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hey gus and gals


Well-known Member
May 2, 2014
Reaction score
Hi everyone, I just wanted to let you all know that ill be back on here on and of again now as I've pleaded and been granted a tiny bit of privacy by my mum, when I say a tiny bit I mean I'm allowed back in my room but I'm not allowed to have my door closed at all as she still wants to be able to see me 24/7 as my healths not better but its likely to be like this for a while until they can get it under control but I couldn't hack going back into my fake self for any longer as its been horrible only having Facebook and twitter to use so I've had to agree to a compromise that suits us both, this means she will still be able to see me but luckily not what site I'm on as by tablet screen won't be facing the door. I'm not going to go into what's wrong with me as this is my way of escaping it for brief periods but I will tell you what the family problem was.

Over the last few weeks my gran had become really ill and sadly she has past away recently which is tough as she was the only family member that treated me and my brother equally and not favoured him, but what was worse is that because of my situation I have been unable to pay my last respects to her as I have not been able to go to her funeral.

Finally I just want to say thank you to all of you as I have read the threads and your love and concern means so much to me as as many of you know I have no friends in my physical life as they abandoned me when I became disabled and to have many of you care about me genuinely brought tears to my eyes and warms my heart. To those of you who messages me I would like to thank you even more as reading your messages and knowing I was missed meant alot to me, I apologise that I never messaged you back but I have been finding everything extremely tough as you can imagine and a I'm closer to Johnny as we message alot I spoke to him and asked him to pass on my love as I know that he would and that he did.

Once again I just want to thank you all and please know that your love and concern means alot to me so thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Dan x
Hey there, glad to have you back!:001_wub: I am sorry to hear about your gran. Once you feel better, would you mind sharing a favorite story about her?
As always, I send you good thoughts...okay, dirty ones too!:bump: You might try piling a bunch of spunked-in tube socks on your floor, maybe that would give her an idea of the "private time" you need?!
It is a pleasure to have you here again, back where you "slide in" nicely!!!
just let it happen.jpg
Hi Dan,

I'm so happy to see you back in your "happy place". I hope you can get to watch a scene (with the sound down) as your favorite Tyler is due for a new scene with another cutie of about the same size as Tyler, Brody. The forum has been a bit quiet for the past week or so, but the usual "cast of characters" are still here and I look forward to your renewed participation here in forumland.

A great big :welcome: back danleeh!!!!
Hey there, glad to have you back!:001_wub: I am sorry to hear about your gran. Once you feel better, would you mind sharing a favorite story about her?
As always, I send you good thoughts...okay, dirty ones too!:bump: You might try piling a bunch of spunked-in tube socks on your floor, maybe that would give her an idea of the "private time" you need?!
It is a pleasure to have you here again, back where you "slide in" nicely!!!
View attachment 13220
hi Beth, thank you for the welcome back I really appreciate it and it's good to talk again, it would be an honour to share a story about her when I'm not so raw as she was a very special lady and she is greatly missed I just hope the pain gets easier. X
Hi, Dan. Sorry about your Gran. I'm delighted you are back with us if only now and again. Hugs and kisses.
Hi Dan,

I'm so happy to see you back in your "happy place". I hope you can get to watch a scene (with the sound down) as your favorite Tyler is due for a new scene with another cutie of about the same size as Tyler, Brody. The forum has been a bit quiet for the past week or so, but the usual "cast of characters" are still here and I look forward to your renewed participation here in forumland.

A great big :welcome: back danleeh!!!!
hi, it's good to be back and be able to be myself more freely again as it was very hard to restrain my true self back but its a matter of having no choice which was horrible, I'm just glad I was able to persuade her to give me this bit of privacy and I don't mind her making me keep the door open really as at the moment I need to be checked on regularly for my safety really. I've already watched a few scenes tonight with headphones in and I told her I was listening to music but I just had to hide the obvious and make sure I controlled my self as I cant "enjoy" them as much if u know what I mean. I really like Brody but I'm not to sure about the recent one yet though as I don't think he's my type but maybe he'll warm on me like many have before. Anyway thanks for the welcome back as it really does mean a lot to me. X
Hi, Dan. Sorry about your Gran. I'm delighted you are back with us if only now and again. Hugs and kisses
thank you it means a lot, I'm just glad im able to come back on here as it was missed, so even every now and again will be a breath of fresh air. X
Welcome back Dan. Glad your getting a little alone time to join us, we did miss you here. The pain of losing someone you love will in time turn into beautiful memories of them.
Welcome back Dan. Glad your getting a little alone time to join us, we did miss you here. The pain of losing someone you love will in time turn into beautiful memories of them.
hi, thank you Peter. I hope in time the pain will lessen as its painfull to remember at the moment but I guess that's natural. It's good to be back on here with you all though as I've missed it more than some may know. Dan x
Hey Dan, nice to see you back. Sorry that you've had a bad time and about your Gran. I won't treat you differently though, cos then you would think I've gone all softie lol. We gotta have our own not normal world in here I guess.
Hey My Sweet Baby Boy.
So good to see you posting. Don't over do it. Tyler will be back soon. Watch your blood pressure..I am so happy to have you back.
I know you missed us as much as we missed you. Enough about you let's talk about me. LOL
NA..I love you Sweet Man...
Your friend for as long as you want me.
Big Old Sloppy Kiss......johnny :sun:
Dan, I love you and I am standing here by your side. Reach over and I will hold your hand for as long as you need.

