in water, as a daily mouthwash.

Stevia is an exceptional aid in weight loss and weight management because it contains no calories and reduces one's craving for sweets and fatty foods. Hunger sensations are lessened when 10 or 15 drops are taken 20 minutes before meals. Preliminary research data indicates that Stevia may actually reset the hunger mechanism in people where the pathway between the hypothalamus and the stomach has become obstructed. If so, Stevia would help people to feel satiated sooner, helping them to eat less.

Other benefits of adding Stevia to the daily diet include improved digestion and gastrointestinal function, soothed upset stomachs and quicker recovery' from minor illness. Users have also reported that drinking Stevia tea or Stevia enhanced teas helped to reduce their desire for tobacco and alcoholic beverages.

Stevia concentrate tablets are available for those who want the medicinal benefits of Stevia concentrate in an easy to swallow tablet form.

The Stevia Leaf
Stevia leaves vary widely in quality due to many environmental factors including soil, irrigation methods, sunlight, air purity, cleanliness, farming practices, processing and storage. There are also numerous species of Stevia with differing Stevioside/Rebaudioside content. Bacterial and fungal contamination is a serious problem and one must be careful about the original source of Stevia. Chinese Stevia leaves are a poor quality, containing only 5-6% of the sweet Steviosides/Rebaudiosides, while Paraguayan leaves contain 9-13%. Stevia should be compared according to aroma, taste, appearance and sweetness.

Leaves are available in tea bags (only from Wisdom of the Ancients at the time of writing) and make a delicious tea. Tea bags may be placed in any beverage desired and make a delightful lemonade. The sweet glycosides are released more rapidly in hot liquid than in cool liquid. You may want to place a tea bag in a small amount of hot water for a few minutes and then add the sweetened water to the beverage. A mild Stevia tea offers excellent relief for an upset stomach. After use, a Stevia tea bag placed over the eyes (similar to using a cucumber) for a few minutes effectively tightens the skin and smoothes out wrinkles.

Ground Stevia is excellent when sprinkled lightly over cooking vegetables and meats, cereals and salads. Besides adding its own sweet taste it significantly enhances the flavor and nutritional value of the food. Ground Stevia can be used in many cooking and baking applications.

Refined Steviosides & Rebaudiosides are the sweetest form of Stevia and may be purchased in a semi-white powder form (usually referred to as an extract) or in a clear liquid made by adding the powder to water and a preservative. The powder may be added directly to food and beverage but in very tiny amounts. The liquid is used drop by drop.

Stevioside has over 50% of the commercial sweetening market in Japan, which consumes 90% of the world's supply of Stevia leaves. The refined Chinese Stevioside product is only 80-91% pure and some samples have been found to be high in pathogens. There is no Paraguayan Stevioside manufacturing as of this writing. Wisdom of the Ancients will market a 98% Stevioside/Rebaudioside product in the fall of 1997.

Although Stevioside is a desirable sweetener it does not have the extraordinary health benefits of the Stevia leaf or products made from whole leaf Stevia concentrate.
More information Stevia for anyone interested (Continues...)

Stevia for Exceptional Skin Care
Water based whole leaf Stevia concentrate offers several exceptional benefits when used regularly in skin care. When applied as a facial mask it effectively softens and tightens the skin, smoothes out wrinkles and helps to heal various skin blemishes including acne. One simply smoothes the dark liquid over the entire face, allowing it to dry for at least 30-60 minutes. As it dries you will feel the skin tightening. A drop of the concentrate may be applied directly on any blemish, acne outbreak, lip or mouth sore. People report success from applying Stevia to a variety of problem skin conditions. Stevia concentrate is also effective when used on seborrhea, dermatitis and eczema. Reports indicate that when a few drops of the concentrate are placed in cuts and scratches there is a more rapid healing of the wound without scarring. This will sting for 30-40 seconds followed by a significant lowering of pain. The concentrate is easily washed away with soap and warm water.

In Paraguayan experiments the Stevia concentrate was added to a unique native herbal soap made from edible oils extracted from the seeds and leaves of trees native to the Paraguayan rain forest. Marketed in the U.S. under the name Cream of Coco Hair & Body Shampoo, the soap blends well with the concentrate. Used together these two natural products help retard the graying process and retain natural hair color, eliminate dandruff and various scalp problems, and improve the health and luster of the hair. Many Americans today add the concentrate to this native soap or to their regular shampoo and report excellent results. Most people wash the hair first and then add Stevia concentrate to the second shampoo, allowing it to remain on the hair for a few minutes before rinsing.

