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Humdinger comment on Yahoo.com artcle "Clerk Kim Davis switching to Republican Party"


Well-known Member
Jul 1, 2015
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Humdinger comment on Yahoo.com artcle "Clerk Kim Davis switching to Republican Party"

Kim Davis needs to take Paul Canon and Damien Kyle with her as they think like she does. Paul and Damien are two adult entertainment celebrities who have appeared in male-with-male sex encounters. Both Paul and Damien are White American males who declared during their engagement that they do not like performing with men of color/people of color. Their hatred is just as odious and contemptuous as Kim Davis, multi-divorcee who believes that her life as a multi-married heterosexual and supposed Christian allows her to discriminate against same sex couples like Paul and Damien who intend to get married. These three belong together and should be forced to have manage a trois to explore the nature of their messed up prejudices against people of color and people who prefer same sex partners. Perhaps the Republican Party does have a Big Tent strategy by appealing to racists, homophobes, and anti-immigrant supporters for a Happy Hate Fandango.
you combine things that could only be connected, in your mind.
as to paul and damian, paul has appeared a number of times with kayden! damian may have inartfully expressed a personal preference. if we are not free to choose our sex partners, then are we free?
I do wonder about any sex worker refusing to perform based upon the characteristics of the customer. that extents to anyone providing services to the public. which brings me to a county clerk! the job is giving out licenses, not defying the courts.
I am glad that bigotry has a home. I would never want to belong to any group that would welcome her. can I identify with another species?
Both Paul and Damien are White American males who declared during their engagement that they do not like performing with men of color/people of color. Their hatred is just as odious and contemptuous as Kim Davis........
Equating a personal sexual preference with "hatred" is as odious and contemptuous as what you are accusing them of KRU. :001_rolleyes:
Amen, Bros, i do not know the truth on paul & damien statements. I do know what she said- when you have HATE in your heart, you are not christian. Maybe she turned all four gay. I was raised christian, being sent to Vietnam for four years, when I came home I could not get a job, I later found out why- all ministers were preaching against not only the war but anyone who served. I had lived to come home to hate from the church. I had to leave my hometown & never put down Vietnam Vet on any application for a job. Never came out to any family members to this day. Never a republican or christian, I am BUDDIST, DEMOCRAT,married to my partner now-35 years together. Intolerance is alive & well we must push back harder. I belong to HRC
Amen, Bros, i do not know the truth on paul & damien statements. I do know what she said- when you have HATE in your heart, you are not christian. Maybe she turned all four gay. I was raised christian, being sent to Vietnam for four years, when I came home I could not get a job, I later found out why- all ministers were preaching against not only the war but anyone who served. I had lived to come home to hate from the church. I had to leave my hometown & never put down Vietnam Vet on any application for a job. Never came out to any family members to this day. Never a republican or christian, I am BUDDIST, DEMOCRAT,married to my partner now-35 years together. Intolerance is alive & well we must push back harder. I belong to HRC
Congratulations Nova on your 35 year marriage. That is terrific and I am sorry that your service to your country in the Vietnam war caused your unemployment after you returned home. That was a horrible period in US history.

But I still think to call Paul and or Damien racists for preferring to have sex with whom they please is wrong. I know black men who have sex exclusively with whites, and vice versa. Sexual desires do not equate with racism or prejudice or hatred. I do not have sex with women, but I do not consider myself a bigot because of it. It is just what turns me on and gets me sexually aroused.
Thanks, but I failed to put in post that my partner is African American, I was raised in the south and my family has always been racist, and everything I am not. Just wanted to clarify that, thanks again.
Thanks, but I failed to put in post that my partner is African American, I was raised in the south and my family has always been racist, and everything I am not. Just wanted to clarify that, thanks again.
Thank you for the clarification and I wish you guys another 35 years of happiness!!!! :biggrin:
I've tried to back you up Caribou as so many other members voice their opinions about you. But you have crossed the line in comparing that ignorant bitch Kim to "my boys" PC and Damien Kyle. To say they are racist simply because they may not want to sleep with someone of a different color is plain ignorance on your part. I'm native Indian and have no desire to sleep with one! does that make me racist? I'm also Latino but have no desire to sleep with one (well maybe Ricky Martin) but does that make me a racist? No desire to sleep with a woman again does that make me a racist? As much as this is an open forum it would be wise if you proofread your comments before posting such stupidity!!!! Thanks former Kru fan................
Congratulations Nova on your 35 year marriage. That is terrific and I am sorry that your service to your country in the Vietnam war caused your unemployment after you returned home. That was a horrible period in US history.

But I still think to call Paul and or Damien racists for preferring to have sex with whom they please is wrong. I know black men who have sex exclusively with whites, and vice versa. Sexual desires do not equate with racism or prejudice or hatred. I do not have sex with women, but I do not consider myself a bigot because of it. It is just what turns me on and gets me sexually aroused.

Congratulations on your 35 years together.:) I sincerely thank you for your service to our country Nova. :thumbup1:

I agree with the rest of your post as well. I don't believe that PC and Damien Kyle are racists. To try to compare them to Kim Davis is a non-starter for me.
Since KRU has defiantly posted this in the wrong section again...maybe we'll get lucky and Mark will delete the thread.
Thank you, Tampa, its been along road, I never thought we would be able to get married before we passed, but we did. Many blessing to you all. Thanks.
Kim Davis needs to take Paul Canon and Damien Kyle with her as they think like she does. Paul and Damien are two adult entertainment celebrities who have appeared in male-with-male sex encounters. Both Paul and Damien are White American males who declared during their engagement that they do not like performing with men of color/people of color. Their hatred is just as odious and contemptuous as Kim Davis, multi-divorcee who believes that her life as a multi-married heterosexual and supposed Christian allows her to discriminate against same sex couples like Paul and Damien who intend to get married. These three belong together and should be forced to have manage a trois to explore the nature of their messed up prejudices against people of color and people who prefer same sex partners. Perhaps the Republican Party does have a Big Tent strategy by appealing to racists, homophobes, and anti-immigrant supporters for a Happy Hate Fandango.
JERK.. Why not go back to your fantasy collage.....
I am glad someone brought this thread to my attention. There seems to be two words of interest here that are in sharp contrast with each other, racist and preference. I personally do not enjoy nor am I attracted to a circumcised penis. Does that make me a racist against Jews, Muslims, and all the other cultures that practice that ritual? I hope not. I do realize Damien Kyle has made comments that he is not attracted to black guys. To me that was a "preference" comment rather than a "racist" comment. However, I did take offense when he mentioned a model's uncut penis looked like an "elephant trunk!" That did not sit well with me since I am uncut. Yet, in his defense, the comment was not a racial one but a preference one. Having some personal information on Paul's and Damien's background, I can attest that they are not racists.

As for Kim Davis, she is not a racist. She is so enthralled in her religious beliefs that she cannot see beyond them. However, she is a public servant and must abide by the law of the Courts.
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Paul and Damien Kyle have both performed with models who were at least part African-American. It seems to me that if they were truly die-hard racists then they would have refused. For a model to have sex with non-Caucasian models and say in as many words, It's really not my thing sexually and I'd rather not. But I will if you ask me to... That's a far cry from being a loathsome racist.