Welcome back Dan. Missed seeing you here and on Facebook. Hope you are at least comfortable and happy. Post often okay?
Hi everyone, I just wanted to let you all know that ill be back on here on and of again now as I've pleaded and been granted a tiny bit of privacy by my mum, when I say a tiny bit I mean I'm allowed back in my room but I'm not allowed to have my door closed at all as she still wants to be able to see me 24/7 as my healths not better but its likely to be like this for a while until they can get it under control but I couldn't hack going back into my fake self for any longer as its been horrible only having Facebook and twitter to use so I've had to agree to a compromise that suits us both, this means she will still be able to see me but luckily not what site I'm on as by tablet screen won't be facing the door. I'm not going to go into what's wrong with me as this is my way of escaping it for brief periods but I will tell you what the family problem was.

Over the last few weeks my gran had become really ill and sadly she has past away recently which is tough as she was the only family member that treated me and my brother equally and not favoured him, but what was worse is that because of my situation I have been unable to pay my last respects to her as I have not been able to go to her funeral.

Finally I just want to say thank you to all of you as I have read the threads and your love and concern means so much to me as as many of you know I have no friends in my physical life as they abandoned me when I became disabled and to have many of you care about me genuinely brought tears to my eyes and warms my heart. To those of you who messages me I would like to thank you even more as reading your messages and knowing I was missed meant alot to me, I apologise that I never messaged you back but I have been finding everything extremely tough as you can imagine and a I'm closer to Johnny as we message alot I spoke to him and asked him to pass on my love as I know that he would and that he did.

Once again I just want to thank you all and please know that your love and concern means alot to me so thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Dan x



Of course, everyone is glad you are back. It is so good to hear your voice again.

Like everyone, I was sad to hear about your Grandmother. It's a very painful thing, to lose someone you love. Dear Dan, though your health didn't allow you to pay your final respects to her upon that specific, formal, occasion (and that hurts): you have something that is far more important - the love and the bond that was (and is) between you.

Of course you are always missed, Dan. I am sorry to hear that friends of yours have not kept up with you, because of your disability. If they haven't, that's a reflection upon them, not you.

I feel confident in saying that, while I am sure everyone here has the deepest empathy for your struggles with health, and cares for you and supports you in all your are coping with ~ none of us sees you (in your heart and soul) as being "disabled". To us, you are simply Dan: bright, kind, and our friend.

Hang in there, Dan.

Hey Dan, nice to see you back. Sorry that you've had a bad time and about your Gran. I won't treat you differently though, cos then you would think I've gone all softie lol. We gotta have our own not normal world in here I guess.
hi jon, thank you, and thank you for not changing as well (I genuinely mean it) as that's why I won't discuss my my health problem as I just want to be treated like the plain thick Dan that I've always been as this is my brief escape from all my problems. Thanks again jon. X
Hey My Sweet Baby Boy.
So good to see you posting. Don't over do it. Tyler will be back soon. Watch your blood pressure..I am so happy to have you back.
I know you missed us as much as we missed you. Enough about you let's talk about me. LOL
NA..I love you Sweet Man...
Your friend for as long as you want me.
Big Old Sloppy Kiss......johnny :sun:
thank you Johnny and thank you for being there for me. I'm looking forward to seeing a Tyler scene as I've missed him in his scenes as as everyone knows he's my fav. I'll be careful not to over do it as my health always more important. My blood pressure on the other matter will be harder to control as when I see Tyler on screen I can almost guarantee that it will go through the roof so ill have to have the paramedics on standby lol. Ive missed everyone on here more than anyone can imagine so its so good to be back talking to you all.
I'm going to try and be on here this weekend to re familiarize my self with the forum and people and then through out the week it will be if I get the chance at night and if I'm not feeling to rough.Dan x
Dan, I love you and I am standing here by your side. Reach over and I will hold your hand for as long as you need.

thank you Louis this is so sweet and with the way my emotions are at the moment ill probably need people more than normal so thank you for being so kind and sweet as it means alot to me. Dan x


Of course, everyone is glad you are back. It is so good to hear your voice again.

Like everyone, I was sad to hear about your Grandmother. It's a very painful thing, to lose someone you love. Dear Dan, though your health didn't allow you to pay your final respects to her upon that specific, formal, occasion (and that hurts): you have something that is far more important - the love and the bond that was (and is) between you.

Of course you are always missed, Dan. I am sorry to hear that friends of yours have not kept up with you, because of your disability. If they haven't, that's a reflection upon them, not you.

I feel confident in saying that, while I am sure everyone here has the deepest empathy for your struggles with health, and cares for you and supports you in all your are coping with ~ none of us sees you (in your heart and soul) as being "disabled". To us, you are simply Dan: bright, kind, and our friend.

Hang in there, Dan.

thank you for saying all of this it means a lot and your words warm my heart more than you could know so thank you. I also appreciate what you said about not seeing me any different as that was my biggest fear when I first became disabled all that time ago and also when I told you all about my health and sad news so thank you. You are a very wise and special person so thank you again and its good to speak to I again. Dan x
hi jon, thank you, and thank you for not changing as well (I genuinely mean it) as that's why I won't discuss my my health problem as I just want to be treated like the plain thick Dan that I've always been as this is my brief escape from all my problems. Thanks again jon. X

Big hugs Dan. Of course you can always pm me if you want to discuss stuff, I'm actually a nice guy away from these boxes xx