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If you could build the most perfect porn website...


BluMedia Staff
Staff member
Oct 18, 2008
Reaction score
Denver, CO
Hello Everyone,

For those of you who do not know me I work with an amazing team behind the scenes of this website. If there are technical errors I am the guy they call first.

I wanted to get some feedback from you our loyal members, because after all, you are the reason we are here. We want to make this website even better, but we need your help, you could say I want this website to be built by the members for the members.

So, our programmers, designers, operations manager and myself will be meeting in 2 weeks to begin the preliminary details of making the Broke Straight Boys members area a better experience. We will be working out details as far as changing the look, feel and overall creating a better user experience. From how to update your credit card on file to how an image is displayed on your PC, iPad or iPhone. (Don’t worry, we will roll out the changes slowly so its not a shock all at once.)

We have already began the 1st phase when you saw all of the videos and images imported into a CDN (Content Delivery Network). What this basically means is our videos and images will be stored at a server near you, so no matter where you are in the world you can expect our website to load more smoothly to your device. Whether its an iPad, iPhone, Android or Computer. The speed has already been increased on our page load times which in turn means you can watch your porn faster. :)

But please, we welcome your feedback in this thread, what would you like to see changed or updated with the functionality of the Broke Straight Boys Members area and bonus websites? No idea is too small, I will add them to our already growing list. If you prefer you can send me a PM message instead.

Is there anything that your mainstream banking website or other members areas do that you wish we had here?

Some ideas:
Maybe you wish we provided more information about the models?
A way that you could tag scenes as your favorite easier or create your own separate categories?
Maybe a way you can filter episode results more by oral, duo, type of guys etc.
A search box at the top of every page?
A way you could send a virtual gift to a model?
Create your own tags to a scene or model?

As always, thank you for your loyal support.

Chuck & The Entire BluMedia Team
Chuck, I am a computer luddite. And don't really know about websites and other such technical matters. Whatever changes you ultimately make to the site, please make them as easy as possible for those of us who are not all that saavy with these kinds of things to navigate, and please take the time to explain the changes fully and in language that those of us who are technically-challenged can comprehend.

You are THE MAN, Chuck, and I have full faith in whatever you and your team decide is in the best interest of Broke Straight Boys both to make current members' experience more enjoyable and attract new members. Keep in mind that for most, if not all of us, you can have the fanciest site in the world with all the hi-tech bells and whistles on it, but first and foremost we come for the porn. Anything to enhance THAT experience is what I would suggest be the driving force of your efforts.
Keep in mind that for most, if not all of us, you can have the fanciest site in the world with all the hi-tech bells and whistles on it, but first and foremost we come for the porn. Anything to enhance THAT experience is what I would suggest be the driving force of your efforts.
I completely agree with Stowe that the porn must always be kept at the top of the list of priorities. While many of us have somewhat different taste, but we are all pretty much in agreement of which models were "panned" in the reviews, so please NO more of those guys and plenty of guys like the last two solo newbies. I'm sure I will enjoy whatever changes you make to enhance the site, but please remind Mark and Clay that we all want HOT sexy guys, above and beyond everything else.
You are THE MAN, Chuck, and I have full faith in whatever you and your team decide is in the best interest of Broke Straight Boys both to make current members' experience more enjoyable and attract new members. Keep in mind that for most, if not all of us, you can have the fanciest site in the world with all the hi-tech bells and whistles on it, but first and foremost we come for the porn. Anything to enhance THAT experience is what I would suggest be the driving force of your efforts.

Thanks for your comment Stowe. We will of course keep first and foremost you are here for the porn and we are working hard on production to bring the hot guys. However, I want to keep this thread on task of website functionality. I am hoping we have some members here, who may be reserved to ever speak in the forums but have an idea that maybe we would have never thought of.

We are going to make the website a more easy experience the last thing we want to do is over-complicate with features no one understands or would use. Overall what always makes the most sense is to keep it simple and self-explanatory when we add new functions etc.
How about a link to a page on each guy with an interview with them and a way to leave a message on their individual page and a way that they can respond with some pics of them etc
I like Kelly's idea also can you have their interview video on their page and maybe a way to video chat with the models I enjoy the webcam but we have seen the models in scenes and just being able to talk to them in video chat would be nice. There could also be a way to sort videos easier.
Hi Chuck, I've been wanting to ask this ? for awhile. When searching for a particuliar scene by model name, then the page or pages come up I hit the scene I want to watch. When done I try and look for another scene by hitting the return button and a blank page pops up saying "this webpage has expired". So to continue searching for another scene I have to go back to the main episode page. Is this normal? It's not really a problem, just making sure I'm not doing things the hard way!
Thanks for your comment Stowe. We will of course keep first and foremost you are here for the porn and we are working hard on production to bring the hot guys. However, I want to keep this thread on task of website functionality. I am hoping we have some members here, who may be reserved to ever speak in the forums but have an idea that maybe we would have never thought of.

We are going to make the website a more easy experience the last thing we want to do is over-complicate with features no one understands or would use. Overall what always makes the most sense is to keep it simple and self-explanatory when we add new functions etc.

If that is your goal as to the website's design and technical functionality, then you have hit the nail on the head. As I said, Chuck, you are THE MAN!!
How about a link to a page on each guy with an interview with them and a way to leave a message on their individual page and a way that they can respond with some pics of them etc

I really like this idea too.
I'll be thinking about new ideas for the site. I already have some ideas but I want to take the time to express them correctly.
How about scenes that play to members fantasies besides the normal routine of jackoffs, blowjobs and anal penetrations. Certainly, not to beheading, dismemberment and other gore. But perhaps something like slave/master relationships, perhaps some gentle lashing with feathers, maybe fake cannibal feasts with model on platter in middle of table with apple in mouth, etc.
Hi Chuck, I've been wanting to ask this ? for awhile. When searching for a particuliar scene by model name, then the page or pages come up I hit the scene I want to watch. When done I try and look for another scene by hitting the return button and a blank page pops up saying "this webpage has expired". So to continue searching for another scene I have to go back to the main episode page. Is this normal? It's not really a problem, just making sure I'm not doing things the hard way!

one solution is when the 'this webpage has expired' page comes up is to:
1. refresh the page
2. retry
First of all a few improvements on the current site.

The Store area doesn't seem to have been updated from BSB1. Maybe this can be updated to include calendars, models pics, models underwear etc etc.

There needs to be a new Search facility that includes all Broke Straight Boys models since day one and also an Advanced search, which allows members to search using Tags. Tags are used on each film to denote the type of activity that is in the film and would include such things as, solo, duo, blowjob, rimming, kissing, fucking, flip flop etc the list goes on. Then if you wanted to see a film with say example kissing, then you would tick that Tag box, press search, then all the films that included kissing would appear.

Of course this would mean someone going through each film from the start of Broke Straight Boys and registering the films with their respective Tags. You could of course send out an Excel spreadsheet to members who would wish to volunteer for this mammoth task. I for one would be prepared to go through say to start 20 films - the more volunteers then the quicker it all comes together. Just a thought...

Models' details - I for one would like to be able to contact models more privately. We had this facility in the past but it was taken away however, now with the models' Twitter and Facebook details being broadcast all over the forum and their links (such as Flirt 4 Free), I cannot see why there cannot be an easier way to contact them direct using this site. Maybe they could advertise their Skype user names or similar, just like us members do. Then of course it is up to the models or the members to either accept or reject the requests.

Maybe the Free Bonus sites at the bottom of the home page could be updated or some even removed. The last time we had an update on Straight Boys Jerk Off was like before I was born. Mark did suggest adding Boy Gusher but we have not heard anymore of this.
First of all a few improvements on the current site.

The Store area doesn't seem to have been updated from BSB1. Maybe this can be updated to include calendars, models pics, models underwear etc etc.

There needs to be a new Search facility that includes all Broke Straight Boys models since day one and also an Advanced search, which allows members to search using Tags. Tags are used on each film to denote the type of activity that is in the film and would include such things as, solo, duo, blowjob, rimming, kissing, fucking, flip flop etc the list goes on. Then if you wanted to see a film with say example kissing, then you would tick that Tag box, press search, then all the films that included kissing would appear.

Of course this would mean someone going through each film from the start of Broke Straight Boys and registering the films with their respective Tags. You could of course send out an Excel spreadsheet to members who would wish to volunteer for this mammoth task. I for one would be prepared to go through say to start 20 films - the more volunteers then the quicker it all comes together. Just a thought...

Models' details - I for one would like to be able to contact models more privately. We had this facility in the past but it was taken away however, now with the models' Twitter and Facebook details being broadcast all over the forum and their links (such as Flirt 4 Free), I cannot see why there cannot be an easier way to contact them direct using this site. Maybe they could advertise their Skype user names or similar, just like us members do. Then of course it is up to the models or the members to either accept or reject the requests.

Maybe the Free Bonus sites at the bottom of the home page could be updated or some even removed. The last time we had an update on Straight Boys Jerk Off was like before I was born. Mark did suggest adding Boy Gusher but we have not heard anymore of this.

Jon I think the tag question you have is already in place on the main episode page. It's a drop down window.
Jon I think the tag question you have is already in place on the main episode page. It's a drop down window.

It is in place but we will be improving the use of tags. :) We have already tagged many of the scenes going back, and we will have a system to have members help us vote on tags for scenes.

Good ideas so far guys, please lets keep them coming.
It is in place but we will be improving the use of tags. :) We have already tagged many of the scenes going back, and we will have a system to have members help us vote on tags for scenes.

Good ideas so far guys, please lets keep them coming.

Thanks Chuck. So what about improving the store merchandise ?
the perfect website would have:
Given that this is Broke Straight Boys asking and assuming that someone will actually read this response and not delete it for whatever imbecilic reason, here it goes:
1) videos where one or both of guys not only fuck bareback but are also in such a rush to fuck they keep their shirts on - nothing is hotter than a stiff-dicked guy wearing a tailed shirt that is open or a tee-shirt or widfebeater that comes to just his waist or just comes to the very bottom part of the ass just before the thigh begins....
2) models who do not pretend they are disgusted with the fuck-partner and who like Paul, Jason, Blake, Kodi are enthusiastic and complimentary to their fuck-partners even with a somewhat dry observational sense a la Paul.
3) a forum that if it claims to be an OPEN forum does not delete entries of those who post in a nazi-like fascist massah-gots-power way such that this forum is a plantation of the plain...
4) our fraternity has never attempted to use Broke Straight Boys to canvas for members - yet we as a fraternity feel attacked for letting others know that we exist and enjoy your Broke Straight Boys website with terrific tumescent enthusiasm ----
Thanks for asking us the Fraternal Order of Kappa Rho Upsilon (1996)
Thanks Chuck. So what about improving the store merchandise ?

Sha and I will be taking some photos with the guys and new products we received this week. The store will be updated next week, but we will also be adding more in the coming weeks.
the perfect website would have:
Given that this is Broke Straight Boys asking and assuming that someone will actually read this response and not delete it for whatever imbecilic reason, here it goes:
1) videos where one or both of guys not only fuck bareback but are also in such a rush to fuck they keep their shirts on - nothing is hotter than a stiff-dicked guy wearing a tailed shirt that is open or a tee-shirt or widfebeater that comes to just his waist or just comes to the very bottom part of the ass just before the thigh begins....
2) models who do not pretend they are disgusted with the fuck-partner and who like Paul, Jason, Blake, Kodi are enthusiastic and complimentary to their fuck-partners even with a somewhat dry observational sense a la Paul.
3) a forum that if it claims to be an OPEN forum does not delete entries of those who post in a nazi-like fascist massah-gots-power way such that this forum is a plantation of the plain...
4) our fraternity has never attempted to use Broke Straight Boys to canvas for members - yet we as a fraternity feel attacked for letting others know that we exist and enjoy your Broke Straight Boys website with terrific tumescent enthusiasm ----
Thanks for asking us the Fraternal Order of Kappa Rho Upsilon (1996)

Actually paras 1 and 2 are good suggestions. Then you got paranoid and come up with the crap of para 3 and 4.