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Mar 9, 2013
Reaction score
Just wanted to introduce myself. I've been on the site for awhle but haven't posted or anything. Always been a little hesitant to post on forums, but it seems like there's a lot of nice people with similar opinions (and some different - haha) and I thought I'd put myself out there a little. Some facts about me:

1. I'm in my forties currently single (but happy about it lol)

2. I'm currently teaching special education at the elementary level working with students with learning disabilities, cognitive impairments, and emotional impairments. I love it!

3. My first name is Scott. Not a lot of nicknames go with Scott, so just Scott. LOL

4. Right not, my favorite models are Ian and Tate, but there's always room for more favorites! (and that doesn't mean I don't like a lot of others as well! ;-))

5. So I'm a little nervous about starting this posting process but hopefully I'll be able to participate in some discussions. I try to keep a level head, so if I disagree with you, or you disagree with me, it's all good. I can share my opinions and still respect you for yours! :)

Hope to see some of you in the forums! :)
Just wanted to introduce myself. I've been on the site for awhle but haven't posted or anything. Always been a little hesitant to post on forums, but it seems like there's a lot of nice people with similar opinions (and some different - haha) and I thought I'd put myself out there a little. Some facts about me:

1. I'm in my forties currently single (but happy about it lol)

2. I'm currently teaching special education at the elementary level working with students with learning disabilities, cognitive impairments, and emotional impairments. I love it!

3. My first name is Scott. Not a lot of nicknames go with Scott, so just Scott. LOL

4. Right not, my favorite models are Ian and Tate, but there's always room for more favorites! (and that doesn't mean I don't like a lot of others as well! ;-))

5. So I'm a little nervous about starting this posting process but hopefully I'll be able to participate in some discussions. I try to keep a level head, so if I disagree with you, or you disagree with me, it's all good. I can share my opinions and still respect you for yours! :)

Hope to see some of you in the forums! :)

Hey Scott, nice to have you posting!:welcome: I love to hear other's opinions and never really mind if we disagree; no biggie. I do like Ian, he is very personable and outgoing; I think he's a lot like Blake, my favorite. You should also check out Paul and Damien; they are both very sexy and fun to watch. Anyway, please continue to comment/start a new thread, but ONLY if it's about sex...we do have our standards here!:001_tongue:
Haha Thanks for the reply Beth! Paul and Damien are definitely fun to watch! I like Adam as well, and some others. I'll try to keep things on the "sex" side of things! haha
Welcome, SRC99! Only a few months ago I was doing exactly what you are now, and I've found almost everyone on the forum to be warm and welcoming and delightful to talk to. We're so happy to have you with us.
Welcome to the forum, src! My closest gay friend and my closest female straight friend are both teachers with the same vocation as yours, so I know that you are a special and dedicated person. I look forward to reading your comments and joining in the give and take that is the forum.
Welcome Scott. New people on the forum is what keeps it alive. I too share Stowe's sentiments about your vocation and what kind of person it takes to do your rewarding job.
Hi Scott good to meet you. Glad you decided to post the more that do that the better the representation.
Welcome Scott! Hope you will be comfortable sharing your views with all! Looking forward to your participation in the forum topics and scene discussions!:welcome:
glad you decided to post scott theres a lot of nice guys in here to talk to
Just wanted to introduce myself. I've been on the site for awhle but haven't posted or anything. Always been a little hesitant to post on forums, but it seems like there's a lot of nice people with similar opinions (and some different - haha) and I thought I'd put myself out there a little. Some facts about me:

1. I'm in my forties currently single (but happy about it lol)

2. I'm currently teaching special education at the elementary level working with students with learning disabilities, cognitive impairments, and emotional impairments. I love it!

3. My first name is Scott. Not a lot of nicknames go with Scott, so just Scott. LOL

4. Right not, my favorite models are Ian and Tate, but there's always room for more favorites! (and that doesn't mean I don't like a lot of others as well! ;-))

5. So I'm a little nervous about starting this posting process but hopefully I'll be able to participate in some discussions. I try to keep a level head, so if I disagree with you, or you disagree with me, it's all good. I can share my opinions and still respect you for yours! :)

Hope to see some of you in the forums! :)

hello! I just wanted to welcome to you to the forum! I am sure we will love your comments.
Welcome, Scott. Looking forward to hearing more from you.
I echo everyone else who's already commented. All I can do is offer a great big :welcome: too! Nice to meet you Scott.