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BSB Addict
Jul 15, 2009
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Dear Mr. Paul Canon,

I sort of owe you an apology - because I sort of hijacked your "Paul Canon live" thread, as I got into a personal conversation with Jon from Liverton! :blushing:

However, I would like you to know, Paul - you are AMAZING, SWEET, KIND, and FUNNY ~ and just so damned HUGGABLE! (I think anyone who isn't a Paul Canon fan, at this point, is either: #1) a straight guy, with no sense of adventure; or, #2) DEAD. (It is just that simple, IMHO ;-)

You know I came back to Broke Straight Boys just to see JASON's videos again. . . . (Everybody knows that, I guess. *Blushing*) But, Paul, the biggest reason I didn't download my favourite videos, and then cut and RUN, was because I couldn't STAND the SUSPENSE of knowing what Jason, and YOU, would come up with, NEXT!

Paul, you are one of the greatest models in HISTORY - no kidding. And one of the funniest, most interesting, and nicest PEOPLE, too. Every fan you've got, you EARNED - and it is just really, really fun and AMAZING to enjoy both your videos, and your conversations, here on the Broke Straight Boys board.

Guys, please join Paul for his live shows on Flirt4Free. If you want to buy a show, I know that'd help Paul out a lot. If you want to just hang out and chat, I am sure he would love having friends from here to interact with. Here is Paul's F4F link! http://www.flirt4free.com/models/bios/paul_canon/about.php

Thanks a lot A! You're so sweet all the time. Thanks for posting a link there for me.
Hey, hey, Mr. Paul Canon ~

It is EASY to be sweet to a guy like you. I hope lots of friends will join you on your chat! You're awesome, and such a super-nice guy!


P.S. Did I mention you're now on my list of the top ten models in history??? ;-) Dude, you ROCK! You're the coolness, and the hotness, and EVERYTHING in between ~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nW89naBZxJE
Hey, hey, Mr. Paul Canon ~

It is EASY to be sweet to a guy like you. I hope lots of friends will join you on your chat! You're awesome, and such a super-nice guy!


P.S. Did I mention you're now on my list of the top ten models in history??? ;-) Dude, you ROCK! You're the coolness, and the hotness, and EVERYTHING in between ~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nW89naBZxJE

I totally agree, Paul is very sexy and easy to talk to; last time I was on with him, we just talked, while he fondled himself...yum! I also love his musical abilities; he's quite talented there as well! I go by "Alaskabeth" on Flirt; what name do you use "Ambi?"
hehehe u guys are nutZ..Thanks A..ALWAYS making my day..and Beth..you're an awesome person to talk to as well..i always feel so comfortable hanging out with you ;)
hehehe u guys are nutZ..Thanks A..ALWAYS making my day..and Beth..you're an awesome person to talk to as well..i always feel so comfortable hanging out with you ;)
Ah, you're so nice. Sorry I haven't been on lately; I've got about a week to go before surgery and by night, I'm on pain meds now. See you in about a month. Love Ya!
well I hope everything goes well with the surgery Beth! You'll be back on your feet in no time.
I totally agree, Paul is very sexy and easy to talk to; last time I was on with him, we just talked, while he fondled himself...yum! I also love his musical abilities; he's quite talented there as well! I go by "Alaskabeth" on Flirt; what name do you use "Ambi?"


Hey, Beth,

I haven't been in a chat on "Flirt" for many, many, years: since my best gay friend retired, from there! (It is getting to be almost a decade, ago.) But maybe if you and Mr. Paul Canon are there, sometimes, I will have to show up again, and say hi to both of you. XOXOXOXOXO (Maybe I will have to pick a new nickname, too!)

Anyway, since I heard that you are getting ready for some surgery, like Paul and Mark and all your friends, I hope it goes very smoothly; is effective and helpful; and that you recover OH-SO-SWIFTLY.

Ms. Beth, all love and best thoughts and prayers for you, now and always,

Paul .... I know this a fantasy website and all that - and I've seen you on Flirt4Free - but you are SO real - it's like watching the kid next door whom I have always wanted to fall in love with and hug and hold, and go to sleep with and run my fingers through your hair - don't ever change - always be the loving caring and poleasuring person you are. I don't cdare if you're straight or gay or bi - just be you - the heart knows no labels! Love you ... and thank you! Rick
Paul .... I know this a fantasy website and all that - and I've seen you on Flirt4Free - but you are SO real - it's like watching the kid next door whom I have always wanted to fall in love with and hug and hold, and go to sleep with and run my fingers through your hair - don't ever change - always be the loving caring and poleasuring person you are. I don't cdare if you're straight or gay or bi - just be you - the heart knows no labels! Love you ... and thank you! Rick

thank you. I'm glad you liked me on f4f. I like that you said "the heart knows no labels" that statement is so true.
When I go to bed tonite I am ho9lding you tightly in my arms, close to my heart, Pail!!!!
When I go to bed tonite I am ho9lding you tightly in my arms, close to my heart, Pail!!!!


Hey, Rick ~

That's a lovely tribute to Mr. Paul Canon. Yes, he certainly DOES have beautiful eyes - and a great heart and mind to go with them. Such a sweet and funny, and fun guy to know, here on the board :)

I love it when people show their appreciation and support for the models, as you do.

Love Paul


Hey, Rick ~
That's a lovely tribute to Mr. Paul Canon. Yes, he certainly DOES have beautiful eyes - and a great heart and mind to go with them. Such a sweet and funny, and fun guy to know, here on the board :)QUOTE:]

Hey Ambi --- thanks for the lift! - I only wrote what I felt - I don't mind saying this - I guess I'm in love with Paul - or t least In-Fatuated with him - his looks, his eyes, his warmth, his body, etc etc. I haven't had the privilege of meeting him - except in my dreams. Is that so bad?? That's all I can do at the moment. Paul told me on here that he appreciated the comment, and I was thrilled! It was all from the heart and genuine. I hope that Paul, and others who are on this site like himk realize that yes, there are guys on here who love them and care for them very dearly. ((I know that there are sites where weirdos hang out, but they really are few and far between ...)) I for one would like to distance myself from that sort!!

I love you Paul, and I'm not afraid to say it in public!!
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