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I Must Apologize


College Dudes Model
BSB Model
May 17, 2011
Reaction score
Dearest Broke Straight Boys Members,

I obviously haven't been on the forums in a long time! I just got on to glance at things and saw that all my old people have turned against me!

So I felt it necessary to explain myself and the performances you all disliked.

First, I will admit, coming to Broke Straight Boys was a lot more difficult then I had expected. Not because of the actual positions or anything of the sort. It is just much different than College Dudes And while I have my own style that suits College Dudes, it is not an appropriate style for Broke Straight Boys The goal of Clay and I was to make me look like a Broke Straight Boys, not so much Rob Ryder from College Dudes Hence why I wasn't acting as if I enjoyed it or doing the many other things you can see in my other scenes. So this was already set up to fail to meet many of your expectations, since you have liked me for what I have done on College Dudes

Jimmy Johnson made a good point when he told me the members seem to like the more flamboyant models over the actual straight guys not enjoying the sex. Even though this is supposed to be a site about "straight" guys doing something they don't want to do, people get upset when they don't look like they are enjoying having sex with a man.

Second, the other issue I faced with Broke Straight Boys from the get go is the type of models here as opposed to the College Dudes models. Among the College Dudes models, I classify them into the A and B squads. I myself have always been placed among the A squad models and haven't had too many scenes with B squad models. And not to diss any models on Broke Straight Boys, they are just a different type of model all around. So when I found out I was having a scene with Jake, let's just say I wasn't too thrilled to be getting fucked by a kid five years younger than me and overall smaller than me. I felt as if I am the dominant one out of us two, but since I can't top, I had to submit to him.

Nothing against Jake either, he is a really good kid, it's just how it is.

I know that doesn't change your perception of the video and my performance, but hopefully you can understand a little bit better. :anyone:
What treasure do we have in You?

Dearest Broke Straight Boys Members,

I obviously haven't been on the forums in a long time! I just got on to glance at things and saw that all my old people have turned against me!

So I felt it necessary to explain myself and the performances you all disliked.

First, I will admit, coming to Broke Straight Boys was a lot more difficult then I had expected. Not because of the actual positions or anything of the sort. It is just much different than College Dudes And while I have my own style that suits College Dudes, it is not an appropriate style for Broke Straight Boys The goal of Clay and I was to make me look like a Broke Straight Boys, not so much Rob Ryder from College Dudes Hence why I wasn't acting as if I enjoyed it or doing the many other things you can see in my other scenes. So this was already set up to fail to meet many of your expectations, since you have liked me for what I have done on College Dudes

Jimmy Johnson made a good point when he told me the members seem to like the more flamboyant models over the actual straight guys not enjoying the sex. Even though this is supposed to be a site about "straight" guys doing something they don't want to do, people get upset when they don't look like they are enjoying having sex with a man.

Second, the other issue I faced with Broke Straight Boys from the get go is the type of models here as opposed to the College Dudes models. Among the College Dudes models, I classify them into the A and B squads. I myself have always been placed among the A squad models and haven't had too many scenes with B squad models. And not to diss any models on Broke Straight Boys, they are just a different type of model all around. So when I found out I was having a scene with Jake, let's just say I wasn't too thrilled to be getting fucked by a kid five years younger than me and overall smaller than me. I felt as if I am the dominant one out of us two, but since I can't top, I had to submit to him.

Nothing against Jake either, he is a really good kid, it's just how it is.

I know that doesn't change your perception of the video and my performance, but hopefully you can understand a little bit better. :anyone:

Dear Rob,

Thank you for your honesty. I think we all were a bit confused about the reasoning behind the choices made for those first two shoots. As I have thoroughly enjoyed your episodes on College Dudes and the BTS footage, I think it is reasonable to say we had a much different entrance to Broke Straight Boys expected for you. What disturbed me the most was not your actual performances. It was all the negative talk leading up to the episode with Kodi. I felt you had been disrespected, not been afforded the benefit of the doubt, and not been given a proper welcome to Broke Straight Boys like any other model. I really hated to see all the resentment surface as it did before your episodes were even posted. Also, I want to personally apologize to you having been swept up in the negativity briefly as well.