Safety of Stevia
There has never been a complaint that Stevia, in any of its consumable forms, has caused any harmful side effects in the 1500 years of use in Paraguay and about 20 years in Japan. Scientists who have studied Stevia state that it is safe for human consumption.

Following extensive research Dr. Daniel Mowrey reported:

"More elaborate safety tests were performed by the Japanese during their evaluation of stevia as a possible sweetening agent. Few substances have ever yielded such consistently negative results in toxicity trials as have stevia. Almost every toxicity test imaginable has been performed on stevia extract [concentrate] or stevioside at one time or another. The results are always negative. No abnormalities in weight change, food intake, cell or membrane characteristics, enzyme and substrate utilization, or chromosome characteristics. No cancer, no birth defects, no acute and no chronic untoward effects. Nothing."

This brief review of the Stevia plant and its worldwide uses in no way constitutes an endorsement of such uses. At this time the FDA permits Stevia to be imported, labeled and sold only for its approved use as a dietary supplement and in skin Care. The information contained is provided for educational purposes only. Medical advice is neither implied nor intended. Please consult your health care professional for medical advice.

I found I can Stevia in bulk where I buy my massage therapy products and supplements here.http://www.keenebmsstore.com/ingr/ingr900937.cfm

To get individual packets I was recommended to this site. http://www.nowfoods.com/Products/ProductsbyCategory/Category/M103566.htm?cat=Stevia

I hope this information helps others fight fatty liver too.
re: sleep apnea & corn syrup


Thanks so much for this info, I had no idea about the newest, more toxic version of high fructose corn syrup. I think HFCS in sodas and juice drinks, including the chocolate milk given out in school lunchrooms, is the main reason for the increase in diabetes, obesity and hypertension among kids.

Sleep apnea is another public health issue that's not being addressed by the medical community. It causes learning disabilities and behavior problems in kids, and has been found to be a cause heart attacks, diabetes, hypertension and obesity.

Yet there is no routine screening schedule for sleep apnea, as there is for hearing, color blindness, breast cancer, colon cancer, etc, throughout the lifespan. I sometimes wonder how different my life would be now, if my sleep apnea had been diagnosed when I was a kid, so my brain and body grew with enough oxygen feeding it and a complete sleep cycle every night.

It's pure speculation, but maybe no ADD? No hormone imbalances? No mood swings? No constant fatigue? No constant hunger and weight gain? I know treating the sleep apnea for the past four years has made a huge difference in my ability to think and function, but it sure hasn't resulted in gains in ADD, fatigue, hunger, memory. I'm thinking, if you develop sleep apnea later in life, you have a better chance of making a complete recovery than if it's been untreated since childhood.

Anyhoo, thanks for sharing this Jay. I enjoy immensely reading your thoughtful posts, whatever the topic.

P.S. Just couldn't resist posting this lovely photo I found while net surfing...enjoy it!


  • men-kiss-vintage-gay-482.jpg
    82.6 KB · Views: 37
Hey Jman, congrats on turning your health issues around. Your temporary absence concerned a lot of us, it's good hear you've got a handle on the diet, weight, and sleep issues.

I love it when people share information on dietary concerns that affect a majority of Americans. It's a constant battle with our food industry, because they're more concerned about profits than doing things that are also in the best interests of the consumer. People don't want to give up the convenience of fast food or processed foods...I can only bring awareness to the youth I support, but it's tough to get them to make the effort to be good to their bodies--diet tends to take a back seat to discussions about drugs, smoking, and safe sex.

Thanks again for sharing, your my preferred Jaykipedia of information ;) :thumbup1: :biggrin:

Thanks so much for this info, I had no idea about the newest, more toxic version of high fructose corn syrup. I think HFCS in sodas and juice drinks, including the chocolate milk given out in school lunchrooms, is the main reason for the increase in diabetes, obesity and hypertension among kids.

Sleep apnea is another public health issue that's not being addressed by the medical community. It causes learning disabilities and behavior problems in kids, and has been found to be a cause heart attacks, diabetes, hypertension and obesity.

Yet there is no routine screening schedule for sleep apnea, as there is for hearing, color blindness, breast cancer, colon cancer, etc, throughout the lifespan. I sometimes wonder how different my life would be now, if my sleep apnea had been diagnosed when I was a kid, so my brain and body grew with enough oxygen feeding it and a complete sleep cycle every night.

It's pure speculation, but maybe no ADD? No hormone imbalances? No mood swings? No constant fatigue? No constant hunger and weight gain? I know treating the sleep apnea for the past four years has made a huge difference in my ability to think and function, but it sure hasn't resulted in gains in ADD, fatigue, hunger, memory. I'm thinking, if you develop sleep apnea later in life, you have a better chance of making a complete recovery than if it's been untreated since childhood.

