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New Member
May 15, 2012
Reaction score
Hello everybody!

I tried Broke Straight Boys for a couple of months back in 2008 on the advice of a friend who used to be a member, and now, with that same friend's assistance, I'm back again to see all the changes. I was never a member of the forums before, so this is new. I actually came here looking for a way to send an email to management, but then I see this New Member Introduction thread so I have to say to fellow members: Hi! Hope to see you around the forums!

- Hannah
hello back at you!
at the bottom of the forum page are a bunch of names. look for Broke Straight Boys. click on his name and from there you can send a private message.

or you could post it here and management will see it.
Welcome Hannah! I hope that after you contact Mark(Broke Straight Boys) you will stick around the forum, and have some fun with us. We love new friends, and very few of us bite.
Welcome! Hope you find the forum as much fun as I have!
Hey HannahC,
Welcome to the site; it is really a fun place! I thinkyou will like the newer version of the site, there have been tons of changes. I really like talking on the forum and enjoying the boys! Hope to see you around. Also, take a look at the upcoming TV version of Broke Straight Boys....so hot!
That's in a name!

Welcome HannahC,

Beautiful name you have, Hannah. It can be written backwards and stays the same...

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Welcome back Hannah, If you haven't been back since 2008 things have really changed (for the better)lol Except for a few missed models from back in the day.
Thanks for all the kind welcomes!

And joninliverton, if my husband can say he is a lesbian trapped in a man's body, then I can be a gay man trapped in a woman's body! LOL! (I hope that was not politically incorrect.)
Thanks for all the kind welcomes!

And joninliverton, if my husband can say he is a lesbian trapped in a man's body, then I can be a gay man trapped in a woman's body! LOL! (I hope that was not politically incorrect.)

Hi Hannah, I'm so glad you came back to see your warm welcome.
Well, sorry for the quick turnaround, but it turns out I have to cancel this account. (It has been compromised.) I hope to return soon to a more secure situation. I love Broke Straight Boys!
Wow Hannah, welcome to the forum! Sorry I did not greet you before, I have been a bit busy. Always nice to have a fresh new face on the forum. Hope you enjoy your time here!