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I'm looking forward to (believably straight) newbie Danny Cruz!

If you're reading this Danny, I told you we critics on the forum can be a tough crowd, and we haven't even seen you naked yet. LOL :001_rolleyes:

Exactly. Sometimes people's reactions here in the forum and on other social media can be brutally frank on certain models. Whether the criticisms, opinions or suppositions are valid, accurate or absolutely not...models need to have a tough skin to avoid getting dragged into negative exchanges that rarely edify or enhance anyone's reputation. I hate to see anyone get their feelings hurt. And for models on porn sites, one has to have a strong reserve of self confidence, patience and even forgiveness at times.
Exactly. Sometimes people's reactions here in the forum and on other social media can be brutally frank on certain models. Whether the criticisms, opinions or suppositions are valid, accurate or absolutely not...models need to have a tough skin to avoid getting dragged into negative exchanges that rarely edify or enhance anyone's reputation. I hate to see anyone get their feelings hurt. And for models on porn sites, one has to have a strong reserve of self confidence, patience and even forgiveness at times.
So true Tampa, and I've told this story several times before, but as the unofficial Broke Straight Boys forum historian, I always remember the sad story of Broke Straight Boys model "Flint", where Mark released his images along with fellow newcomer at the time, Graham and they began posting on the forum even before we saw a BTS or a solo, and the forum fell in love with Flint and Graham and they both loved to spar with us on the forum.

However once we saw their scenes, particularly Flint, the negative criticism came in and his feelings were hurt and he finally told us that perhaps he had chosen the wrong profession and it was time for him to move on. It broke my heart as he was a really nice kid, but perhaps in his case it was true. So I always remember that models posting on the forum can be a "double edge sword".



I am just reminding the forum that sometimes when the models jump right on to the forum to comment and interact with us, that we should perhaps be a bit gentler in our criticisms than than with models who never bother with the forum. Just one "old timer's" cautionary word from an unfortunate past experience.
So true Tampa, and I've told this story several times before, but as the unofficial Broke Straight Boys forum historian, I always remember the sad story of Broke Straight Boys model "Flint", where Mark released his images along with fellow newcomer at the time, Graham and they began posting on the forum even before we saw a BTS or a solo, and the forum fell in love with Flint and Graham and they both loved to spar with us on the forum.

However once we saw their scenes, particularly Flint, the negative criticism came in and his feelings were hurt and he finally told us that perhaps he had chosen the wrong profession and it was time for him to move on. It broke my heart as he was a really nice kid, but perhaps in his case it was true. So I always remember that models posting on the forum can be a "double edge sword".



I am just reminding the forum that sometimes when the models jump right on to the forum to comment and interact with us, that we should perhaps be a bit gentler in our criticisms than than with models who never bother with the forum. Just one "old timer's" cautionary word from an unfortunate past experience.

I'd still do either one of them...especially Graham!!!

And now that I've seen Danny "in person", I'd do him too!!!

But that's just me. lol
I'd still do either one of them...especially Graham!!!

And now that I've seen Danny "in person", I'd do him too!!!

But that's just me. lol
I'd certainly "do" Danny in a "New York minute" as well, but let me point out that Mr. Buckeye1 was one of the forumites who flirted endlessly with Graham and Flint and even called Graham his little "graham cracker". lol Right Robb???? :smiley-love021: LOL

I'd certainly "do" Danny in a "New York minute" as well, but let me point out that Mr. Buckeye1 was one of the forumites who flirted endlessly with Graham and Flint and even called Graham his little "graham cracker". lol Right Robb???? :smiley-love021: LOL


Not guilty. Tampa coined that graham cracker nickname.

Guilty. I did my share of flirting. I do love a guy with curls. That means Danny always gets a 5 from me.

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Your right. I’ve traveled a lot and done many jobs but don’t have a goal, aimless is pretty accurate. But I am a shy dude when it comes to talking bout myself (my shaky voice) never been on camera like this (scattered thoughts) Trust me, much better in person with a couple drinks in me.
And that hat was a gift from my grandma dude /: it reminds me of her. And ya, That interview was torture. I wasn’t relaxed so it sucked. No biggy, I get it. As far as sexuality goes, bi would be most accurate. But whatevers clever yknow? Only recently have I been more than just curious with guys and I just came here for money and just did what they told me. So ya.
No worries, I have pretty thick skin. I really don’t mind at all.
No worries, I have pretty thick skin. I really don’t mind at all.

Danny, some members will complain but I’m hoping they will be nice because usually the models are not on here. I tried to pm you but it wouldn’t let me. I had some advice for bottoming when ever that happens. Just relax that’s the key. Tensing up makes it hurt. Practice with toys. Most guys even really straight guy actually like it when they get used to it. I didnt really know if I was gay for sure until I fell in love with a boy. Hopefully they will match you up with a model you like that will make love to you. It’s different from just fucking. Anyway we are glad you are here. A real breath of fresh air. And you should travel and have all the adventures you can while you are young. I did a lot back then and I’m really thankful for it. The real work closes in on you fast enough!
I liked him and think he has the look and personality to fit here at Broke Straight Boys, unlike Flint or that asshole Graham lololol
I agree with you Peter. I was only talking about two previous models who posted here before we saw them on the site. But you keep your mitts off Danny when he makes it to Oregon to see that band that he likes. You have enough boys in your stable in the Pacific Northwest already Peterh! :smile:
Hi, Danny!

Like the guys said, sometimes people can write some bad things around here...

But if I am entitled to an opinion... It is easy to say whatever we want when we are hidden behind our keyboards...

Nervous or not (and I can totally understande why you were nervous) you are bravest than all of us here just for showing up! To me you did a great job... Having a shaky voice at some moments just show us you are human!

I like how honest you seem to be, I like the fact that you took some time to tell us personal stories here at the forum and I definitely love your eyes!!! Wow!

I hope to see more of you... And I hope you can have fun while doing it! I know money is the most important, but why not to have some fun too, right? :wink:

And about your hat...lol... I think it is beautiful and I think it is very simplistic to try to define people's sexuality by their clothes... I mean, sexuality is so difficult to explain, right? I am a straight woman who watched gay porn...

Well... My point is... I think you are great and I really really want to see you naked... Specially having fun with Xavier...:001_tongue:

Ps- StudddAndy, I totally respect your opinion about the hat and I don't mean to be disrespectfull by disagreeing it.
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Yea not too bad for a shy guy who’s never done porn ;) all the fav boys are so used to it that’s it’s no big deal. Idk if I’ll bottom on screen since I’ve never tried. I’ve never done it in real life sooo lol. I’m a great top though. On camera I was a little limited but tried my damndest lol. The solo I’m not sure how I feel about /: did it right after the shaky interview. Never posed while jacking off before
The one with Xavier didn’t make it cuz the new camera guy was... new. :( sry.
Not guilty. Tampa coined that graham cracker nickname.

Guilty. I did my share of flirting. I do love a guy with curls. That means Danny always gets a 5 from me.


I called him my Honey Graham. haha :)
Bart, Danny definitely sounds like he would be very interested in Harley Quinn, too; "his perfect type of blonde girl with colored hair!". That probably wasn't the exact quote but you guys know what I am referring to. And Danny if you are reading this, I am referring to Bartirah's avatar image. :-)))))

Danny Cortez was definitely nervous and had some anxiety here in this intense, but excellent interrogation from Sha. However, I think it is one of the most charming personality traits(he has many) he has going for him. His "shyness factor" supports a level of vulnerability, and it is a winner also for Danny.

For me, I feel any model that comes to this site should have a personality that everyone can relate to or wrap around in some way. I don't think Danny will have an issue in that territory, not from me anyway. I can see him getting along well with those other four, too!! For me, that is 70 percent of the battle. You get along with your colleagues, then the rest is easy.

Obviously, Danny has limited experience with being butt naked, in front of a camera anyway. He already expressed his internal anxieties to us via Sha's questioning. His solo tonight will tell us a bit more about the newest newbie here at Broke Straight Boys

So Danny Cortez, take your earphones off(and other things), relax, and have a real swell time!!

Ps. "The one with Xavier didn’t make it cuz the new camera guy was... new. :( sry."

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And that hat was a gift from my grandma dude /: it reminds me of her. And ya, That interview was torture. I wasn’t relaxed so it sucked. No biggy, I get it. As far as sexuality goes, bi would be most accurate. But whatevers clever yknow? Only recently have I been more than just curious with guys and I just came here for money and just did what they told me. So ya.

It would be rude not to wear or use a gift given to you from your grandmother. :) And I'm sure wearing it helps remind you that somebody in the world loves you. By all means, keep wearing it. The colors are pretty. And they do accent your eyes well. :biggrin: