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I'm Back!


Well-known Member
Nov 28, 2008
Reaction score
Tacoma, WA
Hi guys. I have finally come back home to forum land. It is nice to be back and I must say, I missed each and everyone of you.
Hope everyone has been well and doing fine.
Look forward to conversing with everyone again.

Hey there buddy, welcome back.

lots of threads for you to catch up since you have been away.:w00t:
Hi, Gary! How are you doing?

You've been gone a long time! I hope this finds you doing well!

Welcome back!
Wantto, yes thanks, I have noticed that. Also a whole damn bunch of episodes to, to catch up on. I noticed the last time I was on was back in July. Wow, how time flies.
Thanks, Parisnoyd.

Doing pretty well. Still unemployed, but with our state (WA) unemployment rate being at 9.3 percent (roughly 312,000 people out of work), it is not going to be easy for someone my age (53) to find work. But I still keep looking and turning in my claim for benefits every week.
Welcome back. I hope you had a great sabatical.:001_rolleyes:
Thanks Jayman. Understand parts of PA got hit with a noreaster today. Seen that on ABC World News this evening. Are you digging out yet and getting ready for the next blast.?
Thanks Jayman. Understand parts of PA got hit with a noreaster today. Seen that on ABC World News this evening. Are you digging out yet and getting ready for the next blast.?

No digging out here. It hardly even swept through. :thumbup: I don't expect to shovel anything until after December first.
Heyyyyyyyyyyyy Garyyyyyyy how's are you & Jon doing

welcome back stranger
Hey Kodie and Tampa. Thanks. It feels great being back with my extended family again.
Jon is doing great. He was so nice to let me use my computer for awhile, ha. He is in taking a shower.
Mom and dad are doing pretty good. Seems as if the meds that they have dad on seems to be working and controlling his seizures.
Again, thanks to all of you. How is Marky Mark doing. I haven't heard from him yet.

MarkyMark has been away for a while. We have heard from him and he says he's fine. He's just very busy right now. He hasn't posted in a long time.
Looks like from what I can tell as far as the episodes go on this site, I'll need to go back to page 4 and see what might be of interest to watch and then work my way forward. Also know that I have a lot of threads to catch up on too. I'll be kept busy for awhile.
Still workng on the family tree project. That is coming along pretty good. Hooked up with a lady down in northern California that is married to a cousin of mine which I didn't know I had. She has been very helpful and has emailed me a lot of pictures and documents dating back to the late 1700's and early 1800's. Okay, I have rattled on enough for now.