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In A Galaxy Far Far Away ...........


BSB Addict
Feb 2, 2009
Reaction score
I was initially attracted to Broke Straight Boys purely by one or two of the boys who were in a Broke Straight Boys promo video that I had seen on the internet.
After checking out the site my decision to stay was further enhanced by the underlying theme & the style in which that theme was presented.
In the time I have contributed to the Broke Straight Boys site I have really “enjoyed myself”.
Yes there was a brief interruption to that membership & yes there were one of two periods when some episodes, for me, ran flat but overall Broke Straight Boys has always done it for me in all three main areas.

Unfortunately Broke Straight Boys is no longer “doing it for me” in two of the three main areas – the underlying theme is certainly still there but the type of boys & the style being presented, for my tastes, are not.

I have made a number of friends here on the forum so I would like to say to you – thank you for your friendship, your help & your tolerance (I know my warped Aussie sense of humour can be a bit strong sometimes – hehe)

Mark, Stephane & Chuck - Thank you for your assistance & your patience during my time here.
You & the rest of your team have provided a great product & I truly wish you all the very best for the future.

David, Eddie, Tyler & the D&E team - Thank you for providing many many hours of enjoyment (& sore body parts) I can only add - keep up the good work.

The Broke Straight Boys Boys - Thank you for being so open & willing to put yourselves in front of the camera for my & everyone else’s pleasure (I hate being in front of the camera even with my clothes on – hehe)

So it is with a heavy heart that I have to say that I shall not be renewing my membership to Broke Straight Boys
At this point in time I will not say “I won’t be back”.
During the remainder of my subscription I shall be focusing my attention on the bonus sites.

Be Safe, Play Safe
I was initially attracted to Broke Straight Boys purely by one or two of the boys who were in a Broke Straight Boys promo video that I had seen on the internet.
After checking out the site my decision to stay was further enhanced by the underlying theme & the style in which that theme was presented.
In the time I have contributed to the Broke Straight Boys site I have really “enjoyed myself”.
Yes there was a brief interruption to that membership & yes there were one of two periods when some episodes, for me, ran flat but overall Broke Straight Boys has always done it for me in all three main areas.

Unfortunately Broke Straight Boys is no longer “doing it for me” in two of the three main areas – the underlying theme is certainly still there but the type of boys & the style being presented, for my tastes, are not.

I have made a number of friends here on the forum so I would like to say to you – thank you for your friendship, your help & your tolerance (I know my warped Aussie sense of humour can be a bit strong sometimes – hehe)

Mark, Stephane & Chuck - Thank you for your assistance & your patience during my time here.
You & the rest of your team have provided a great product & I truly wish you all the very best for the future.

David, Eddie, Tyler & the D&E team - Thank you for providing many many hours of enjoyment (& sore body parts) I can only add - keep up the good work.

The Broke Straight Boys Boys - Thank you for being so open & willing to put yourselves in front of the camera for my & everyone else’s pleasure (I hate being in front of the camera even with my clothes on – hehe)

So it is with a heavy heart that I have to say that I shall not be renewing my membership to Broke Straight Boys
At this point in time I will not say “I won’t be back”.
During the remainder of my subscription I shall be focusing my attention on the bonus sites.

Be Safe, Play Safe

Ray, You will be missed... You take care and come back and visit when you can...:(
Ray, make sure you have a flashlight in the glove box.

Take care.

See you in a few months, I'm betting. I know this will be a tough bitch to leave.
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Ray, understood!!! ...My membership renews on the 20th of the month, if things don't improve before that time, I shall join you. Best wishes, bruh.

If something isn't BROKE, why fix it...??
This all makes me very sad. Since I am just an "emotional girl," I will admit that the friendships that I have made on the forum, are actually more important to me, than the porn.

As more and more of my friends say good-bye and move on, I am starting to wonder what I am going to do.
Ms. K, recently I recorded an album for a buddy. Here are the first few lines from the opening song:

People come and people go
It's just the way that it is
Just like a dream you try to hold
As long as you can
To make the dream come true
Make a wish on a falling star...

It's the natural evolution of things. Who knows if any of us will be here in a few months? It's the nature of a reboot. Old fans go as new fans are made.

Let's hope Mark finds a happy medium, one that allows him to rebrand the site in his own vision but also will appeal to the current fans. If he does, that certainly will take a while. Folks will drift away only to find their way back in a few months, if just to stop in on a three day pass to see how things have progressed.

I can't roll back the hands of time
I only know that I am finding a way to
Get closer to you

People sing that special song
The song of the heart
We know the words, part of our soul
We knew them right from the start
Always sing them all of our lives
Keep in time with the beat of our heart...
Well the time has finally come (seeing as my subscription ends within the next few days) for me to say farewell, so long, be seein' ya, goodbye.
I won't go back over my reasons for leaving, all I will say is my reasons have not changed.
To my forum friends - thank you for your friendship and I wish you all the best for the future.
Ray my friend you will be greatly missed. I understand your reasons for leaving. I hope that within a few months you will see enough of a change ( in promo pics and so on) to come back. Your Aussie sense of humor will be welcome in here anytime...regardless of who is here to enjoy it. :)

Live long and prosper Ray.