Anyhoo, thanks for sharing this Jay. I enjoy immensely reading your thoughtful posts, whatever the topic.

P.S. Just couldn't resist posting this lovely photo I found while net surfing...enjoy it!

Thanks Str8grrrl, Many Americans have sleep apnea but there are to few sleep centerd to diagnose it. It becomes more prevelent with stress and poor diet. Weight gains seem to make it much more pronounced. They figure I have had it since I was a younger. It got progressively worse as I got older. Treating the apnea and controling bad carbs made a huge diffrence in me. I used to think all that gren tea was helping me. Here it was only contributing to the problem. They would say green tea with honey. Then the back lable would list some kind of corn syrup. LOL I am just fortunate I was alive long enought to be diagnosed and get things back on track. I really love the Stevia. I do use Xylitol too. I even put the xylitol in my nasal spray solution because it is a natural antibiotic. I like Stevia better but xylitol disolves easier. Xylitol is made from grapefruit and has 40% of the calories of sugar and like Stevia it has no bad after taste.

Stevia and fresh squezed lemon makes great lemonade and both are great in Black, Eral Grey, or Green tea too. One packet of Stevia and a splash of organic Vanilla extract in a smoothie look out that is the bomb. :001_rolleyes:

As my health is coming back I am thinking of running a marathon next year. I will see when spring comes how realistic that will be.
Hey Jman, congrats on turning your health issues around. Your temporary absence concerned a lot of us, it's good hear you've got a handle on the diet, weight, and sleep issues.

I love it when people share information on dietary concerns that affect a majority of Americans. It's a constant battle with our food industry, because they're more concerned about profits than doing things that are also in the best interests of the consumer. People don't want to give up the convenience of fast food or processed foods...I can only bring awareness to the youth I support, but it's tough to get them to make the effort to be good to their bodies--diet tends to take a back seat to discussions about drugs, smoking, and safe sex.

Thanks again for sharing, your my preferred Jaykipedia of information ;) :thumbup1: :biggrin:

Awe, thanks Kaalaaupuni, I have been very busy developing curriculum and job hunting as well as spending time at the gym with my free voyeur pass. LOL Most days I am to hot and sweaty to do more than think who should grace the futon though. LOL. I have been a licensed personal fitness trainer since I was 18 and a health educator and human service worker. So, it was hare not being able to help myself and not having a lot of energy. I thought I was clinically depressed there for a while I was falling a sleep so much. There will be time enough for sleep when I die. LOL I just thought the best way to get the info out there about to a lot of folks was a place like the forum. Glad I could be of help.:biggrin:
Great news for diabetics and people with blood pressure problems.

I found this soda on line a few weeks ago. And I have pushed to get the product locally in my community. The soda is called "Zevia" http://zevia.com/products_natural.html#erythritol

Everything in the product is all natural especially the sweeteners used.

Stevia:Stevia is a natural herb native to South and Central America. For centuries, native Americans of Paraguay and Brazil called it "sweet leaf" and used it to sweeten native foods. Stevia is used as a food additive in China, Japan, all of South America and in the United States. The extract from the stevia leaf has no calories, no effect on blood sugar levels, and is hundreds of times sweeter than sugar. Stevia sweetens all seven ZEVIA® soda flavors.

Erythritol:Erythritol is a natural sugar alcohol found in fruits and vegetables, has no calories, and has no effect on blood sugar levels. Erythritol does not promote tooth decay. Erythritol is used in all seven ZEVIA® soda flavors.

All of the sodas are caffeine free and have zero calories. Finally, a dream come true. However; very few stores are carrying the product. I just got samples today and shared them with the owner of the local natural health food store. I think they will soon be ordering it. What could be better for our health. Natural flavors and sweeteners. Nothing artificial.

(No I don't own stock in a Stevia company, but I wish I did. This is an amazing product. Nor do I work for "Zevia." I am not getting any kick backs either. I just love stevia as a sweetener. I think that this product is perhaps one the the healthiest soda's I have found and a great way to reduce calories and control our glycemic index.)

I only drank the cola sampler today and no other flavors. It was pretty awesome. Wow, great soda taste and no after taste. I look forward to trying all of the flavors.

Oh, by the way the company has a flyer you can print in PDF form from their web site to take to your local natural health food stores or grocery stores.

It is not my intention to promote this company over another. They are the only company I could find that makes their sodas from stevia and other natural ingredients which I find very appealing. Hey, I am just a health educator trying to do my part to find ways to decrease obesity, diabetes, and other chronic diseases. If anyone knows of a better product I would love to hear about it too.
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