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Holiday Weekend - What are you up to ?


BSB Addict
Nov 2, 2008
Reaction score
leeds england
Well it's the Easter holiday weekend here in the uk, and guess it is in most parts of the world. I have combined the long weekend with a few days annual leave at both ends so I'm not back at work until the 28th April. I will be chilling out and helping my mum out with the garden today and tomorrow - those weeds are bitches lol. Then Sunday we are headed south west to visit family in Wales for a few days. No internet there so you guys behave yourselves xx

So what will you be doing this holiday ?
I will be utilizing my pastry chef skills today and tomorrow. Turning out mounds of Easter goodies for dinners. So I better hop to it. Get it ??!!
Since the dawn of time and not to put too fine a point on it I believe you are the exact flavor of Easter egg I would love to coddle
I for one have two eggs I seldom hide since I am a nudist. haha!

Joke aside, I will be going to our annual family gathering at my niece's house. She is making baked zitti and her mother (my sister) is making a couple of hams. Everyone else is bringing a covered dish. My family is not squeamish when it comes to providing food. I myself am making a casserole of yellow rice, peppers, onions and Spanish chorizo. My daughter is making a vegetable casserole, my son a tray of stuffed green peppers. We are expecting about 40-50 people including the children. There will probably be enough food to feed a hundred. On a personal historic note, when I got married my family prepared enough food for the 300 guests invited.

The only thing I am regretting is the one hour trip to my hometown of Tampa and then a one hour trip back home.

It is all good. The important thing is being able to spend time with the family.

Thanks for asking, Jon.
All that food sounds wonderful Louis. I love good Spanish chorizo in spaghetti sauce and just about any way to prepare it. It's a good thing you are not on the road today. The weather in the Bay area now is not good at all right now for driving around in. lol It's a very nice day for staying inside and listening to the thunder and rain though. haha
We will have a quiet weekend; nothing special. I do look forward to a good cuddle and some TV....yep, cheap date.
All that food sounds wonderful Louis. I love good Spanish chorizo in spaghetti sauce and just about any way to prepare it. It's a good thing you are not on the road today. The weather in the Bay area now is not good at all right now for driving around in. lol It's a very nice day for staying inside and listening to the thunder and rain though. haha

Nope. Not driving around today. When I heard the thunder and saw the lightening, I unplugged all my electronics. Sat here watching the storm through the window listening to the radio. Makes me wonder, do our younger folk know what a radio is?
Work Sat night/Sun morning then a quick nap. Then start cooking dinner for my Family. Ham, mashed and scalloped potatoes, not sure what dessert I'll make but it will be good! lol A few yummy salads and it's a meal. I've cooked every holiday dinner for Family for the last 20yrs. so they just show up with their tupperware.
Good Friday - Watched Pope Francis officiate over the Solemn Afternoon Liturgical Service of Our Lord's Passion and Death from Rome; then as I do every Good Friday read The Passion Narrative according to each of the four Gospel writers - Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

Holy Saturday - more mundane housekeeping chores. Use to go to the Easter Vigil Service and Midnight Mass, but it's too long and too late for this old man now; so ...

Easter Sunday - I'll go to early Mass (7:30 am - the others are too late and interrupt my usual Sunday morning routine of coffee and reading the newspaper); then at about 3 pm I'll head over to my ex-wife's for dinner with our daughter and her family. The usual ham with whatever sides she decides and for dessert her pound cake baked in the form of an Easter bunny.
What's with the ham shit at Easter sunday ? Is it an American thing ?

What do you have the lamb? Don't "shit" on other's holiday meal traditions just because they might be different from yours!

In America, holiday meals can and will differ based on region, ethnic origin among other factors and influences. For instance, in my family we had turkey on Thanksgiving, Ham at Christmas, and Lamb on Easter. My ex-wife's family had Turkey, Turkey, Ham respectively. For our family, we had Turkey, Ham & Filet, and Ham respectively. I was never fond of lamb and love ham so that was an easy switch for me at Easter.

Lamb obviously has the most religious significance due to the many references to Christ as the lamb who was sacrificed for our sins. But I know hardly any of my friends and family over the years who had lamb. Most did have ham and second was roast beef.
LOL John. Yes. It's an American thing.

In my family for Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter we normally do turkey, ham and ham respectively.

Ha Tampa, glad you took it in the way it should have been taken. I think we have lamb because it is seasonal, but that is all.
In my family in Florida for Christmas we have roast pork. My family in Texas on that same day has tamales. My uncle's wife's family are Italian and they have lasagna. Yet, in Italy they have the seven fishes tradition. When my uncle lived closed to us, he would find an excuse to run over to our house to make himself a pork sandwich on Cuban bread. So it does vary by culture.
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In my family in Florida for Christmas we have roast pork. My family in Texas on that same day has tamales. My uncle's wife's family are Italian and they have lasagna. Yet, in Italy they have the seven fishes tradition. When my uncle lived closed to us, he would find an excuse to run over to our house to make himself a pork sandwich on Cuban bread. So it does vary by culture.

What a wonderful worldly family you have. Seems like no matter where your family is...food is always a part of the gathering; excellent!