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Hello, Hello.....Anybody home?


Long time forumite
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
Brooklyn New York
The last post was made by Sha last night, almost twenty hours ago. As a "forever" forumite this has to be the "deadest" non holiday, non weekend day in the history of the forum. Does the inactivity on the forum indicate less members and less interest on the site? I don't know, but it don't look good to me. :001_unsure:

It has been a bit quiet hasn't it? Don't know why. Perhaps it is spring and a young man's thought turn to flights of fancy and old men are waiting long the path to fancy to entrap the same?

I saw this the other day and I thought of you sir.

Purely as an observer I have read every post over the past couple of years and my opinion on low forum participation is due to feel of an unwelcome membership. If someone starts up a second thread on a topic they get attacked, if someone gives a dissenting reply on a model they get attacked, if someone gives praise to a model that is not the top pick of others they get attacked. Their is a sense of entitlement that those that have posted the most perhaps feel that they should direct the conversation and start the threads, and for others not to step on that "tradition". Sometimes I read posts and there is a feeling of bullies trying hard to be it.
Perhaps if members actually felt welcomed to express their views more members would contribute.

As for me I enjoy reading the comments because I am a student of human interaction and I find humor and laughter in reading comments. Especially from this group of diverse folk.
juanjo who is that in the picture? Fuck he is sexy!!! Please tell me its not that Jimmy dude that used to be on here.
Purely as an observer I have read every post over the past couple of years and my opinion on low forum participation is due to feel of an unwelcome membership. If someone starts up a second thread on a topic they get attacked, if someone gives a dissenting reply on a model they get attacked, if someone gives praise to a model that is not the top pick of others they get attacked. Their is a sense of entitlement that those that have posted the most perhaps feel that they should direct the conversation and start the threads, and for others not to step on that "tradition". Sometimes I read posts and there is a feeling of bullies trying hard to be it.
Perhaps if members actually felt welcomed to express their views more members would contribute.

As for me I enjoy reading the comments because I am a student of human interaction and I find humor and laughter in reading comments. Especially from this group of diverse folk.

Thanks for your comments Observer, and on the one hand I sure hope you're right that all is well with Broke Straight Boys and the site and forum will be around for a long time to come as it has become my #1 online obsession. But on the other hand, as one of two longest term forumites, (along with Tampa who has been largely absent in recent weeks), it sure stings to feel like I or anyone else is "unwelcoming" to newbies, as has been said previously in recent times. My intention is never to inhibit anyone from posting, as I want this forum to be vibrant and alive with lot's of diverse different points of views. If I disagree with a post by a newbie or by a long time forumite, I will say so, but I never think that my opiion is any more valid or important than anyone else's.
Purely as an observer I have read every post over the past couple of years and my opinion on low forum participation is due to feel of an unwelcome membership. If someone starts up a second thread on a topic they get attacked, if someone gives a dissenting reply on a model they get attacked, if someone gives praise to a model that is not the top pick of others they get attacked. Their is a sense of entitlement that those that have posted the most perhaps feel that they should direct the conversation and start the threads, and for others not to step on that "tradition". Sometimes I read posts and there is a feeling of bullies trying hard to be it.
Perhaps if members actually felt welcomed to express their views more members would contribute.

As for me I enjoy reading the comments because I am a student of human interaction and I find humor and laughter in reading comments. Especially from this group of diverse folk.
My experience with the regulars on this forum is that they seem to be very nice and helpful when I have commented or have expressed an opinion. Especially Mikeyyank, funbillhy,betu and a few others, They certainly do have opinions and are not afraid to state them but in a nice way. With the exception of one user I won't name they are always polite and helpful while at the same time letting you know how they feel.
I forgot to mention Louis who has been quiet lately but he is another one that is very helpful when needed.

Anyway'' those are my thoughts and I hope you have a good experience on these forums and for my part...WELCOME!!!
My experience with the regulars on this forum is that they seem to be very nice and helpful when I have commented or have expressed an opinion. Especially Mikeyyank, funbillhy,betu and a few others, They certainly do have opinions and are not afraid to state them but in a nice way. With the exception of one user I won't name they are always polite and helpful while at the same time letting you know how they feel.
I forgot to mention Louis who has been quiet lately but he is another one that is very helpful when needed.

Anyway'' those are my thoughts and I hope you have a good experience on these forums and for my part...WELCOME!!!
Thanks for saying that cfinlasvegas, and not just about me, but about all the regulars here, as that's how I see it too. That's why it surprises me when I read a comment saying that we regulars are driving or keeping new people off the forum. So maybe it is a case of not being able to see the forest through the trees, but I love having "new blood" on the forum and hope that there is nothing I am doing or saying that is impacting the lack of activity on the forum negatively. :confused1:
My experience with the regulars on this forum is that they seem to be very nice and helpful when I have commented or have expressed an opinion. Especially Mikeyyank, funbillhy,betu and a few others, They certainly do have opinions and are not afraid to state them but in a nice way. With the exception of one user I won't name they are always polite and helpful while at the same time letting you know how they feel.
I forgot to mention Louis who has been quiet lately but he is another one that is very helpful when needed.

Anyway'' those are my thoughts and I hope you have a good experience on these forums and for my part...WELCOME!!!
Nice Post...
On a side note...I recently retired and as most do when they scale things back a little I looked at all my expenditures and re-evaluated everything and decided that Broke Straight Boys merited keeping solely because of the forum. Porn I can get free anywhere but the forum is unique and I'm glad these few people keep it active and a place for the rest of us to look at and comment when we are inspired.

Now as to the porn....thanks for Jessie and a few of the new ones but is it possible to get Zander Floyd back in? Just hoping...
On a side note...I recently retired and as most do when they scale things back a little I looked at all my expenditures and re-evaluated everything and decided that Broke Straight Boys merited keeping solely because of the forum. Porn I can get free anywhere but the forum is unique and I'm glad these few people keep it active and a place for the rest of us to look at and comment when we are inspired.

Now as to the porn....thanks for Jessie and a few of the new ones but is it possible to get Zander Floyd back in? Just hoping...

I'm sure Zander Floyd would not be "presentable" today; he is fully celebrating 420!:party0018:
Purely as an observer I have read every post over the past couple of years and my opinion on low forum participation is due to feel of an unwelcome membership. If someone starts up a second thread on a topic they get attacked, if someone gives a dissenting reply on a model they get attacked, if someone gives praise to a model that is not the top pick of others they get attacked. Their is a sense of entitlement that those that have posted the most perhaps feel that they should direct the conversation and start the threads, and for others not to step on that "tradition". Sometimes I read posts and there is a feeling of bullies trying hard to be it.
Perhaps if members actually felt welcomed to express their views more members would contribute.

As for me I enjoy reading the comments because I am a student of human interaction and I find humor and laughter in reading comments. Especially from this group of diverse folk.
Two different threads on Zeno Kostas and Michael.Nine posts so far. Some double posts.Don't think it is because people are made to feel unwelcome? Must be some other reason besides bullies?