Hey, Rick ~
That's a lovely tribute to Mr.
Paul Canon. Yes, he certainly DOES have beautiful eyes - and a great heart and mind to go with them. Such a sweet and funny, and fun guy to know, here on the board

Hey Ambi --- thanks for the lift! - I only wrote what I felt - I don't mind saying this - I guess I'm in love with Paul - or t least In-Fatuated with him - his looks, his eyes, his warmth, his body, etc etc. I haven't had the privilege of meeting him - except in my dreams. Is that so bad?? That's all I can do at the moment. Paul told me on here that he appreciated the comment, and I was thrilled! It was all from the heart and genuine. I hope that Paul, and others who are on this site like himk realize that yes, there are guys on here who love them and care for them very dearly. ((I know that there are sites where weirdos hang out, but they really are few and far between ...)) I for one would like to distance myself from that sort!!
I love you Paul, and I'm not afraid to say it in public!!
Hey, Rick ~
You're very welcome, of course. And I always appreciate meeting someone who has the temperament more of a "fan", than a "critic" ~ which is much as I feel, personally.
Of course, it is very important for all of us fans to realize (and keep ever in mind) that the great majority of our beloved models here on
Broke Straight Boys are straight - and furthermore, have lives and loves and preoccupations all of their own, which we don't share, and which are private and personal to them alone. And, it is our duty to respect this, scrupulously.
But, we are lucky, here, to have some very cool models, who are not only insanely beautiful - but who are good and open-minded, too, and don't take it amiss when we tell them how much we appreciate them, for all their wonderful qualities; and who are even happy to converse with us, from time to time.
And, I think a little (genuine, but Platonic) love never hurt anyone. (Even my best straight friends IRL have never minded, when I told them how much I love them.) So it is nice that you are able to express it; Paul is able to receive it; and we are (ALL of US) able to have a wonderful friendship, on the
Broke Straight Boys board.