You are a very strickingly handsome and sexy talented model with an effervescent personality that I feel would be a great addition to the site, just as other past models with similar past experience such as (Porn) Shane did for us on Broke Straight Boys-1. I sincerely hope you are going to be around for a while and keep us entertained. You are just the man to do it!

Best of luck to you,

Dearest Broke Straight Boys Members,

I obviously haven't been on the forums in a long time! I just got on to glance at things and saw that all my old people have turned against me!

So I felt it necessary to explain myself and the performances you all disliked.

First, I will admit, coming to Broke Straight Boys was a lot more difficult then I had expected. Not because of the actual positions or anything of the sort. It is just much different than College Dudes And while I have my own style that suits College Dudes, it is not an appropriate style for Broke Straight Boys The goal of Clay and I was to make me look like a Broke Straight Boys, not so much Rob Ryder from College Dudes Hence why I wasn't acting as if I enjoyed it or doing the many other things you can see in my other scenes. So this was already set up to fail to meet many of your expectations, since you have liked me for what I have done on College Dudes

Jimmy Johnson made a good point when he told me the members seem to like the more flamboyant models over the actual straight guys not enjoying the sex. Even though this is supposed to be a site about "straight" guys doing something they don't want to do, people get upset when they don't look like they are enjoying having sex with a man.

Second, the other issue I faced with Broke Straight Boys from the get go is the type of models here as opposed to the College Dudes models. Among the College Dudes models, I classify them into the A and B squads. I myself have always been placed among the A squad models and haven't had too many scenes with B squad models. And not to diss any models on Broke Straight Boys, they are just a different type of model all around. So when I found out I was having a scene with Jake, let's just say I wasn't too thrilled to be getting fucked by a kid five years younger than me and overall smaller than me. I felt as if I am the dominant one out of us two, but since I can't top, I had to submit to him.

Nothing against Jake either, he is a really good kid, it's just how it is.

I know that doesn't change your perception of the video and my performance, but hopefully you can understand a little bit better. :anyone:

Dear Rob,

You know I have always been and will continue to be one of your biggest fans. On some thread, I can't even remember which one, I said that your coming to Broke Straight Boys raised more questions than answers given. And the main one is why did you make the switch to Broke Straight Boys in the first place? Were you forced to by management? That's what I and I think other Broke Straight Boys members who also were on College Dudes were wondering because you seem to fit better there. Also we were use to your performances there which includes kissing and a degree of passion. That is why I think some had a hard time seeing you on Broke Straight Boys

And also for me personally I was concerned about you as a person. You hadn't been on the forum for a long time, you were not sharing with us what was going on with your music, and I just was concerned that perhaps you were going through some personal problems.

And finally I think Jimmy's advice to you was true up to a point. Yes we are Broke Straight Boys members because we like the fantasy of straight guys or supposedly straight guys having sex with other guys for money. But Jimmy's advice leaves out that you guys are actors and thus should at least act that the sex is at least pleasurable physically. Just like you do on cdudes. When I first looked at your scenes there, I thought you were gay - that's how good your acting is. When you posted here that you were straight, I was really surprised. And that's what led me to post many, many times on many threads, that, while I haven't seen all porn made today, I consider you to be the best bottom actor currently in the business. You are as convincing as Joey Stefano, the late great bottom of the 80s and early 90s and what made your performances stand out even more is that you are doing what you do as a straight man, while Joey, whom I knew casually through a friend, was gay and a bottom so what he was doing came naturally and he loved it.

So my dear Rob, take the criticism for what it is, people whose fantasy was not fulfilled by your performances here. But there were others who liked them. Just ask Jimmy - he has many detractors, but he has many more, like me, who really like his episodes.

You are the best, Rob Ryder, and I will always be a big fan.



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i know the forum can seem like a big place, but not all hated your scenes.
solos rarely score high, that is just how it is.
your anal scene came in at 4.3. few scenes are ever rated over 4.0.
i am trying to put into words how much meeting and spending time with you over the past year. i will always have long beach, san diego and palm springs and wonderful memories of you.
i wish you well!
Rob- no need to apologize!

First you are one beautiful guy. Second, you are super in ALL your videos.I did not see, nor would I want to see the review of your performance. I saw the video and really enjoyed it. i also want to say," Good by, I-ll miss you."
I want to wish you the best in life and your future endeavor in Music.

Rob, If Jimmy is the one you choose to be with, may both of you be happy.

Best Always
First you are one beautiful guy. Second, you are super in ALL your videos.I did not see, nor would I want to see the review of your performance. I saw the video and really enjoyed it. i also want to say," Good by, I-ll miss you."
I want to wish you the best in life and your future endeavor in Music.

Rob, If Jimmy is the one you choose to be with, may both of you be happy.

Best Always

Tobey, the big criticism over Rob and Kodi's video, was not necessarily that it was a bad video, but that the pictures portrayed something COMPLETELY different than what was on the video. We looked at the pictures and saw a lot of kissing and three anal positions, but the video had none of that. That is where the disappointment came from, not either actors performance.

Although, some people did voice a concern that Rob sounded like he was not feeling well, at the time this video was made.
I think it was very considerate of Rob to explain the circumstances surrounding the Broke Straight Boys shoot. I feel that we members sometimes fail to appreciate the efforts the guys make for our enjoyment.
Thanks Rob!

Dearest Broke Straight Boys Members,

The goal of Clay and I was to make me look like a Broke Straight Boys, not so much Rob Ryder from College Dudes Hence why I wasn't acting as if I enjoyed it or doing the many other things you can see in my other scenes. So this was already set up to fail to meet many of your expectations, since you have liked me for what I have done on College Dudes

That is exactly right Rob. It could have been Cole or any number of model X's from College Dudes. That's why I don't want you to take any of this personally. Scenes of a well known and well liked College Dudes model being brought over and passed off as a newbie were set up for failure from the very start among those of us in the forum. Your last scene did get a very good rating from the overall membership. Mostly in my opinion because they were purposely not told that you were a professional model with several years of experience of doing exclusively gay porn. Therefore forum members and non forum members saw the scene with a whole different set of expectations. The wisdom of passing off any professional porn model as a "new" Broke Straight Boys just starting out, is worthy of a whole conversation all its own on another thread.

Jimmy Johnson made a good point when he told me the members seem to like the more flamboyant models over the actual straight guys not enjoying the sex. Even though this is supposed to be a site about "straight" guys doing something they don't want to do, people get upset when they don't look like they are enjoying having sex with a man.

There is alot of truth to that. Jimmy's right. The truth is that some of the most popular models (right now at least) are probably bi or gay. We aren't idiots. We know there is an element of fantasy to the site. However it's untrue though that truly straight models are unwanted here. Over the years there have been many straight models not especially enjoying the sex, but whose performances we have still enjoyed wacthing. And whose scenes we have rated highly.

I think it's also fair to say that most of us don't want to see models of any sexual orientation in obvious pain.

And not to diss any models on Broke Straight Boys, they are just a different type of model all around. So when I found out I was having a scene with Kodi, let's just say I wasn't too thrilled to be getting fucked by a kid five years younger than me and overall smaller than me. I felt as if I am the dominant one out of us two, but since I can't top, I had to submit to him.

You deserved a better entrance than what you got Rob. By this I mean letting Rob Ryder be Rob Ryder and a more suitable scene partner (more experienced, closer to your own age and personality, etc) than what you were given. (No offense to Kodi whatsoever) You may have been an employee, but given your seniority and past and present contributions...your own opinions and preferences on the matter (who you would be paired with) should have been taken into account.

Nothing against Kodi either, he is a really good kid, it's just how it is.

I know that doesn't change your perception of the video and my performance, but hopefully you can understand a little bit better. :anyone:

It explains a whole lot more. Thanks Rob!

Others have already shared some very good thoughts on this matter so far Rob. I thank my friends for their contributions.
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Thank you Rob for explaining your feelings about doing that scene with Kodi, not as a yourself, but as a newbie here. It was a strange idea for a scene. I totally appreciate, and enjoy reading your honest feelings about being put in a scene with a younger guy who fuck's you.

It is so interesting when a performer from a scene here will actually answer our questions. It sure would be interesting if Clay would respond to our questions and comments, but it could get him in trouble too, if you remember when David used to interact with us here, when he was making the episodes.

Rob, you are a totally unique personality in the history if Broke Straight Boys As a model who was actually in only two Broke Straight Boys scenes, you sure made your mark here on the forum, and in the BTS, especially with your betrothed, Jimmy Johnson. You two were fabulous together. I'm only sorry that you never made a Broke Straight Boys episode together. It could have been a classic.

Best of luck to you Rob. I hope you will visit us.
Rob, you are one very classy guy. To do what you did took great courage and you displayed that and more including a serious concern for your fans. You were always in my top 5...but now you move to # 1. I can only hope that you and Clay will put together more Broke Straight Boys work and your fans will be there for you. Keep up the good work and that exceptional character you have displayed.
Rob, what were you and Clay thinking? I was looking forward to your scenes, and I was hoping you would be a guide for some newbie, including topping him. When I heard it was Kodi you would be topping I got excited. Then the blurb was changed to Kodi topping you, I was not as enthusiastic. But the idea of Clay deciding you should act like a newbie yourself was silly. Partly because everybody is aware of your skills and partly because you and apparently Clay don't have a clue how a newbie would act. Your performance was rather robotic. To make the decision that a straight guy would automatically dislike what he is doing is ludicrous. Very few of the models in the episodes I've seen give that vibe. Yes, Jimmy has made his career out of it, but he is the exception. Several reluctant models, like Bobby, have shown an actually enjoyment. Jimmy's premise is less valid since he has actually shown pleasure lately. And he ain't acting. The fact that you were asked to act like a newbie makes me suspicious of the validity of the whole damn site. How many others are "acting" like newbies that Clay knows are not. I suspect more than half. Rob, I have always been a big fan of your work. That is why I was shocked by the lethergy of your performance here. I personally think you would be a fierce top and am sad that you have been type cast as a pure bottom. I'm confused. I don't remember reading that you were leaving porn. But I certainly wish you luck in your future endeavors. Thanks for your honest account of a scene that I consider "Clay's Folly."

PS It was Kodi you were with not Jake. That explains some of the disconnect. Unless Kodi's real name is Jake.
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Rob, what were you and Clay thinking? I was looking forward to your scenes, and I was hoping you would be a guide for some newbie, including topping him. When I heard it was Kodi you would be topping I got excited. Then the blurb was changed to Kodi topping you, I was not as enthusiastic. But the idea of Clay deciding you should act like a newbie yourself was silly. Partly because everybody is aware of your skills and partly because you and apparently Clay don't have a clue how a newbie would act. Your performance was rather robotic. To make the decision that a straight guy would automatically dislike what he is doing is ludicrous. Very few of the models in the episodes I've seen give that vibe. Yes, Jimmy has made his career out of it, but he is the exception. Several reluctant models, like Bobby, have shown an actually enjoyment. Jimmy's premise is less valid since he has actually shown pleasure lately. And he ain't acting. The fact that you were asked to act like a newbie makes me suspicious of the validity of the whole damn site. How many others are "acting" like newbies that Clay knows are not. I suspect more than half. Rob, I have always been a big fan of your work. That is why I was shocked by the lethergy of your performance here. I personally think you would be a fierce top and am sad that you have been type cast as a pure bottom. I'm confused. I don't remember reading that you were leaving porn. But I certainly wish you luck in your future endeavors. Thanks for your honest account of a scene that I consider "Clay's Folly."

PS It was Kodi you were with not Jake. That explains some of the disconnect. Unless Kodi's real name is Jake.


I totally agree with you, so I won't retype what you've said, because you said the right things. However, I guess it's only in porn do guys classify one site more classy than another. I guess I do not. They are all porn actors. Period. The fact that one site has a more natural guy versus a more primped and fake baked guy doesn't matter. The fact that I happen to like the more natural looking person, and by natural I mean there are many Broke Straight Boys guys that are fit, attractive, akin to attractive guys many run into daily versus a guy that has to have the proper lighting, make-up artist, self-tanner/tanning bed, plucked this, and overly trimmed that. There is a market for both I guess, I just don't see the need for you to point that out as if you were forced into Broke Straight Boys If you were not forced to do scenes for Broke Straight Boys, then why would you perform on the site, if it's not your thing? In addition, so many subscribers have seen you on the other site, why would you want to fake a role that is not you? Were you under contract? Were you obligated or forced to? If so, then I'm glad you have mad the decisions you have. In addition, while I NEVER liked David's voice, comments, or presence in Broke Straight Boys-1, there was just something that worked for Broke Straight Boys-1 that is not working for Broke Straight Boys-2. I think that is the reason why you rarely ever see shows rate over 4.3, and why many of the old shows are still the highest rated. What i hope is that your experience, and the fact that it has been exposed (whether we felt it was true prior or not) that guys are acting more than be real, in addition to the lower ratings, turns on a light for the owners of the site. I would hate for Broke Straight Boys-2 to meet the same fate as www.straightcollegemen.com.........authentic wins each and every time, and no matter I think members can tell what is authentic and what is not. I wish you the very best. I'm not a fan of your work, so I won't speak to you as if we've been boys forever, like a lot of people on here do. But as a straight man, who is understanding more and more about himself daily, I appreciate your honesty, and your passion for pursing your dreams and passions, much like I've NEVER met a rich stripper, I have had the opportunity to meet many amateur and professional porn start both men and women through friends, in the entertainment industry....and the fact remains, I've really never met a rich porn star. Lastly, as a person who has never drank, done drugs, smoked and never will, there is a dark side to this business that seems to latch on to the best of them.....without mentioning names, just on Broke Straight Boys, we know who they are.....but we've seen the downfall from Sean Cody to SCM....I'm glad you've not met that same fate, and that you've moved on to what makes you happy. At the end of the day, you're paid to do what you do, or used to do, so I'm not going to say silly things like "we should applaud you for going out of your way to do what you do/did" b/c that's just silly, you were just doing your job, and you knew the expectations or possible expectations before you said yes to the gig. Best Wishes.

I totally agree with you, so I won't retype what you've said, because you said the right things. However, I guess it's only in porn do guys classify one site more classy than another. I guess I do not. They are all porn actors. Period. The fact that one site has a more natural guy versus a more primped and fake baked guy doesn't matter. The fact that I happen to like the more natural looking person, and by natural I mean there are many Broke Straight Boys guys that are fit, attractive, akin to attractive guys many run into daily versus a guy that has to have the proper lighting, make-up artist, self-tanner/tanning bed, plucked this, and overly trimmed that. There is a market for both I guess, I just don't see the need for you to point that out as if you were forced into Broke Straight Boys If you were not forced to do scenes for Broke Straight Boys, then why would you perform on the site, if it's not your thing? In addition, so many subscribers have seen you on the other site, why would you want to fake a role that is not you? Were you under contract? Were you obligated or forced to? If so, then I'm glad you have mad the decisions you have. In addition, while I NEVER liked David's voice, comments, or presence in Broke Straight Boys-1, there was just something that worked for Broke Straight Boys-1 that is not working for Broke Straight Boys-2. I think that is the reason why you rarely ever see shows rate over 4.3, and why many of the old shows are still the highest rated. What i hope is that your experience, and the fact that it has been exposed (whether we felt it was true prior or not) that guys are acting more than be real, in addition to the lower ratings, turns on a light for the owners of the site. I would hate for Broke Straight Boys-2 to meet the same fate as www.straightcollegemen.com.........authentic wins each and every time, and no matter I think members can tell what is authentic and what is not. I wish you the very best. I'm not a fan of your work, so I won't speak to you as if we've been boys forever, like a lot of people on here do. But as a straight man, who is understanding more and more about himself daily, I appreciate your honesty, and your passion for pursing your dreams and passions, much like I've NEVER met a rich stripper, I have had the opportunity to meet many amateur and professional porn start both men and women through friends, in the entertainment industry....and the fact remains, I've really never met a rich porn star. Lastly, as a person who has never drank, done drugs, smoked and never will, there is a dark side to this business that seems to latch on to the best of them.....without mentioning names, just on Broke Straight Boys, we know who they are.....but we've seen the downfall from Sean Cody to SCM....I'm glad you've not met that same fate, and that you've moved on to what makes you happy. At the end of the day, you're paid to do what you do, or used to do, so I'm not going to say silly things like "we should applaud you for going out of your way to do what you do/did" b/c that's just silly, you were just doing your job, and you knew the expectations or possible expectations before you said yes to the gig. Best Wishes.

Samm I largely agree with you on this. It does appear to me that it's being painted out that Rob was just doing what he was asked to do and only appeared on Broke Straight Boys scenes to meet the requests of the members who were pushing for it. He also seems to be making it sound like it was really a chore for him, and almost like a big step down from what he was accustomed to doing.

However, the way I remember it is that no one but Rob himself started hinting around more than once that he thought it would be "a kick" to cross over and start doing some Broke Straight Boys scenes, and from there the fake "bromance" between hie and Jimmy started.

But to make it seem like this was all done as a result of viewer requests and Rob having nothing to do with it and just following orders appears, at least to me, on its face to be over reaching.

Of course I don't know any of the behind the scenes realities, nor do I know if Rob's Broke Straight Boys appearances were actually a result of overwhelming viewer requests that were submitted to Blu Media outside of the forum, I am only basing my opinion on what I've seen in the forum and nothing more.

It is very possible that an overwhelming number of fans contacted Broke Straight Boys management asking to see him crossed over from College Dudes to Broke Straight Boys, and Rob beginning the process of hinting around that he would love to see it happen may have merely been a way for them to do some pulse taking to see how members would respond. While many members responded favorably to such a cross-over, not all did. I know that I immediately responded stating I didn't support such a move, stated such a move would be akin to Broke Straight Boys "Jumping the Shark", felt that it would be annoying since you have to pay for a College Dudes subscription separately and he's already over-saturated that site as it is, and so on.

Regarding your above comments of Broke Straight Boys becoming another straightcollegemen.com, fortunately I don't see that happening. SCM made the mistake of hiring a few exclusive models, and putting them having sex together in nearly every scene for the last 2 years, with very few new models thrown into the mix other than the solo "audition" updates. That, coupled with going months and months without updating with any new action scenes, pretty much sealed their fate...for now unless they decide to try and do some sort of a comeback in the future.

Fortunately, Broke Straight Boys updates very frequently, and provides enough new and fresh faces on a regular basis along with very generous free bonus content and features that I don't see anything like that ever happening.

I think a lot of times, a site will try something new, to see how it turns out in an effort to always remain new, exciting, and never boring. It's kind of like throwing cooked pasta against the wall...sometimes it sticks and sometimes it doesn't lol. :biggrin:
i believe it was at long beach pride that i was joking with jimmy and rob about how Rob Ryder could never survive Broke Straight Boys
looking back, a lot of the humor has gone out of that memory.
then in san diego, i ask rob when he was going to do something on Broke Straight Boys
there may be a post here and there mentioning rob and Broke Straight Boys
a private message or two on the subject.
i believe my affection for colin_vanguard and my interest in seeing rob_ryder in Broke Straight Boys scenes came up in my quick chat with mark.
not saying that one voice in room filled with thousands had any effect on the decision.
i always thought that would be a decision that clay and mark would have to make.
robert warned me early in my postings to choose my words carefully. to consider what i say.
as i recall i said rocco could use a haircut and he cut off more than robert or i wanted.
for me it was just a throw away line.
for me saying i would love to see rob on Broke Straight Boys was like wishing for ice in hell. just another wish!
beware of how your wish is received and executed.
the source of my faith says,
"I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this mountain, `Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins."
i ask for rob on Broke Straight Boys and learned that sometimes having is no as pleasing as desiring.
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You're a professional and very good at what you do period. But you can't please everyone even your ardent fans all the time. Your work is impeccable, your performance is exceptional especially being a straight person and you're just an all-round fun guy to be around with. Anyone who has Jimmy Johnson as a lover is a cut above the rest. Don't sweat the small stuff, just do what makes you the greatest.
You're a professional and very good at what you do period. But you can't please everyone even your ardent fans all the time. Your work is impeccable, your performance is exceptional especially being a straight person and you're just an all-round fun guy to be around with. Anyone who has Jimmy Johnson as a lover is a cut above the rest. Don't sweat the small stuff, just do what makes you the greatest.

Angelone, I can always count on you to bring things to a nice, realistic point of view.

The fact is, people DID ask for it. The fact remains, that the people at Broke Straight Boys wanted to test it out and see the results. And finally the results proved once again that people don't necessarily always like what they ask for.

That's why my self-esteem remains intact the whole time because I knew it would either be really good or really bad. It turned out to be bad, but at least the people at Broke Straight Boys are nice enough to try new things. And aren't scared to stop things if they don't work.

I tried, we tried, and it didn't work out. But what that does mean outside of Broke Straight Boys, is that I am willing to try things in spite of fear of them not getting a favorable result. Thus, my success in life is guaranteed.

Thank you for all the people who showed me love and all the people that turned on me quicker then Benedict Arnold.

I got love for you all, even the two faces of some un-mentionables :smiley-sex011:

Just so you don't ever forget...

Angelone, I can always count on you to bring things to a nice, realistic point of view.

The fact is, people DID ask for it. The fact remains, that the people at Broke Straight Boys wanted to test it out and see the results. And finally the results proved once again that people don't necessarily always like what they ask for.

That's why my self-esteem remains intact the whole time because I knew it would either be really good or really bad. It turned out to be bad, but at least the people at Broke Straight Boys are nice enough to try new things. And aren't scared to stop things if they don't work.

I tried, we tried, and it didn't work out. But what that does mean outside of Broke Straight Boys, is that I am willing to try things in spite of fear of them not getting a favorable result. Thus, my success in life is guaranteed.

Thank you for all the people who showed me love and all the people that turned on me quicker then Benedict Arnold.

I got love for you all, even the two faces of some un-mentionables.


Dear Rob_Ryder,

Surprised to see you posting on the forum again and I sincerely welcome you back, even if you are here just for a brief visit OR even here without your briefs.:001_rolleyes: Either way you are a pleasing eyefull :biggrin: with endless energy to spare.

What have you been doing with yourself, if I may be so forward to ask?:masterbate: Rob, I admire you for your "can-do attitude" and wishing you great success in all your future enterprises. Hip, Hip,Hurrah; Hip, Hip, Hurrah! :999:

Keep in touch as best you can! You know that beaming smile of yours, your broad shoulders with V-shaped torso, and your most impressive pecks are sooo-verrry habit-forming for your fans. It is very difficult having "to go cold-turkey off you" and they haven't come up with a decent Rob_Ryder 12-Step Program to guide your fans through withdrawal. While I don't wish to appear concerned merely with the superficial sides, I take great delight in seeing your shinny face and upbeat personality most of all. Simply stated, I think you are a "treasure" and I would welcome you and your many gifts back at any time! WITHOUT DOUBT, YOU TRULY ARE "ONE-OF-A-KIND!"

Sincerely - your devoted fan,

I tried, we tried, and it didn't work out. But what that does mean outside of Broke Straight Boys, is that I am willing to try things in spite of fear of them not getting a favorable result. Thus, my success in life is guaranteed.

Thank you for all the people who showed me love and all the people that turned on me quicker then Benedict Arnold.

I got love for you all, even the two faces of some un-mentionables :smiley-sex011:

Rob, I am surprised to see a flurry of posts by you after such a long absence from the forum. You have been away a long time, and many of the posts that you are now responding to were written many months ago.

I thank you for your past openness with us on the forum. You were a very active poster, sharing many aspects of your private life with us too. I will never forget how you opened up to us about your hiding from your family, and particularly your father the fact that you were earning a living performing gay sex on an internet site. It was a very interesting and a very real process that you shared with us, and I thank you. I also loved watching you interact with Jimmy in the many BTS that you starred with Jimmy and Cole in. They were always entertaining and informative.

However, I am a bit surprised by the negative tone of some of your posts today. I think that it is unfair for you to criticize "all the people that turned on me quicker then Benedict Arnold".

As you are in show business, both in your former porn career, and now in your musical career, I would think that you understand that the public can be demanding, and when people are paying out of their hard earned income for their entertainment, they do tend to be vocal about the product being delivered. I thought that you had thicker skin than to be insulted if your fans were unhappy with your performance.

Every great entertainer and not so great too, have had negative reviews. If you put yourself in the public eye, it goes with the territory. You were a great asset to this forum, and I would hope that you are proud of the work you did, and the joy that you brought to many forumites.

I just hate to see any bitterness in your feelings about us now. I'm sure that everyone on the forum joins me in wishing you all of the success in the world in all of your future endeavors, and hopefully you can come back to visit us from time to time to let us know how the career and the real person that you are, are doing.

Best wishes to you Rob. :thumbup1: