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I'm going to take a break from the forum


BSB Addict
Mar 17, 2014
Reaction score
Florida, USA
I need to take a break. My hands are full and I need to concern myself with what surrounds me.

Linda: She has acquired three herniated spinal discs. She is going to a spine specialist and receiving physical therapy. The doctor will not even consider spine surgery due to her high blood pressure and chronic liver disease. I am helping her run her errands to the grocery store, doctors' office, etc. As I was writing this, she called and asked me to come over and put her dog in the tub so she could bathe him.

Harley: My dog is pretty much reaching the end of his time. He is totally blind and can hardly hear me unless I speak to him in a loud voice. He has gotten more feeble in the last few weeks. Yet, he is still eating and drinking well. I have to carry him down and back up the stairs when I take him out to do his business, if he hasn't done it already in the house. Without sounding too disgusting, he will go out, do his business and then sit on it because he is out of breath. I am contemplating having him euthanized but that will take a lot of soul searching and courage to make that decision.

In summary, I don't feel I can participate in the forum with the enthusiasm and time as I have been. I promise I will stay in touch.

Taking care of all Family members should be top priority. You know we aren't going anywhere so see you when you get back friend.
Of course Louis, I join in with everyone else in wishing you all of my best wishes for health and happiness in your life. And as Peter said, we will be here whenever you feel like you need a light moment to escape reality and drop by to say hi and fill us in on how thing's are going for you. Good luck my friend.
Louis, you're a really sweet soul. Helping your friend is a real mitzvah.

I had to have my last dog euthanized. She was 12 and in great shape, no health problems at all and then suddenly developed kidney disease. I babied her and went through 8 vet visits, but there was no reversing the disease. She began to have pain and would hardly eat or drink and it broke my heart. I hired a vet to come to my home to do the deed. I didn't want her in a noisy vet office that she always hated going to. The cost was higher, but I got to be with her in the quiet of our home and look into her eyes as she departed this world. She was a great dog and a loyal companion. I miss her still.

My dogs needs always came first. They relied on me for everything. It was a hard choice, but I put her needs first when I decided to have her put down. It wasn't what I wanted, but what she needed. You'll know when the time is right. Just keep the dogs needs first, and let your need for him come second, even though it means having to lose him. I wish you both peace. I wish dogs lived to be 30!
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Louis take it easy and do what your heart tells you. My first dog lived for 18 yrs and at the end we did extraordinary measures to keep him alive. Looking back Im not sure it was the right thing to do but we kept him happy and alive. My last dog before the puppy we have now was 11 and in perfect health till one day she collapsed and died in the vets office before surgery. We had to put another dog to sleep when she had a brain tumor and between being sweet she would be mean and bite. We had no choice.What ever you decide is right.
As for Linda she might consider a steroid shot under x ray guidance followed by Physical therapy. It worked for me but took hard work and alot of pain.
We will all miss you. Good Luck and stay well they need you.
Dear Louis,

You will be missed my friend. I know what it's like though to have your personal life spiraling with drama and more important things to take up your time and thoughts than the forum. We will still be here when you decide you can participate more. Of course nobody will fault you either if you slip in from time to time just for a quick distraction from your worries either.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones. We'll be holding you in the light.

Big hugs!
Dear Louis
Take a break my friend. We will be here ( I hope ) when you return. Maybe when your tired you can take a break from real life and tune in.
To as mike calls it ( as the forum turns ) to give yourself a break from the hardship of real life.
You will be missed. But I will be looking forward to a post now and then from you.You seem a strong man so stay strong.
Take care of business. Your a big part of the forum. Come back when you can...xoxo johnny
Lots of love, Louis,

You're a great man, taking care of everyone, as you do. We're all thinking of you, and check back whenever you need a break.

Thanks for all your comments and support.

I am happy to report that Linda has been put on a new regimen of medications. She is feeling better and ambulating more freely on her own.

Harley, for some reason has gotten some of his spunk back. Although still blind, he is more frisky and alert.

Stony, my cat. That is a story of an adventure for another time. She wants in, she wants out, she wants to eat this, she wants to eat that. If she doesn't get what she wants, she sits on my chair, stares at me and meow talks to me.

Again, thanks for your concerns. I'm still here.


Forgot to mention that I am imprisoned in this forum. Jon did say, "Louis, you can check out but you can never leave." Guess this confirms that Jon is the forum "Police!"
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Thanks for all your comments and support.

I am happy to report that Linda has been put on a new regimen of medications. She is feeling better and ambulating more freely on her own.

Harley, for some reason has gotten some of his spunk back. Although still blind, he is more frisky and alert.

Stony, my cat. That is a story of an adventure for another time. She wants in, she wants out, she wants to eat this, she wants to eat that. If she doesn't get what she wants, she sits on my chair, stares at me and meow talks to me.

Again, thanks for your concerns. I'm still here.


Forgot to mention that I am imprisoned in this forum. Jon did say, "Louis, you can check out but you can never leave." Guess this confirms that Jon is the forum "Police!"

So glad things are looking better. And as for Jon, he does like to "blow his whistle"...or someone elses!:tmi:
Welcome back Louis. Hard place to leave. I took a break from posting about Paul. For about 8 hours.lol Glad your back..
Thanks Louis for letting us know that things are going better for you now, and that you'll be posting again on a more regular basis!