Hello and thank you for your post.
I thought I would post some helpful tips on how to search on the forums here including finding if your favorite model is on
Broke Straight Boys:
First of all we hope to have
Diesal back on the forums soon so he can catchup with what he has been up to lately.
Okay, lets say you want to find models postings or mentions of threads of the model and you don’t know their username.
(Hint: Most models on here use the name BrokeModelname. Ex: Diesals is: BrokeDiesal other models ex: BrokeJace, broke-mikerobbins, BrokeDerek etc)
The way you find models pages is through the search function:
Click on the "Search" Button above.
Click "Advanced Search"
Type in their name in the user name field, uncheck the box below: "exact match" unless you know their full user name. You can keep the "find posters by name" drop down.
press the "Search Now" or press enter on your keyboard
This will pull up all threads from your search.
above all these threads started it will show "Posts made by:" with user names that match your search. Go ahead and try it out. Type in the search "broke" with the exact match unchecked.
This should be your result:
Hope this helps!