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Hot and Naked!

I love when men gather...


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Beware of paper cuts!

Dear Ms. K,

With a dick like #3 is so proudly stroking, who needs GPS anyway? Just be aware he might become a living "paper weight" with letters being pierced by his stiff prong to avoid them blowing away. Beware of paper cuts!


I think this guy is hot, and the amazing thing is, with a dick that thick, it still floats!


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FYI: A Baby Ruth candy bar floats, too! But who needs the sugar or the cavities?

I think this guy is hot, and the amazing thing is, with a dick that thick, it still floats!

Dear Beth,

What a better way to have a "free" floatation device:welcome: on-board that will never feel unwanted or ignored. Not to mention that it is centrally located, open for business 24/7, and always within easy reach. I call it my "HANDY ANDY"!:blushing: The quicker picker-upper:dancingpenis: sure beats the hell out of Bounty paper towels (the original tightie-whities), is paper-cut-free, and far more pleasant to "wring-out until the last delicious drop".

Of course being erect enhances the effect that it can "walk on water" before it eventually gives any indication of "shrinkage":wtf:.

Sincerely floating,

I just love a man in denim..........


Dear Ms. Kianna,

My take on this is that denim is optional with a body like that. What a natural resource, and his cut dick ain't bad either!



PS Is he signaling to make a right turn?
Okay, I better show some hot men myself... I think that Angel Rock is a good looking guy.


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That's very interesting from a straight guy's perspective what a handsome guy would look like to him. So Angel Rock would be one of your choices. Cool! :biggrin:
Vary true

A lot of folks find that really hot rrhill. Although it seems way more common with straight guys than gay guys for sure, I think girls like their man well groomed more than gay men do.

That is vary true, my ex wanted me to shave, the only reason I didn't was because of the Broke Straight Boys fans.