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Feb 17, 2010
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Hi everyone,

Just wondering if anyone could give me some advice.
Im a bi-curious guy thats only just come out last year. Theres this straight guy that im good friends with and when were drunk he always kisses me and puts his hands all over my bottom. The thing is that when hes sober its a different story. Ill do almost anything for him as some times i feel like its my duty to take care of him. For example hell ring me (anytime of the day) and want me to pick him up and drop him off here there and everywhere.He askes for money all the time and i give it to him even though i no that im possibly getting used. But then hes all over me when hes drunk but most of the time im not really that drunk so i just push him away even though id love nothing better then to sleep with him. My problem is that i do so much for him and i just dont no how to say no. Hell only talk to me when he wants to. When its just me and him hes so sweet but when were around other people hes such an arshole. He keeps telling me that hes straight etc and yet i still run around after him hoping that one day hell realize that im the one for him..!! am i trying to hard and just getting used or am i just over reacting..???
Hi everyone,

Just wondering if anyone could give me some advice.
Im a bi-curious guy thats only just come out last year. Theres this straight guy that im good friends with and when were drunk he always kisses me and puts his hands all over my bottom. The thing is that when hes sober its a different story. Ill do almost anything for him as some times i feel like its my duty to take care of him. For example hell ring me (anytime of the day) and want me to pick him up and drop him off here there and everywhere.He askes for money all the time and i give it to him even though i no that im possibly getting used. But then hes all over me when hes drunk but most of the time im not really that drunk so i just push him away even though id love nothing better then to sleep with him. My problem is that i do so much for him and i just dont no how to say no. Hell only talk to me when he wants to. When its just me and him hes so sweet but when were around other people hes such an arshole. He keeps telling me that hes straight etc and yet i still run around after him hoping that one day hell realize that im the one for him..!! am i trying to hard and just getting used or am i just over reacting..???

Read what you wrote, then read it again, then one more time and you will see that you've answered your own question.
Unfortunately, I think that a lot of us have "been there, done that"
I have to agree with Jason. He knows how you feel about him, and yes he's taking advantage of the situation. I can think of several straight guys in my life who have similarly taken advantage of my desire for them.

So yes Jason, I too have "been there, done that".
yes, a guy i had a crush on in high school would give me attention and i loved it. so it turned into me doing anything for him, screw anyone else in my life, i was there to serve him. he even wanted to date my sister, and i knew it was a bad idea, but i let him do anything. whats mine is his pretty much. well this is now 6 years after the last time we spoke and people are still telling me how much he used me made them sick. dont put yourself out there for straight guys, most of them just take take take of the gay men that want them. now ive learned from this whole situation, i would get him drunk, have sex and be done with him. im not saying thats the best solution for you, being that sex complicates things for some people.
I'm with JW. Get him drunk again and do the deed. Just keep in mind he is not in love with you and after he should be so ashamed he prob. won't bother you again, but if not, cut him lose in any case. He will only continue to use you and keep you on the hook for a long time to come and if you think someday you two will fall in love and buy the house with the dogs and yard, etc, I here to tell you it will never happen. Guys like this learned long ago that they have a great ability to use people, and that is all he is doing. If I were you, I would at least get something out of it before I set him free, if you get the chance to sleep with go for it, you will always have that memory to look back on, then just cut him out and move on to a healthy relationship. Just my opinion.
What ever you do, I wish you the best of luck.....
Thank you so much everyone...!!! just knowing that theres other people out there that care and understand what its like is totally amazing. You don't understand how great-full i am for all the comments. Thank you all so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much

=) x x x x
Desire, you have really got the answer, not sure it’s the one you were looking or hoping for but you got it and it’s the same from all and even yourself if you did what Jason suggested. Protect yourself and your heart and gaze elsewhere. Best of luck to you my friend