Some great memories of CF in one of its original glory days. haha Lucas and Jared! Oh yeah!
Agree fully!Some great memories of CF in one of its original glory days. haha Lucas and Jared! Oh yeah!
Actually I had memberships to both at the time 8teenboy merged into Helix, which I liked because it made one of my two annual membership fees go away! Thereafter almost all of the 8teenboy models at the time of the merger began appearing as Helix models.8teenboys originally started with Helix then broke off
Lucky masseur to get his hands on that hot young ass!
And finger the asshole of that hot young butt!
And then to gently jack off the young cock with one hand while massaging the young balls with the other! I foresee a Happy Ending coming and cumming!
Cock on tongue!
Penetration time!
Taking a ride!
Legs high in the air taking it up his butt!
Now spreading his legs wide while continuing to get fucked!
The traditional post coital kiss!
Actually I had memberships to both at the time 8teenboy merged into Helix, which I liked because it made one of my two annual membership fees go away! Thereafter almost all of the 8teenboy models at the time of the merger began appearing as Helix models.8teenboys originally started with Helix then broke off
Rock hard cock and hot ass! Looks like a great combo!
Going down on it!
Lining it up to penetrate!
Penetration time!
And a bottom look as well!Yul Brenner look!
Max on our right is my favorite Canadian gay porn star!