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Hot Celebrities - Actors, Singers & Performers - Nude, Naked & Fakes

So we both are into vintage ,Mike!!:001_tongue:
Actually br, I don’t care if they are from the 1920’s, 1950’s, 1970’s 1980’S, 1990’S, 2000’s or today. Hot is hot and always will be!







Well Mike, I think that is true of my thread. It has images from all over. The only difference is the quality of some of the early pictures does not do full justice to males they show.
So we agree that God has always created hot young men from the beginning of time until today. That is the cycle of life, we are born, we come of age, we mature, we grow old and we die. But I love to focus on young men in their physical prime, and this Hot Celebrity thread is a great place to highlight some of the beauties who have graced stage, cinema and TV over the years. I would hope that other folks post some of their favorite HOT celebrities from over the years here.


Mike I find I am too occupied with gay porn to search elsewhere & appreciate the service you perform in that regard, TY.
That is Tom Holland from the new Spiderman

Fun fact about Tom Holland. For those of us who might wonder if Tom is gay or at least tolerant and accepting of gay people... The lead in to this is rather long. But I promise it has a point. lol

I was fortunate enough to have made my way to London in 2012 where I was delighted to have been able to see a live performance of "Billy Elliot" in the West End. I admit I didn't know much of anything about Billy Elliot. But I was educated through the play. It's a fictional take of an 11 year old's childhood loosely based on a real life person named Phillip Mosley.

So 11 year old Billy's father is a coalminer in northern England. He sends his 11 year old son to go get boxing lessons as a way to "toughen him up" probably. By way of odd circumstances Billy finds himself drawn into a ballet studio, where unbeknownst to his father he starts taking ballet lessons instead. lol) So Billy becomes not only good at ballet, but very good.

There's one scene where he makes a new friend his age in the neighborhood and after some warm polite conversation one of them leans in for a well received peck on the lips kiss. As I watched in the theater I heard an instantaneous murmur of support from the whole audience. It seemed like just about everyone, women and men alike, said aloud a very supportive, "Awwwww".

So in that scene Billy more or less came out to the audience as a gay youth. They didn't push it much farther in his gay identity, focusing more on the other plotlines. Although they did touch on how difficult it was at first as a gay youth dealing with his father's acceptance of his presumably gay son hoping to become a professional ballet dancer.

Because whoever plays Billy in the play is by definition a child actor who's a minor, they can't have the same actor working 4 days a week or more, doing possibly two shows per day. So they have several child actors in rotation playing the title role. Fast forward to over a year or two ago when I saw Tom Holland on one of the late-night talk shows. (Either Steven Colbert or Jimmy Kimmel.) Anyway, Tom Holland casually mentioned that as a child actor some years ago that one of his early breaks was playing the title role of "Billy Elliot" in the West End. I was floored! haha No. Unfortunately Tom was not the actor I saw playing the lead role the night I was there. But I loved the play very much.

So there you have it. Right out of the gate as a child actor Tom Holland got one of his first big breaks performing on stage in London playing the lead role of a gay youth. :)
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TroyE Sivan

I saw a video and then some YouTube podcasts with Troye Silvan a few months ago. He is an excellent singer and VERY hot in my opinion. He is an openly gay Australian with a new Paramount Plus movie being released about a Florida gay high school kid who has been exposed to AIDS. Here is an interview from Variety.



Troye Sivan remembers that first time he got tested for HIV. “I was in a new relationship and I wanted to have sex,” he recalls on this week’s episode of the “Just for Variety” podcast. “We both went and got tested and once we were all clear, it was all good to go.”

He also remembers learning about the virus that causes AIDS while growing up in Australia. “It was probably doom-and-gloom movies that were super heartbreaking,” Sivan says.

Things are much different today. Sivan stars in the new Paramount Plus feature “Three Months” as Caleb, a high school senior in Florida who learns he may have been exposed to HIV during a one-night stand. Written and directed by first-time filmmaker Jared Frieder, “Three Months” is a coming-of-age dramedy about young queer love and family. “Where are the stories that are painting the picture of what HIV is like today?” Sivan asks. “I think the thing that I hope that people pull from this movie is you are going to be okay, no matter what.”

“Three Months” marks Sivan’s return to acting after appearing in 2018’s “Boy Erased.” He’s also currently shooting “The Idol,” The Weeknd’s very secretive series for HBO.

“Acting is this thing that I’m just now starting to accept,” Sivan, who released his second studio album “Bloom” in 2018, says. “I’m filming [“The Idol”] at the moment and it’s been so consistent and for so long now… I’m finally starting to accept that this is part of my job, you know what I mean? And that maybe I’m an actor.”

Sivan has been out since the early days of his music career. He doesn’t necessarily have a problem with straight actors playing queer roles, but he wants Hollywood to try harder. “I would say to the people who are casting: ‘Have you really looked? Why are you casting that person?’”

Authentic casting can be “life-changing for someone,” especially queer youth, Sivan adds. “When they see themselves on the screen in a real way, it makes a big difference.”

When he was younger, he turned to gay icons for inspiration. “For some reason, I figured out how to illegally download ‘Like a Prayer’ by Madonna,” Sivan remembers. “And I put it on repeat in the Windows media player on the PC, out of the terrible computer speakers. And I ran in circles and skipped, and I just sang that song over and over, and over and over again. Looking back, I feel like if I saw my kid doing that, I would melt. It would just melt my heart because to me there’s nothing sweeter than seeing inklings of queerness in children, because I think it’s been something that’s been bashed out of us for so long that I just can’t wait to celebrate that in kids. It was moments like that where I don’t know why, but I was just so drawn to this flamboyant, camp, huge pop star.”

Speaking of huge pop stars, Sivan was recently handpicked by Beyoncé to star in a Valentine’s Day-themed campaign for her fashion line Ivy Park. “I got a message from the Ivy Park team and they were like, ‘B would love Troye…’ And I was like, ‘Yeah, fucking right. I do not believe this for one second,’” he says. “But it was true because I went and I did this thing and it was the greatest day ever. Unfortunately, Beyoncé was not there that day, but since then Beyoncé’s been putting it on Instagram stories and stuff. For my phone to light up and it was like, ‘Beyoncé’s mentioned you in her story,’ I needed to take a second.”
TY for that, I never heard of him.

Speaking of AIDS I just saw Unspeakable on CBC Toronto, I advise everyone to see it. It is about AIDS but far more concerning its affects at the time on non gays & the experts government reactions to fight it. It is a good way for young people to relate to it comparing the craziness of those against COVID restrictions to that in the age of AIDS.
Adam Jakubowski is a top world class fashion model & photographer from Poland: He has done artistic nudes which I will post on my thread'




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